Drew University Master of Arts in Teaching Program Christina Buonomo MAT809-X Methods of Teaching World Languages Observation 1 Lesson: Introduction to Reflexive Verbs Rationale: As an integral part of the Spanish language, students need to know how reflexive verbs are formed and used. This lesson introduces students to new vocabulary of reflexive verbs through the context of daily preparation and personal hygiene. Learning Standard(s): 7.1.NM.B.4- Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using memorized words and phrases. 7.1.NM.C.1- Use basic information at the word and memorized-phrase level to create a multimedia presentation on targeted themes to be shared virtually with a target language audience. 7.1.NM.C.3- Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics. Instructional Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Recognize the structure of a reflexive verb as an infinitive. 2. Identify the meaning of target language vocabulary words that pertain to a person’s daily routine. 3. Respond to questions in the target language using the target language vocabulary. 21st Century Skills: Communication, Collaboration Materials/Resources: SmartBoard or WhiteBoard/Chalkboard with Internet connection, Powerpoint Presentation with images of Daily Routine Vocabulary, Vocab Worksheet, Youtube video- Mr. Bean Getting up Late for the Dentist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IacjiYGj9l4, Worksheet- Vocab fill-in, 10 sentences to be read orally to the class regarding True/False responses of the Mr. Bean video. Procedure: Initial Phase: 1. Write a “Do Now” on the board. Ask students to discuss the following questions with their partner: ¿Cuál es la primera cosa que haces por la mañana, después de abrirte los ojos? ¿Comes el desayuno antes de salir para la escuela todos los días? 2. Write the verb “llamar” on the board. 3. Ask the class, “Is this a verb?” Anticipated response: Yes, because it ends in –AR. 4. Write the verb “llamarse” on the board. 5. Ask the class, “Is this a verb?” Anticipated response: They might be confused. 6. Tell the class that it is in fact a verb. Write the sentences: “Llamo a mi madre cuando llego en casa.” “Me llamo Roberto.” 7. Ask students if they can translate the sentences and explain the difference. 8. Tell students that when a verb infinitive has “se” at the end of it, it is a reflexive verb, which means it is a verb that the action is done directly to the person who is doing the action. Tell students that today we will begin the new vocabulary with many reflexive verbs that pertain to a person’s daily routine. (Objective 1) Middle Phase: 1. Present Powerpoint- La Rutina Diaria y los Verbos Reflexivos. 2. Ask students to write the vocabulary words next to the proper definitions as you go over the Powerpoint. Ask for volunteers to read the definitions as you write write the vocabulary on the Smartboard on each slide. 3. After, tell students that we will do an activity to practice the vocabulary. Guided Practice: 1. Divide class into groups of 3-4 students. The classroom should already be set up for students to work in groups and they should already know who is in their group. 2. Pass out paper sets with vocabulary verbs written on them. 3. Tell students that we will be watching a video of “Señor Bean- Tarde para su cita del dentista.” Let them know that while watching, in groups they will organize the reflexive verbs sequentially according to the video. (Objective 2) Formative Assessment/Check for understanding: Monitor student progress as they are organizing their verbs. Check for understanding of the directions as well as understanding of the vocabulary as they organize them based on the video as a visual. Guided Practice Part II: 4. Allow students to work in the same groups. Tell students that you will be reading sentences to them, and it is their job to determine if the sentences are true or false. 5. Pass out the true or false papers for each group to hold up. 6. Read sentence 1 and allow the students to respond using the true/false cards. (Objective 3) Keep score/and or make a game out of it. Concluding Phase: At the end of the lesson, post the questions of the last slide of the Powerpoint on the Smartboard for students to discuss with their groups. In the form of Round Robin, have students ask one another the questions and respond to other group member’s questions. Remind students to study their vocabulary and assign homework. Differentiation: This lesson is designed to meet the needs of all language learners, however it can be modified depending on the individual needs of each student. Students can have a copy of the Powerpoint posted on a class website or printed out for reference. Additionally, students would be able to watch the video on a personal device with their groups if necessary to complete the activity. Students could also have the true/false sentences written out to increase comprehension. Technology Integration: This lesson uses the Smartboard technology to demonstrate the lesson through Powerpoint. Also, the guided practice allows students to practice the vocabulary by watching video from Youtube. Assessment: Formative assessment is required as the teacher monitors the student progress in the guided practice. As students work collaboratively, the teacher can monitor the students’ understanding of the vocabulary. Additionally, students can practice listening skills and respond to questions asked pertaining to the lesson. Follow-Up: Following lessons will include more explanation on how to conjugate reflexive verbs. These lessons will discuss the reflexive pronouns and how they are used when forming a reflexive verb. Students will also continue to practice these types of verbs throughout the unit by describing their daily routine. levantarse despertarse estirarse afeitarse quitarse los piyamas vestirse lavarse los dientes Cierto Falso Lee las oraciones seguidas a la clase para decidir si sean ciertas o falsas. Las oraciones: 1. Antes de despertarse, el Señor Bean se levanta. 2. Antes de vestirse, el Señor Bean se lava los dientes. 3. El Señor Bean se estira por la mañana. 4. El Después de estirarse, el Señor Bean se afeita 5. El Señor Bean se quita el piyama en la casa. 6. El Señor Bean se viste en el coche. 7. El Señor Bean se afeita en el coche. 8. El Señor Bean se maquilla la cara. 9. El Señor Bean se quita el piyama después de vestirse. 10. Antes de llegar al dentista, el Señor Bean se lava los dientes.