About Me - kevinhaugh.com

About Me
Paul Manoppo
Main Menu
Main Menu
My goals
Future Plans
This is the main menu of where things are. All
the buttons are on the right and it will take you
to where my hobby menu is, to my goals, to my
background, and to my future plans. My
background has everything about me and my
parents and about the country of where I came
from. My hobbies menu will talk about where
my hobbies are and what they are. My goals has
everything I want and would like to achieve
some day.
I was born in Manado, Indonesia and the
picture on the far left of the corner on
top, has a link that takes you to where I
was born which is Manado, Indonesia. My
birthdate is January 24, 2001. My family
and I used to live on an island of Una Una.
My grandfather was a Dutchman and he
taught me some Dutch, although he died
when I was very young. While I was living
in Una Una my parents left me there with
my uncle, although he was a devoted
Muslim he was very vitally kind to my
family and me. Jobs on that island were
vitally scarce so many people became
fishermen instead, even kids were
supposed to help out during the fishing
trip, although it was very dangerous it was
the only way for people on that island to
live. We were a devoted Christian family
even though my uncle was a Muslim, my
mother’s sister which is my uncle’s wife,
she was also a Christian, although we
were in two different religion, religion
never kept us apart.
Main Menu
Future Plans
When I grow up, I would like to be a movie
maker and make music videos for people on
YouTube. Making videos and music videos is
something that I always wanted to do after I
was inspired by all the famous people like Sam
Smith, Bruno mars, and Ed Sheeran they were
really good at making songs. I also would like to
make my own songs when I grow up, just like
how Sam Tsui and Juhn Curry Ahn. They play
music that are very moving and sometimes I
think that they should be the owner of the
songs that they were playing because it was
better than the real author who first created it.
I would like to make music videos and write
songs just like Ed Sheeran many more like Alan
Jackson and his country songs.
Personal Goals
When I grow up I would like to do two things, become a
professional swimmer and become a professional golfer at the
same time. Why I want to do this? Swimming is like a piece of
art with techniques that I believe will help me in my future
days. Golf is also an art with techniques that are vitally inspiring
to me, golf can be vitally boredom to a large society but this is
the true meaning of sport, no one is being hurt and no one is
cheating unlike many other sports, soccer and basketball there
are always injuries that is always occurring while people play
those types of sports. Becoming a professional golfer and
swimmer is the goals that I would like to do.
Main Menu
Hobbies/Interests Menu
My Music
My hobbies are making music videos, playing
instruments and singing. This is the main
menu that has everything about all of my
interests and hobbies. The ‘’My Music’’ hobby
menu takes you to what I do with my music.
Soccer is my second hobby that I like to do
when I am bored. The Music videos hobby is
where I do all of my music video things.
Main Menu
My Music
I play many instruments including
singing, which is something that I
really like to do. Playing the piano is
one thing but playing the violin is
like eating cake at your birthday
party. The guitar and the ukulele is
the instruments that I really like to
play, but only when I am bored. The
cajon drum is a small drum, it looks
like an easy instrument to play but
in reality it is vitally hard, you have
to get the beat ready for the singer
or the guitar player so that they will
not mess up. They violin is an
instrument that I will never stop
playing, because whenever you play
with it, it is very hard but once you
get it is a s easy as eating cake at
your birthday party
Soccer is one of my favorite hobbies that I
would like to be good at. Soccer players like
Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Mess, they are
the legend of soccer. Ronaldo or CR7, his
soccer nickname, was said that he had some
rage problems whenever he was playing
during a soccer game although some may
say this he still won the soccer world cup.
Lionel Messi is a very quick with his feet
whenever someone gets close to him he can
just juke them out with his feet. CR7 and
Messi are really good at soccer and I would
like to be good at soccer just like them. This
is one of my hobbies.
Music Videos
Having and making a studio is something I have always dreamed of and
always wanted to do. A music studio has everything, has every cool
buttons that you can click on, has every cool cameras that you can have,
and that is why I really love a music studio. Having a music studio
changes how music is really made, it changes of how people think of
music, back then during Beethoven’s and Mozart’s music era, music was
made not by computers but with the computers of the author’s mind
which made music very popular. But now some people may think that
the computer do all the editing and the author just writes and writes,
but it is not like that computers are there so that the author can have a
helper which tells him which is the right pitch or tempo the song should
be made with. An that is why I would like to have my very own studio.