English 460:110 Advanced Studies in Secondary English Complete Course Calendar Fall 2015 TR 8:00-9:15 a.m. pwheeler1@tamuct.edu This calendar is tentative. Changes may arise; I will keep you informed. UNIT 1: WRITTEN COMPOSITION Course Objectives: Unit Objectives: •Produce a written composition using the stages of writing as a process •Demonstrate proper language and grammar usage in written assignments •Create metacognitive journal entries on classroom readings •Complete a personal narrative, taking the paper through the stages of the writing process •Demonstrate mastery of language and grammar usage in the written composition •Complete dialectical journal entries for the readings assigned •Peer review written compositions of others through a clocking exercise WEEK 1 Tuesday, August 25 Course Overview: Syllabus and Calendar; Interactive Notebook Setup Interactive Notebook Jigsaw Part III, ch. 8 in Tchudi, pp. 135-153 Begin journal entries Assignment: Finish Tchudi, Part III and complete online dialectical entries Be thinking about and choosing a Shakespeare play to work with. Thursday, August 27 DUE: Complete Tchudi, Part III and complete dialectical entries online and in interactive notebook IN CLASS: Workshop on Lesson Planning WEEK 2 Tuesday, September 1 DUE: No assignment due IN CLASS: Composition workshop Thursday, September 3 Code Clue DUE: Draft 1 of writing assignment Read In the Middle, chapter1 and 2 and complete online and dialectical entries in interactive notebook Decode IN CLASS: Ratiocination (Bring colored markers.) If time, begin conferencing. WEEK 3 Tuesday, September 8 DUE: Draft 2 of writing assignment IN CLASS: Grouping/Conferencing Thursday, September 10 English 460-110 Fall 2015 DUE: Final copy of writing assignment (Clocking—Bring flash drive and markers or white out and black pen) IN CLASS: Clocking on Final Paper •Discuss Portfolios Assignment: Have at least two short stories chosen for next class. TR Wheeler Page 1 UNIT 2: SHORT STORY Course Objectives: Unit Objectives: •Explore various genres of typical high school English curriculum •Research the theory and literature necessary to create a unit of study •Demonstrate proper language and grammar usage in written assignments •Deliver oral presentations on each unit of study •Create metacognitive journal entries on classroom readings •Document sources appropriately using the MLA format •Complete dialectical journal entries for the readings assigned •Create a short story unit appropriate for the grade level chosen •Prepare and deliver an oral presentation to share with the class •Document sources appropriately using the MLA format •Demonstrate mastery of language and grammar usage in publishing the unit WEEK 4 Tuesday, September 15 DUE: Read Tchudi, Part I, Ch. 1-4. pp. 7-69 and complete dialectical entries online and in interactive notebook IN CLASS: Workshop on Short Story Unit Thursday, September 17 DUE: Bring short story materials gathered so far to discuss. IN CLASS: Discuss short stories and work on project WEEK 5 Tuesday, September 22 DUE: Bring short story materials gathered so far to discuss. IN CLASS: Discuss short stories and work on project Thursday, September 24 DUE: Bring short story materials gathered so far to discuss. IN CLASS: Discuss short stories and work on project WEEK 6 Tuesday, September 29 DUE: Short Story Unit with one-day lesson plan IN CLASS: Student teaching lessons on Short Story Unit Assignment: Have your Shakespeare play chosen and hopefully read by next class. English 460-110 Fall 2015 TR Wheeler Page 2 UNIT 3: SHAKESPEARE Course Objectives: Unit Objectives: Thursday, October 1 •Explore various genres of typical high school English curriculum •Research the theory and literature necessary to create a unit of study •Demonstrate proper language and grammar usage in written assignments •Deliver oral presentations on each unit of study •Create metacognitive journal entries on classroom readings •Document sources appropriately using the MLA format •Complete dialectical journal entries for the readings assigned •Create a Shakespeare unit appropriate for the grade level chosen •Prepare and deliver an oral presentation to share with the class •Document sources appropriately using the MLA format •Demonstrate mastery of language and grammar usage in publishing the unit DUE: Think of a theme you would like to plan for a three-week unit. IN CLASS: Workshop on Shakespeare Unit WEEK 7 Tuesday, October 6 DUE: Read Tchudi, Part II, Ch. 5-7 and complete dialectical entries online and in interactive notebook Bring Shakespeare materials accrued so far to discuss IN CLASS: Discuss Tchudi, Part II . Thursday, October 8 DUE: Bring Shakespeare materials accrued so far to discuss IN CLASS: Discuss Shakespeare and work on project. WEEKS 8-9 INSTRUCTOR WILL BE GONE OCTOBER 10-22 TO BE COMPLETED FOR CLASS OCTOBER 27 Shakespeare Unit with one-day lesson plan Student teaching lesson(s) on Shakespeare Unit WEEK 10 Tuesday, October 27 DUE: Shakespeare Unit with one-day lesson plan IN CLASS: Student teaching lesson(s) on Shakespeare Unit English 460-110 Fall 2015 TR Wheeler Page 3 UNIT 4: POETRY Course Objectives: Unit Objectives: Thursday, October 29 •Explore various genres of typical high school English curriculum •Research the theory and literature necessary to create a unit of study •Demonstrate proper language and grammar usage in written assignments •Deliver oral presentations on each unit of study •Create metacognitive journal entries on classroom readings •Document sources appropriately using the MLA format •Complete dialectical journal entries for the readings assigned •Create a poetry unit appropriate for the grade level chosen •Prepare and deliver an oral presentation to share with the class •Document sources appropriately using the MLA format •Demonstrate mastery of language and grammar usage in publishing the unit DUE: Read Tchudi, Part IV, Ch. 11-13 and complete dialectical entries online and in interactive notebook Read Atwell, In the Middle, chapter 13 (Poetry) and complete online dialectical entries in interactive notebook IN CLASS: Workshop on Poetry Unit (Bring scissors and glue) WEEK 11 Tuesday, November 3 DUE: Bring poetry materials gathered so far to discuss. IN CLASS: Writing and sharing poetry Thursday, November 5 DUE: Bring poetry materials gathered so far to discuss. Favorite sayings from books, newspapers, magazines, poetry, etc. IN CLASS: Writing and sharing poetry WEEK 12 Tuesday, November 10 DUE: Bring poetry materials gathered so far to discuss. IN CLASS: Writing and sharing poetry Thursday, November 12 DUE: Poetry Unit due with one-day lesson plan IN CLASS: Student teaching lessons on poetry. Bring copies of poem for each student to read/work with. English 460-110 Fall 2015 TR Wheeler Page 4 UNIT 5: THREE-WEEK LESSON PLAN Course Objectives: Unit Objectives: • Explore various genres of typical high school English curriculum •Research the theory and literature necessary to create a unit of study •Demonstrate proper language and grammar usage in written assignments •Deliver oral presentations on each unit of study •Create metacognitive journal entries on classroom readings •Document sources appropriately using the MLA format •Complete dialectical journal entries for the readings assigned •Create a three-week lesson plan appropriate for the grade level chosen •Prepare and deliver an oral presentation to share with the class •Document sources appropriately using the MLA format •Demonstrate mastery of language and grammar usage in publishing the unit WEEK 13 Tuesday, November 17 DUE: An idea for your 3-week lesson plan IN CLASS: Workshop on 3-week lesson plans (refer to layered book) Discuss lesson plans and work on project Thursday, November 19 DUE: Lesson plan materials completed so far to discuss IN CLASS: Discuss lesson plans and work on project WEEK 14 Tuesday, November 17 DUE: Lesson plan materials completed so far to discuss IN CLASS: Discuss lesson plans and work on project Thursday, November 26 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY WEEK 15 Tuesday, December 1 DUE: Lesson plan materials completed so far to discuss Interactive Notebooks Portfolio IN CLASS: Discuss lesson plans and work on project Thursday, December 3 DUE: Last day of class before finals Three-week Lesson Plan due IN CLASS: In groups, students discuss one day included in their unit. WEEK 16 Tuesday, December 8 English 460-110 Fall 2015 FINAL EXAM AND REFLECTION—Turn in Reflection of course—Post on Blackboard as a journal entry TR Wheeler Page 5 *************************************************************************** Assignment Due Date Point Value Points Earned Written composition September 10 12 points ________ Short Story Unit September 29 16 points ________ Shakespeare Unit October 27 16 points ________ Poetry Unit November 12 16 points ________ Interactive Notebook December 1 10 points ________ Three-week lesson plan December 3 20 points ________ Online Journal Entries (as assigned) 5 points ________ Final Exam and Reflection 5 points ________ December 8 _______________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 100 points ________ ********************************************************************************* Due Dates for Reading Assignments (Assignments should be included in your interactive notebook): Wednesday, August 26 Tchudi, Part III (ch. 8-10) ________ Wednesday, September 2 In the Middle, (ch. 1 & 2) ________ Monday, September 14 Tchudi, Part I (ch. 1-4) ________ Monday, October 5 Tchudi, Part II (ch. 5-7) ________ Wednesday, October 28 Tchudi, Part IV (ch. 11-13) ________ Wednesday, October 28 In the Middle, (ch. 13) ________ English 460-110 Fall 2015 TR Wheeler Page 6