Pfizer Regional Health Grants Business Plan

Through Positive Action Community Grants, ViiV Healthcare’s US-based local operating company will
support HIV/AIDS-focused organizations that target HIV/AIDS disparities in the US.
The Positive Action Community Grants program is competitive given the amount of funding available
each year. In selecting community partners, we prioritize work that is:
 Run by or with communities that are infected/affected by HIV/AIDS,
 Innovative or may prove to be a replicable model, or that reaches people not benefiting from
existing services or other programs, and
 Producing tangible results in addressing HIV/AIDS health disparities.
At minimum, eligible non-profit organizations must:
 Be a 501(c)(3) IRS designated non-profit organization,
 Provide programs and support primarily to those persons or communities infected by or affected
by HIV in the US, and
 Not request funds from ViiV Healthcare that exceed, in total, more than 10% of the organization’s
most recent annual operating budget.
For those requesting support for fundraising and public education events, please note that applications
must be received at least six weeks prior to the scheduled event.
Organizations that receive funding as part of other ViiV Healthcare programs are discouraged from
reapplying for additional funding from the Community Grants program.
ViiV Healthcare Positive Action Community Grants funding cannot be used for:
 Any organization that has a pharmacy license,
 Organizations that submit claims for reimbursement for federal healthcare programs for medical
or pharmacy services,
 Direct building expenses, endowments, or other capital expenditures
 Support for advertising for local athletics and/or other extracurricular activities (including trips,
tours, etc.)
 Support for brand advertising
 Funds directed to an individual or physician group (e.g., clinic) or donations to an organization in
the name of an individual or physician group
 Religious group or other societies that do not serve the general public on a non-denominational
 Activities that may affect healthcare providers affiliated with the organization in their activities
separate from the organization
Patient education materials for a program/activity that will include ViiV Healthcare staff input on
the content; If for a publication, no more than 5% of ViiV funds can be used to support the
publication costs.
Product donations
Matching gifts
Patient assistance programs
Certified Medical Education
Purchasing of any medications
A University affiliated with direct provision of medical care
An organization submitting claims for reimbursement for federal healthcare programs for medical
or pharmacy services
An organization holding a pharmacy license
In addition, as a charitable contribution, ViiV Healthcare cannot support projects that will provide a benefit
to ViiV Healthcare other than the “incidental and tenuous” benefit that ViiV Healthcare receives in the
form of goodwill, name recognition, and publicity. Specifically, the ViiV Healthcare Positive Action
program cannot consider requests that:
 Promote a specific ViiV Healthcare product or line of business;
 Provide more than an “incidental or tenuous” benefit to ViiV Healthcare (generally defined as
goodwill and publicity);
 Involve lobbying or political activity; or
 Create an appearance of impropriety.
In 2014, ViiV supported over 50 organizations and committed over $2M as part of the US Community
Grants program.
ViiV Healthcare has an open community grants application process, and grants applications are reviewed
two times per year.
 Cycle 1 Due – May 9
 Cycle 2 Due – July 25
Most applicants will be notified within two months of the application due date.
Only complete applications will be reviewed by the Grants and Donations Committee. A complete
application includes all of the following documents:
 Completed Positive Action Community Grants Application Form (See separate template.)
 Copy of your organization’s budget for the most recent, completed operating year. The
operating budget should include the total revenue and expenses for the entire organization
 Copy of your organization’s proposed budget for the current fiscal year, including total
revenue and expenses
 Most recently completed IRS 990 Form
 IRS 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Determination Letter
 List of Directors and Officers (including specification of anyone who is a healthcare
 List of your organization’s top 5 funders
Additionally, if available:
 A copy or online link to your organization’s most recent Annual Report
Each Positive Action community grants recipient organization will be expected to fulfill the following
 Submit Signed Letter of Agreement and Contributions Verification Form that confirms you
will abide by partner requirements and that the community investment represents a gift to the
organization. This must be received prior to payment being sent.
 Submit Signed Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) form that confirms receipt of
check, agreement to abide by partner requirements and that the community investment
represents a gift to the organization. Must be submitted within two weeks of check receipt.
 Submit a Year End Final Report that outlines the successes and challenges faced by your
organization and relevant to the ViiV funding over the year. The report will include a narrative of
how funding was used, progress towards your organizational and/or programmatic goals
connected to the grant, as well as data on who was reached through program efforts. Year end
reports will be due within 14 months of the grant date.
 Agree to not directly or indirectly publish, approve or issue any advertising, sales promotion,
press release or public statement relating to this investment without the prior written approval of a
ViiV Healthcare’s authorized representative. Please contact us if you would like to obtain our
logo or other materials to recognize this funding support from ViiV Healthcare in written materials,
verbal acknowledgment and published reports. We encourage you to use this award as an
opportunity to increase awareness of your program. If you wish to issue a press release about
this community investment, please allow five full working days for ViiV Healthcare to review the
release and return it to you with any comments/approval.
 Acknowledge ViiV Healthcare Support. ViiV Healthcare will list our Positive Action Community
Grants charitable contributions on our website. To that end, charitable contributions will be given
under the condition that the recipient organization consents to public disclosure. Details
disclosed may include but are not limited to the recipient organization's name, the community
investment purpose, and the amount of the community investment.
To submit a community grants application, please complete all sections application form, provide all
documents in the checklist and submit to
For any questions, please contact Positive Action Community Grants at