GIS - the best way to create ugly maps FAST or GIS roots in Cartography More bad maps… Representing and Transforming • Graphic symbols • size, symbology, value, saturation, shape, arrangement, texture, focus • Classification procedures are used to ease user interpretation • Natural, quantile, equal interval, s.d. • Cartogram transformations distort area or distance for some specific reason More examples: US Transportation Survey Georeferencing Is essential in GIS, since all information must be linked to the Earth’s surface The method of georeferencing must be: Unique, linking information to exactly one location Shared, so different users understand the meaning of a georeference Persistent through time, so today’s georeferences are still meaningful tomorrow Georeferences as Measurements Some georeferences are metric They define location using measures of distance from fixed places Others are based on ordering E.g., distance from the Equator or from the Greenwich Meridian E.g. street addresses in most parts of the world order houses along streets Others are only nominal Placenames do not involve ordering or measuring Placenames The earliest form of georeferencing Many names of geographic features are universally recognized And the most commonly used in everyday activities Others may be understood only by locals Names work at many different scales From continents to small villages and neighborhoods Postal Addresses and Postcodes Every dwelling and office is a potential destination for mail Dwellings and offices are arrayed along streets, and numbered accordingly Streets have names that are unique within local areas Local areas have names that are unique within larger regions If these assumptions are true, then a postal address is a useful georeference Where Do Postal Addresses Fail as Georeferences? In rural areas Urban-style addresses have been extended recently to many rural areas For natural features Lakes, mountains, and rivers cannot be located using postal addresses When numbering on streets is not sequential E.g. in Japan Linear Referencing A system for georeferencing positions on a road, street, rail, or river network Combines the name of the link with an offset distance along the link from a fixed point, most often an intersection Users of Linear Referencing Transportation authorities To keep track of pavement quality, signs, traffic conditions on roads Police To record the locations of accidents Converting Georeferences GIS applications often require conversion of projections and ellipsoids Street addresses must be converted to coordinates for mapping and analysis These are standard functions in popular GIS packages Using geocoding functions Placenames can be converted to coordinates using gazetteers Latitude and Longitude The most comprehensive and powerful method of georeferencing Metric, standard, stable, unique Uses a well-defined and fixed reference frame Based on the Earth’s rotation and center of mass, and the Greenwich Meridian Latitude and the Ellipsoid Latitude (of the blue point) is the angle between a perpendicular to the surface and the plane of the Equator WGS 84 Radius of the Earth at the Equator 6378.137 km Flattening 1 part in The “Unprojected” Projection Assign latitude to the y axis and longitude to the x axis A type of cylindrical projection Is neither conformal nor equal area As latitude increases, lines of longitude are much closer together on the Earth, but are the Also known as the Plate Carrée or Cylindrical Equidistant Projection Map Projections A map projection is a set of rules for transforming features from the three-dimensional earth onto a two-dimensional display. No flat representation of the earth can be completely accurate, so many different projections have been developed, each suited to a particular purpose. Map projections differ in the way they handle four properties: Area, Angles, Distance and Direction. Rules: 1. No projection can preserve all four simultaneously, although some combinations can be preserved, such as Area and Direction 2. No projection can preserve both Area and Angles, however. The map-maker must decide which property is most important and choose a projection based on that. Learn more: Map Projection Different Plane Locations and Viewpoints Normal or Polar Oblique Transverse or Equatorial Different families of projections azimuthal cylindrical conic Distortion patterns Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) • Projection properties – All Transverse properties – Standard line is a meridian – 60 zone divided • Projection uses – World Map conformal equal area direction distance Robinson’s projection Uses tabular coordinates rather than mathematical formulas to make the world "look right." Directions true along all parallels and along central meridian Distances constant along Equator and other parallels Projection properties • Compromise Projection uses • conformal World atlas maps equal area direction distance State Plane Coordinates Defined in the US by each state Some states use multiple zones Several different types of projections are used by the system Provides less distortion than UTM Preferred for applications needing very high accuracy, such as surveying Mapping Lab Geographic Data Models and GeoDatabases Geographic Data Models Vector and Raster - two main families Representation of geographic information: – Raster: location controlled, attribute measured values 3 43 are stored in ordered array, so that position in the array defines geographic location 12 3 45 21 3 5 (v1,v2) – Vector: attribute controlled, location 15 40 2 15 24 V measured 10 64 geographic coordinates are stored separately from attributes, connected with Identifiers Rasters • How to represent phenomena conceived as fields or discrete objects? • Raster • • • • • Divide the world into square cells Register the corners to the Earth Represent discrete objects as collections of one or more cells Represent fields by assigning attribute values to cells More commonly used to represent fields than discrete objects • Characteristics: • Pixel size • The size of the cell or picture element, defining the level of spatial detail • All variation within pixels is lost • Assignment scheme • The value of a cell may be an average over the cell, or a total within the cell, or max, or min, or the commonest value in the cell, or presence/absence, or… • It may also be the value found at the cell’s central point, or systematic analigned Legend Mixed conifer Douglas fir Oak savannah Grassland Raster representation. Each color represents a different value of a nominalscale field denoting land cover class. The mixed pixel problem Water dominates Winner takes all Edges separate W W G W G G W E G W W G W W G W E G W W G W G G E E G Methods of Grid Encoding • point-based • center point (regular grid) -DEMs, - but what if periodicity in landscape?; what if pop. density? • systematic unaligned (random in a cell) • area-based • • • • • • (have to integrate info...) extreme value (max or min) total (sum, like reflected light) predominant type (most common) presence/absence (binary result) percent cover (% covered by single category) precedence of types (highest ranking) RASTERS… • Each cell can be owned by only one feature. • Rasters are easy to understand, easy to read and write, and easy to draw on the screen. A grid or raster maps directly onto an array. • Grids are poor at representing points, lines and areas, but good at surfaces. • Grids are a natural representation for scanned or remotely sensed data. • Grids suffer from the mixed pixel problem. • Grid compression techniques used in GIS are runlength encoding and quad trees. Rasters and vectors can be flat files … if they are simple Vector-based line Raster-based line Flat File 4753456 4753436 4753462 4753432 4753405 4753401 4753462 4753398 623412 623424 623478 623482 623429 623508 623555 623634 Flat File 0000000000000000 0001100000100000 1010100001010000 1100100001010000 0000100010001000 0000100010000100 0001000100000010 0010000100000001 0111001000000001 0000111000000000 0000000000000000 Compacting Raster from simple matrix to... encoding ...row differences encoding, TIFF ...Quadtrees, Morton numbers 0 203 1 3 1 21 Vector - Land Records Surveyed feature 20.37’ 26.23’ 13 12 30.5’ 26.23’ GIS Survey Link / Survey point / / / / / 9 Computation Vector Data Structure Alternatives 1 Development trends: – increasing complexity, refining logic – making geographic relationships EXPLICIT Spaghetti files (1974...) – the original CIA format – lines and points which the reader must organize Polygon loops (location lists): – polygons stored as objects, polygon shading is easy, IF CORRECT! – problems: common line defined twice; slivers between adjacent polygons because boundaries not necessarily the same (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3) (x5,y5) (x4,y4) (x6,y6) Vector Data Structure Alternatives 2 Point dictionary – polygon descriptions refer to lists of fixed points with coordinates (point dictionaries) – similar to polygon loops, but instead of coordinates of vertices in polygon descriptions - IDs of vertices Topological data structure 1 2 3 5 4 – Organizes Points, Lines, and Areas as Nodes, Chains, and Polygons – The model: nodes bound chains, chains co-bound polygons; chains co-bound nodes, polygons co-bound chains... – the structure stores topological relationships between nodes, chains, and polygons; these relationships are used in defining chains through nodes, polygons through chains, etc. – Provides for contiguity, better quality control... Topology TOPOLOGY: study of basic spatial relationships based on intuitive notions of space (those not requiring numerical measurements); fundamental level of mathematics of space; Topology IS NOT topography – TOPOGRAPHY: measurement/representation of earth elevation and related features (a form of general/ reference map) Why topology in cartography/GIS – lines are coded once - avoids redundancy – data quality issue: [topo]-logical consistency Basic arc topology 3 n2 2 A 1 n1 B Topological Arcs File Arc 1 From To PL PR n1x n1y n2x n2y n1 n2 A B x y x y Tracking Topological Relationships Connectivity – nodes bound chains – chains bound polygons in turn, – chains are bounded by nodes – polygons are bounded by chains Node table ID 1 2 3 4 1 III 2 B 3 IV A I U II V C VI 4 Point table ID a b c d … Chains <list> <list> <list> <list> Polygon table ID Chains A <list> B <list> C <list> U <list> Coord <x,y> <x,y> <x,y> <x,y> <…> Chain table ID I II III IV V VI Vertices <list> <list> <list> <list> <list> <list> From 1 1 1 3 4 2 To 4 2 3 2 3 4 Left A U B B A U Right U B A C C C Typical Digitizing Situations this is ideal, but... undershoot, and what to do overshoot, and what to do with it Planar Enforcement Is Not Enough • Interrelationships between semantic and spatial structures Each string is marked with left and right labels Trying to assemble polygons from these strings: there may be more than one label “to the left” of all strings forming a closed polygon… a standard topological error... However, these labels may be in container relationship in a domain map Automatic labeling results… 3 4 1 2 Special Cases: 1 B: basal nucleus of Meynert (C0004788) LGP: lateral globus pallidus, C0262267 Basal nucleus cells (B) are within LGP, but their precise locations not known polygon is coded LGP, B is a secondary descriptor Special Cases: 3 DG: dentate gyrus, C0152314 PoDG: polymorph layer of the dentate gyrus CA1: field CA1 of hippocampus (C0019564) All of them have a common parent: hippocampus a common parent is used to label polygon; polylines are labeled separately Spatial Types – OGC Simple Features Geometry Point SpatialReferenceSystem Curve Surface LineString Polygon Line LinearRing Composed Type Relationship GeometryCollection MultiSurface MultiCurve MultiPolygon MultiLineString MultiPoint Elements of a Geodatabase Geometric Network Feature Dataset Relationship Class Feature Class Annotation Class Object Class The Geodatabase Data Model Feature Datasets Container Same spatial reference Analogous to a coverage The Geodatabase Data Model Object and Feature Behavior End users and data modelers can : • Instantiate classes with predefined behavior • Control the default value and acceptable values for any attribute in a class (domains) • Partition the objects in a class into like groups (subtypes) • Control the general and network relationships in which an object can participate Rule based, no programming required The Geodatabase Data Model Validation Rules Attribute domains Connectivity rules Relationship rules ... are stored in the Geodatabase Custom rules ... are code based The Geodatabase Data Model Domains in ArcMap Attribute editor uses domain values Identifies illegal values Provides legal value lists The Geodatabase Data Model Pole Attachments Composite relationship: pole to transformer Select a pole and move it …the transformer follows The Geodatabase Data Model Geometric Networks Feature Classes Valve Geometric Network Service Feed Lateral Main The Geodatabase Data Model Direct Multi User Editing Editor A Editor B Editor C Editing, Long Transaction and Versioning Conflict Resolution Conflicts are automatically detected Conflicting FeatureClass Conflicting feature(s) Options to resolve conflict Versions Conflicting field Editing, Long Transaction and Versioning Spatial Relations Equals – same geometries Disjoint – geometries share common point Intersects – geometries intersect Touches – geometries intersect at common boundary Crosses – geometries overlap Within– geometry within Contains – geometry completely contains Overlaps – geometries of same dimension overlap Relate – intersection between interior, boundary or exterior Contains Relation Touches Relation Spatial Methods Distance – shortest distance Buffer – geometric buffer ConvexHull – smallest convex polygon geometry Intersection – points common to two geometries Union – all points in geometries Difference – points different between two geometries