Session 9 - Positive ROI on Recruiting & Utilizing Diverse Businesses

Business Case and ROI for America
Daryl M. Hodnett
Supplier Diversity –Business Case and ROI for America
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute
August 5
Daryl M. Hodnett
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
Daryl M. Hodnett
• Director-Supplier Diversity and Small Business Development at University of
Missouri System
• Previously-Trainer and Facilitator for Diversity Information Resources (20062014)
• 15 Years building Procter & Gamble’s Supplier Diversity effort (1991-2006)
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
U.S. Automakers—Building Consumer Loyalty
Losing ground to imports
Detroit: How do we help rebuild the city?
Future and current demographics
Developed a business case that could work within their business units
Toyota, Honda have adopted this effort (Based on having U.S. Mfg. plants)
All 5 companies spend more than $1BN annually
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
Consumer Products—Reaching the New America
• 2040—50% America is minority (California already there)
• Hispanic and AA population boom with birth rates 1-2x whites
(immigration as well)
• P&G is CPG leader—Only CPG company over $2BN in SD spend,
Pepsi and J&J $1BN
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
Advocacy Groups—Not why you should do it!
• Companies that have had “significant history” with discriminatory
• Have had federal government intervention
• Understood it is “bad for business”.
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
Business-to-Business: Pleasing your customer!
• Major customers ask suppliers to create supplier diversity efforts
• A long-standing practice (joint ventures) in construction industry-public
• Automakers started the “2nd Tier” initiative from corporate side
• Johnson Controls has created joint ventures and strategic partnerships—
making them incredibly competitive
• Many suppliers (Office products, foodservice, etc.) have efforts to report
spending to us—competitive advantage
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
Colleges and University’s Must develop compelling reasons
for Supplier Diversity– It’s about “BUTTS in SEATS” for our
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
What we’ve recommended at UM System and its 4
Developed a comprehensive 5-year Plan (FY 2014-2018)
Tactical links to the University Strategic Plan
Focus on “Where we’ll Play” and “How we’ll Win”
Working on defining “Why we Play”
Roadmap allows us to go “sell” Supplier Diversity clearly
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
4 key focus areas—”Where we Play!”:
– Increase direct spend of Supplier Diversity at UM
• Implement a formal 2nd Tier program with goals and
– Expand Missouri’s educational focus of M/WBE’s
– Leverage SD to increase UM’s image and reputation for overall
– Help lead the conversation in Missouri (state institutions and
private sector) on SD
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
4 key focus areas—”How we’ll Win!”:
– 15% of total annual spend by FY 2018
• Design/Construction and Procurement
• 5 year goal of cumulative $500MM in total spend
• $6MM annual 2nd Tier spend by 2018 (Less than $1MM today)
– Expand Missouri’s educational focus of M/WBE’s
– If we succeed, market and sell our work in diversity
• Can help with minority recruiting of students and parents
• UM “looks/feels” diversity friendly
• Can be part of the “Go-to-Market” strategy to win with ethnic students in
the future
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014
Why we Play…How we’ll Win!
NAEP Supplier Diversity Institute l Chicago, IL l August 4 – 5, 2014