Strategic Marketing - Assignment Brief

Note – sections in red may need to be customised.
Strategic Marketing - Assignment Brief
Semester X, 201X – XXX University
The assignment consists of three interrelated elements, all of which are based on the case, “Marketing
for transformational futures: The case of Marshalls PLC”. Please read the “Introduction” and
“Working with cases” sections before reading the case itself.
1. Team Assignment, Part 1 (20%). Provide a situational analysis of the assignment Case. Due
by[insert date] . Please see the questions you have to answer on page 3 of this document.
2. Team Assignment, Part 2 (20%). Following your situational analysis in A1.1, develop a
coherent and succinct document of strategic marketing recommendations to the Marshalls
management. Due by [insert date].
3. Team presentation of in-depth findings of one analysis from Part 1 (5% individual + 5%
team) + 1 page summary.
What is a progressive assessment?
Progressive assessment is where a project is graded more than once. This process gives you feedback
and grades as you complete project milestones. Use the feedback to get better marks on the next
component. Breaking assignments into components also allows you to ‘spread the risk’; you can still
do well if you get a bad mark on one component.
Having assessable tasks as part of an academic program serve to:
 encourage you to explore and understand the subject more fully,
 provide you with an indication of how much you have achieved as work progresses in a
project, and
 enhance your learning process because you have to ‘fix’ the work you have submitted.
Team assignment
Strategy is a team based activity. Simulating collaboration in a team assignment gives you a chance to
work on a business-case as a team based activity. This process is used at many good schools. It is
also the way business cases are put together in most corporations.
You are to form teams of four to six members; this is normally the number of managers involved in
strategic planning. Team membership must remain consistent for all assignments. If you eject a team
member, you will have to find a replacement. Similarly, if you leave a team, you will have to find
another team to join. This is a team assignment; no student can submit an individual assignment.
Teams will act as consultants in a strategic consulting firm. They report to the principal consultant
(i.e. the tutor/lecturer). Each team works on the same project, coordinating with other teams to
develop a comprehensive strategic solution to the business problem. Similar to the workplace, team
members are encouraged to exhibit professionalism and to get the project ‘in’ on time and to task.
Our pedagogy is adult centred learning; this means that we believe in self-moderating teams. This
also means that you have to sort out your own team problems - You must make your team function. In
light of this, choose your team members carefully; they may bring your grades down. I also suggest
you have a team leader who coordinates work and acts as a ‘whip’. Your team may elect to give this
person extra marks (please write to your professor about this).
All members are expected to enter into a written team contract. A template for this contract appears at
the end of this document. The contract should:
the expected grade,
stipulate assignment milestones,
roles and specific work to be handed in (time, person responsible), and
punitive measures for not performing the agreed upon roles (or not performing up to
standards expected by other members).
If you request instructors to mediate conflict, we will ask for your team’s contract. Take the contract
seriously as it is a legal document. It details your promises to your fellows. These promises will be
enforced by the unit chair. If you do not have a contract, the instructor will decide on the outcome.
Upon submission of an assignment/presentation, instructors will not mediate group problems. Once
you have put your team-member’s name on the assignment, they will be given the same number of
marks. Bring up problems during the course of the assignment and in plenty of time before
submission. This learning method enforces good practices for working in groups. Include your own
reflection of what you have learnt from being in a team in your assignments. This will form a graded
part of your assessment.
Detailed assignment brief
Team Assignment, Part 1 – case analysis
Your team will analyse the assignment case, namely “Marketing for transformational futures: The
case of Marshalls PLC”, which is in the green casebook that accompanies your text (Marketing
Strategy: Casebook by Edwards and Lee, 2013). You will answer these questions.
1. Define and characterize the industry Marshalls is operating in for the period leading up to
2012? Assess the industry’s attractiveness in 2012, be sure to provide evidence.
2. In terms of business and other types of sustainability, who are the company’s major
competitors/threats? Categorize them.
3. What critical issues did the company face in 2012?
4. What are the industry’s key success factors?
5. Based on your analyses, briefly describe your recommendations (e.g. the four Ps) to
Marshalls executives. These should cover 2013-14.
Part 1 is based on the strategic analytical methods covered in the first part of this course. Note that
analysis and critical thought is important. Mere ‘summary’ of the material from the case will be
awarded extremely low marks – read the Introduction of the Casebook, particularly the part about
working with cases, and come/listen to seminars regularly. The marking sheet for this assignment is
included at the end of this document.
For Part, you will write a maximum of 1500 words.
You are required to use graphics, charts and tables to present your solution clearly. Some tools to
generate these graphics may be available on the unit website and on the textbook website. In
business, people often respond better to ideas presented in tabular and graphical formats. Assignments
without graphs, flowcharts and tables will be awarded substantially lower marks. Look at the
“General Assignment Standards” section of this document for formatting guidelines.
Answers will be assessed for appropriateness and persuasiveness. Application of strategic marketing
concepts is expected. It is up to you how to present your analysis – for example, by answering
directly from the questions, using appropriate subtitles, and/or using a marketing report format. You
are to use only the material from the case. No research outside of the material provided in this
course is permitted. The aim is to analyse and make deductions from the evidence available, not
Success in this assignment (and in the business world) depends on your ability to communicate
effectively. You should apply a sustained effort on assignments throughout trimester – do not leave
writing to the last minute. Your write-up will be graded on the quality of your expression. Keep it
clear and concise.
Team Assignment, Part 2 - Strategic recommendations
Following your strategic analysis in Part 1, your team will prepare a document containing strategic
recommendations to cover Marshalls in the company’s markets for the period of 2014-16 (warning:
do not give us an operational plan). This plan must account for the constraints on the business’s
future. This plan should also suggest some alternative strategies if applicable; your job is to describe
the strategic thrusts needed to achieve one or more complementary strategic directions.
Using your analyses from Part 1 to explicitly and clearly justify your recommendations, the
anticipated outcomes, and the sort of market(s) you expect to operate in. Like Part 1, no additional
research is permitted. As your strategy follows your analyses, I suggest first fixing your analyses from
Part 1 if your marker found it unsound, as large sections of Part 1 are expected to appear in Part 2.
Your document will have a maximum of 3000 words (body only – all attachments do not count,
tables, charts, figures do not count). It should be of a professional (commercial) standard. Page and
late penalties are identical to Part 1. Your document should, at a minimum, include:
1. Executive summary
2. Table of contents
3. Introduction and background info (shortened)
4. Environmental analysis (shortened) –
historical, product/company/industry, consumer,
competitor, opportunity analysis
5. Strategy & positioning recommendations
- overall strategy – address PLC (e.g. growth,
7. Sales and profit objectives –which manager
does each obj.belong to? – key into org chart
8. Customer objectives – who are you going to
target for your obj to work? detail enough so that
the manager in charge of the objective can find
and sell to these customers
9. Financial impact statement
10. Monitoring and control
differentiation, diversification)
6. Marketing goals & objectives (inc your dfn of
SBU’s and a depiction of their relationship using
an organisational flow chart)
- marketing mix variables (strategy for 4Ps)
- performance analysis
- consumer data feedback
11. Conclusion
12. References
13. Appendices
In grading Part 2, your ability to overcome internal weaknesses, use strengths, and your ability to
cancel your competitors’/detractors’ SCAs are prime considerations. Other prime considerations for
grading is how all of the parts ‘fit together’ and address the outcomes of the internal and market
analysis in Part 1. You should strive to be clear and concise. The use of graphs and tables is greatly
encouraged as they provide a document that is graphic and easy to follow. The recommendations
must be coherent, and be strategic. I suggest that you “work” on your planning weekly, and not leave
it to the end. The plan should be the cumulative outcome of your planning and analysis work.
Case presentation
Each team will lead a discussion of the assignment case in different weeks of the course. This serves
as a part of the progressive development of the case solution.
The presentation should present a solution or an aspect of analysis not yet presented by other teams –
e.g. customer analysis, competitor analysis. Do not present your entire assignment, just one part of
your analysis in-depth. You should also prepare a very brief (1 page) word processed synopsis of your
presentation – this should not be a copy of presentation slides. Be careful to highlight the ‘theme’ of
the day’s talk. Point form is acceptable. The document can be a handout.
In grading, a heavier emphasis will be placed on presentation skills. You must have the role of host
(opens and closes the presentation, summary, introduces speakers), and speakers who present content.
We will be looking for individual performance as well as team performance. Presentation
expectations will be conveyed in the seminar. READING and use of NOTES during the
presentation = failing grade. You have done the research and know the information. Use the
presentation to tell us what you have found.
All team members must present. Your presentation is expected to be clear and address the application
of an analysis or framework to the case. Your team must nominate the week you will present.
Nominations will be on a first come first serve basis. The timeslots for presentation (weeks 4, 5, 6)
need to be booked by week 2, with your instructor by signing up to the presentation sheet in class
or by emailing Al Lee.
You will be awarded a ‘team’ and an ‘individual mark. These are:
Team mark (5%) consisting of
Written 1 page 2%
Discussion 3%
Individual mark (5%) consisting
Individual’s presentation
Concise, clear, appearance
counts – must answer topic (can
be handout)
Actively lead discussion, get
ideas from other class members
(e.g. brainstorming)
Professional dress, logic,
thinking, visuals, evidence of
Teams are expected to be ready for the presentation at the commencement of the allotted slot. You are
allotted 20 minutes for the presentation (10 minutes + questions).
How you will be assessed
Written assignments
• Logically and critically written, demonstrating understanding of material (50%)
• Quality and relevance of references + appropriate referencing system (30%)
• General presentation, including grammar, spelling, flow, layout, attractiveness, professional
looking written work (20%)
General Assignment Standards Note: these can be substituted with your university’s policy
A high standard of presentation in all regards is expected. All written assignments will be marked
accordingly. As a guide, the following requirements must be observed:
 Correctly referenced (Harvard Referencing), with a Reference List. Plagiarism (i.e.
copying) of any kind will not be tolerated. Please include a turn-it-in report.
 All pages numbered, cover page, TOC, headings, and paragraphs.
 Must be neat, free from spelling/punctuation mistakes, typographical errors and be
grammatically well-composed.
We assume that you have an adequate command of:
 Written and oral English – you are expected to understand, and be able to express
yourself in written assignments and oral presentations according to prevailing Australian
business standards,
 Basic mathematical and statistical skills,
 Basic computing and internet use and Library research skills, and
 Word processing and presentation skills.
This unit requires a substantial amount of reading and preparation. If you are not well-versed in any of
these areas, you should make every effort to learn these skills by undertaking additional reading
and/or practice in your own time. Do not hesitate to ask your instructor about the level of work
Assignment, Part 1 – Marking sheet
Strategic Marketing
Group members names
Subjective comments
Suitable? Critically written
Critical issues
KSF/Competitive strength
Well articulated?
Logically written
Graphs + figures?
Can I understand it?
Do the parts fit together?
Is it understandable?
Are these explained?
Easy to follow?
Do I have to flip back and
forth to understand what
you are writing?
Do I have to re-read your
writing because of language
Referencing style correct?
Each mistake -.25 marks
until 0 marks achieved.
Page numbers, headings,
figure numbers, graph
numbers, table numbers.
(each missing -.25 marks
until 0 marks)
for each member
Language + grammar +
(each mistake -.25 marks
until 0 marks achieved)
Harvard. In-text and endtext.
Attached at the end of
General comments (this is feedback)
Turn-it-in report? Yes/No
Assignment, Part 2 – Marking sheet
Strategic Marketing
Group members’ names
Subjective comments
Suitable based on analysis
from Part 1? Critically
Well articulated?
Logically written
Do the different parts
Graphs + figures?
Easy to follow?
Language + grammar +
Referencing style correct?
Each mistake ‐ .25 marks
until 0 marks achieved.
Page numbers, headings,
figure numbers, graph
numbers, table numbers.
(each missing ‐ .25
marks until 0 marks)
(each mistake ‐ .25 marks
until 0 marks achieved)
for each member
General comments (this is feedback)
Turn‐ it‐ in report? Yes/No Yes
Presentation marking sheet
Presentation copy
Overall numerical mark
Specific positives
Marking guide
(+) Excellent
Organization and presentation
Organization of presentation
Speaker balance
Q& A
Overall team mark
Specific negatives
() Acceptable
(-) Poor
Situational analysis
Is the material presented using an angle
that aids understanding?
Strategic analyses
Strategic recommendations
Supporting material for analyses
Did the parts ‘gel’ together?
Marking guide
(+) Excellent
() Acceptable
(-) Poor
Individual mark /5
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
Content appropriate
Individual mark
Content appropriate
Individual mark
Individual mark /5
Speaker 4
Speaker 3
Content appropriate
Individual mark
Content appropriate
Individual mark
Individual mark /5
Speaker 6
Speaker 5
Content appropriate
Individual mark
Content appropriate
Individual mark
Strategic Marketing Team Contract
Teams must consist of members attending the same tutorial. The tutor’s permission is required if you
wish to have teams fewer than 4 members. We prefer 6 per team. Please nominate a group leader.
Tutor’s Name:______________________________________________________
Tutorial Day:___________________ Tutorial Time:________________________
Group Members (Names, Student ID, contact information, and signature):
Teams will endeavour to resolve disputes within the group. If you are experiencing difficulties with
group interaction mechanics and cannot work it out, please approach your tutor prior to handing any
work in. The teaching staff will not mediate any complaints that arise after work is handed in.
All members will get the same mark for group-work unless there is a dispute. In the case of a dispute
that cannot be resolved, each member will have to complete a confidential peer-evaluation form that
states the percentage of marks awarded to the other group members. The final grade awarded to each
group member will be an average of what their peers have awarded them.
Please hand this form to your tutor by Week 3 of semester. Your tutor will keep this form on
file until the results for this unit are released.
Tutorial Make-Up Attendance Sheet
This sheet is to be signed by the tutor in the make-up tutorial. It is to be countersigned by the tutor in
your assigned tutorial. Your normal tutor will keep this slip for records. Even with make-up tutorials,
missing more than three of your regularly scheduled tutorials will result in a lower mark. You can
miss a maximum of three tutorials.
Student name
Student ID
Normal tute
Normal tutor
Make-up time/date
Make-up tutor
Student name
Student ID
Normal tute
Normal tutor
Make-up time/date
Make-up tutor
Student name
Student ID
Normal tute
Normal tutor
Make-up time/date
Make-up tutor