World History I Agenda Nov. 9 & Nov. 10, 2011 Religions By the end

World History I Agenda
Nov. 9 & Nov. 10, 2011
By the end of this unit, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the civilizations of
Persia, India, and China in terms of chronology, geography, social structures, government,
economy, religion, and contributions to later civilizations by:
1. Locating these civilizations by time and place.
2. Explain the development of language and writing.
3. Describe the development of social, political, and economic patters in each civilization.
By the end of today, students will be able to
1. Define monotheism.
2. Understand the beliefs of Judaism.
3. Know the important people in Judaism.
4. Describe origins , beliefs, and development of Hinduism.
Judaism Questions
Acrostic Poem
Part I: Warm Up (5-10): Individual
Flip your agenda over and answer the questions on the board.
Part II: Miscellaneous (10-15 minutes): Entire Class
Everyone will complete a self evaluation and receive their 1 st quarter grade sheet. I will explain
how we will do warm ups.
Part III: Abraham/Moses Questions (20-30 minutes): Pairs
Answer the questions on your handout.
Part IV: Hinduism (15-20 minutes): PowerPoint
Let’s learn about Hinduism! Follow along and take notes.
Part V: Acrostic Poem (15-20 minutes): Individual
Now that you have learned about Hinduism, using the letters on the handout write a word,
phrase or sentence for each letter in the word Hinduism.
Get self evaluation signed by parent!!
Tentative Unit at a glance
11/9 & 11/10: Religions: Hinduism
11/11 & 11/14: Religions: Buddhism
11/15 & 11/16: Mediterranean People/Religions Quiz Begin New Unit: Philosophies - Confucianism
11/17 & 11/18: Daoism
11/21 & 11/22: Legalism
11/23-11/25: FALL BREAK – NO SCHOOL
11/28 & 11/29: Philosophies Quiz/Begin New Unit: Greece