File - Who is WASTS?

Sept 10th Board Meeting, Renton School District Office
Roll Call
Minutes from GOTO Meeting
Treasure’s Report
Oct. 14th Mini Conference Planning
o Sessions
o Logistics
o Presenters
o Vendors
o Website
o What Attendees need to bring/system requirements/downloads
Constitution/By Laws
Organizational Structures
Unfilled Positions
General Topics
8:37 Meeting called to order by Ken Toney
Ken Toney - President
Ken Mayhak – Manufacturing -- absent
Frank Medina – Past President
Paul Scott – Pres-Elect
Terri Haworth - Treasurer
Jill VanBerkom - Secretary
Bruce McBurney – SKillsUSA Washington -- absent
Creed Nelson - Construction
Fred Donaldson- Transportation
John Anderson – Law & Public Safety
o John Reid – Public Safety -- absent
Moe Broom – at Large -- absent
Paul Joraanstad – Arts, A/V & Communications -- absent
Doug Urner – Arts, A/V & Communications -- absent
o Mike Fawcett – Information Technology – absent
Ron Crawford – Consultant
Jay Leviton – WAVA Representative – came and left
Ken asked for a Treasurer’s Report from Terri – presented on the overhead projector for all to see.
--Jill will ask Francine about WOVE updates – who should be getting them, and who is? Terri noted a $300 charge on
--Terri will check $2,085.07 random charge to us—CLARIFIED, this was the total for 11 checks that month.
--Jill will need 2 thank you cards…
--Ken will send Denny a flyer to send out via email. This should also go to Tess for email.
--Ken will add “on site registrations $125”
Classroom 1
Welcome & Registration
Intro to Camtasia
Intro to Camtasia
Lunch with Vendors
Advanced Camtasia (1:00-4:00pm)
Classroom 2
Social Networking
Intro to Mimeo Pads – limited to 24
Lunch with Vendors
IBM VMware (1:00-3:00pm)
Mimeo Pads (1:00-3:00
Microsoft Academy (3:
--Joe needs payment for sub
--Creed and Paul will coordinate a vendor showcase/drawings at Renton HS
--Everyone needs to get to Ken by Wednesday for details. Ken will produce the e-flyer for distribution.
--Jill will check for software minimums & add software links for participants
--Terri moves that the Renton HS culinary arts program to cater the Oct. 14th for under $10 per head. Any additional
funds saved will be kept by the program for scholarships. The head count will be given within 1 week of the event. Creed
seconds. Motion carries with no opposition.
--Paul will contact!
--Creed will check with Jay for tables?
Additional vendors for Ron to contact
--DYMO, mimeo pad
--TechSmith, Camtasia software and SnagIt
--Vernier, Jon Anderson has the contact information. Ron could contact regarding vendors. USA based company that
created a data collection and hardware, along with curriculum.
--Denny needs to contact OSPI for 7 hours of hands on clock hour.
--Jill will get bags for the event for vendors from Costco
--Ron asks vendors about freebies, specifically about bags
--A procedure and paper is needed to propose new trainings to the members. Concept paper that is filled out by the person
proposing the training, presented to the board via conference call for board approval.
How can we take these on more formally?
WA-ACTE; membership, conference planning, and marketing
February 25th Update:
--Terri check with her presenter for the needs for the Adobe Lightroom presentation
Paul moves to finish contract through Oct 1st, then contracted on a per project basis at specified. Jill Van Berkom seconds.
Frank amends to extend contract to Oct 15th, then allow for hourly projects on a per project basis. Terri amends to include
specific outcome, timeline, and dollar amount. Frank accepts amendment.
Add to agenda for the following meeting—Revisit Ron’s position.
Conference wrap up and other for the follow up to Oct 14th and 15th GOTO Meeting.
Any other business for the good of the order…
Tuesday Nov 22nd 3:30pm GOTO Meeting
Frank moves to adjourn, Paul seconds.
3:55pm meeting ends
Aug 30 GoToMeeting Conference Call
AUG 30th, 3-4:30pm GO-TO-MEETING
3:00PM Roll call
Ken Toney
Paul Scott
Jill Van Berkom
Terri Haworth
Frank Medina
Creed Nelson
Moe Broom
Bruce McBurney
Dennis Wallace
Ron Crawford
Doug Urnerd
Unable to attend:
Fred Donaldson
Ken Mayhak
John Anderson
John Reid
Paul Jornstadd
Ed Crossan
Jill reviewed WASTS meeting minutes from WA-ACTE Summer Conf.
Tabled, Terri’s Treasurers Report / Operational Budget
Old Business:
Mini-Conference Logistics
Clock Hours
Web Site Updates
E-mail list (potential members)
WAVA Contacts
Rundown of offerings at Oct 14 Renton Mini Conf.
Friday 10/14 Renton High School
IT - IBM VMware
o Social Networking - Stephanie Thomas / Seattle Police Dept. cyberbullying -social networking -online
posting sexting -the reality of teens as targets -safety tips
o Camtasia - Joe Dockery
o MIMEO Pads - Eric Franz
MFG - GreenExpo (Georgetown Campus)
o Welding - (Boilermakers)
Saturday 10/15 South Seattle Community College (Georgetown Campus)
o Construction – GreenExpo
o Concrete finishing
o Painting
o Glazing
o Sheetrock / Plastering (?)
Run down of offerings at Feb 25 Tri-Cities Mini Conf.
Saturday 2/25 TriTech Skills Center (Kennewick, WA)
o ARTS & A/V
o Adobe Light Room - Joe Dockery
o MIMEO Pad - Eric Franz
o Secrets of Proportion/Scale (illustration)
o Social Networking
New Business
Next meeting date
Aug 17 Board Training in Orcas Room
Cluster meeting called to order by Ken at 8:30
Teacher cluster areas presented by Ron
Numbers are here, but we will eventually need to get to teacher names and contact information
Duplicate are avoided; morning auto/afternoon something
Denny asked for a CTE director meeting requests. New directors are noted in Ron’s packet with “x”s at the bottom.
Bruce--Great Northern--Thomas Mosby--200
Paul--King--Jay Levinton, Renton--358
Ron/Denny--N. Central--Neal Musser, Ellensburg--88
Terri--N. Eastern--Lisa White--150
Jill--Northern--Carl Fender, Everett--200
Creed/Doug--Pierce--Michael Christensen, Bethel--228
Moe/Ken--S. Eastern/S. Central--Chris Martensen, Pasco--165
Ron--SW--Wendi Russell--157
Ron/Denny--Western Area--Mark Wagner, New Market--138
We want to contact our members in there groups. Get their feedback. Try to get to the first Fall meeting and ask for
Regional Director. Can we get email addresses from our areas. Public information will be available in the coming months.
Denny will keep working. The website will be our “go to” spot.
RSS feed from our website – Doug suggested
NEXT MEETING 9:00 – 10:15
Continuing with a small table discussion:
Frank Medina, Ron C, Doug Urner, Creed Nelson, Paul Joornstad, Jill Van Berkom, Moe Broom, Ken Toney, Fred Donaldson
Green connection; are we together/separate?
Fred – February ready, we will add ASAP
Franks will contact Ventia at OSPI -- IT sessions
Nano Technology – Frank Cox – which cluster?
Ken will make other flyers to include more sessions.
Examples online
Board blessing for release of Mike Fawcett for webhosting. Jill will take over.
Cluster Presidents. Redesign so the Cluster has a page and a presence.
Frank moves to pay Jill. Fred seconds. Motion passes with no opposition.
Amended to include: Facebook, pestering, adding industry (names, search, friend requests,) Passed on to FB. Moe
suggestion WITEA site. Paul suggests adding an EXAMPLE for Camtasia!
New post on the page/webpage.
Names to add social media – CTE director, OSPI, district and the name.
Ken; we need Cluster Presidents to step up.
Paul – training/kids/regional
Doug – once we get more input to the website, we need to get kids/parents there
A voice, training, clock hours
Strategies for success in our areas
Suggestion: Whomever is the WASTS should be a WAVA member – this will provide us with access to the meetings and
also membership, communication with the members, and more.
Paul is the President Elect. Ken will continue as President through these changes. This will allow the group to continue to
move forward. Paul agrees to take over when Ken is ready to move on. This would mean Paul would take over summer
2012. Paul will take additional responsibilities to make this transition.
Membership Roster;
Tess has a record, cuts checks
Will we have our own membership record or continue to work through Tess?
Negative is that we then provide our names for public knowledge – completing conferences via advertising.
Frank used Tess to make the contact WA-Acte and they have this current info.
Survey WI-TEA surveyed our members covertly.
Regonline is good through Nov. 1st. Will outstanding balances continue to be served or forgotten?
Face to Face:
Saturday, Sept 10th – Renton (Paul will contact Jay)
Finalize Green Expo, update on FB, web
Google Skype for those not available.
GoTo Meeting:
Tuesday, Aug 30th 3:30-4 – Set this up with Francene
Action items: Ron will contact Francene for the costs owed for breakfast
Meeting closed at 10:30
AUG 17th, ALL WASTS Breakfast Meeting
Meeting called to order 7:35
Minutes on the tables
Agenda on the table and on the screen
Ken introduced the members present & gave excuses for those not.
Secretary report: Jill gave copies of the minutes for group.
Informal survey Facebook -- no, CTSO Facebook -- yes, and website -- yes
Treasurer report: Ron passed out copies to tables.
Small regional conferences will cover the costs of the organization
Ron is making suggestions about finding out how much the October conference will bring in
Ken reminds the group that we need your buy in for the regional workshops.
Lunch, clock hours, and drive-in-drive out
Ken entertains a motion to approve
Tom Lefrench from Forks moves to approve
Fred Donaldson seconds
Minutes are approved with no dissention
Ken entertains a motion
Doug Meyer Yelm moves to approve
Eml seconds
Discussion: do you think 30 will come? Yes! Maybe more! Paul Scott gave some examples of ways that we’d add more
sessions to include more clusters for Oct 14 & 15. Construction, welding, and other industry tours. Vendor show. Saturday
1.5 or 3 hours workshops. Cement, glass, painting, construction. These will continue to add.
Discussion closed. Budget passes with not dissention
Officer nominations – official business, finalize and formalize
Paul Scott – president elect, teaches in Renton, IT 10 years, prior in Special Ed. Excited to help lead this organization to
current training, new short conferences, industry updates. More than 1,600 members are available to our group, we need
everyone’s help to reach our members.
Jill Van Berkom – secretary
Terri Haworth – treasurer
Ed Crossan – Arts/AV Ed worked on the Frameworks, very capable
Creed Nelson – Renton, is interested in helping to make sure the construction folks have adequate training at the mini
Ken Mayhak – metal fab instructor, wants to pull together a great cluster so many ideas are heard from the state
OPEN: Education & Training, Gov’t & Public Service, and Health & Human Services
EML moves to install the candidates to WASTS office
Doug Meyes seconds the candidates
The motion carries with no opposition
FLYERS, please distribute flyers to your co-workers.
Our Camtasia training will be great for all teachers, clock hours for all
WASTS strategic plan, business plan, and we will move forward at future board meetings.
Doug wants to know about working with WI-TEA for spring conference. Ken, no, too many irons in the fire. His district will
make him choose between the conferences since he teaches both
EML wants to make sure the WITEA and AG get the information for our conferences, since we get theirs.
EML, send your legistature and others – Tim Knue and Tom Lott – should be part of your good news send outs.
Training for BOARD, cluster presidents, and all others that are interested…please stay for the additional training.
Greg Kilpatrick CTE curriculum developer will be a great new contact for WASTS
Motion to Adjurn from Ken Mayhak
Paul Kroon seconds
Motion passes unopposed