
Edgar Allan Poe Midterm Project
Due __1/5/2015____
Students are to choose two of the projects below as part of their midterm grade.
Projects must be completed individually.
1) Create a movie poster announcing the film version of a Poe story. This must be on
hard poster board or cardboard, completely and colorfully illustrated, including setting,
characters, short plot description, symbols, quotes, and attention getting devices such as
lights, fabrics, multi-textured, etc.
2) Complete a compare and contrast paper of the stories “The Tell Tale Heart” and “The
Raven”. Focus on the characters, themes, imagery, figurative language, mood, and tone.
3) Create a shoebox diorama encompassing either “The Tell Tale Heart” or “The
Raven”. The outside of the shoe box should be completely covered with paint or
construction paper and include quotes, characters, symbols, theme, and setting. The
inside of the box should encompass five physical images, models, or objects found from
the poem. A short description, minimum of three sentences, must then be provided for
each object demonstrating its importance in the story.
4) Create a movie of “The Raven” or “The Tell Tale Heart”. You may film a video
production of a scene or the whole story. This must be 3 minutes long and include
costumes, sets, etc.
HAVE FUN AND BE CREATIVE! We will be presenting these when students return
from break.
LAFS.910.RL.1.1, LAFS.910.RL.1.2, LAFS.910.RL.3.9, LAFS.910.W.1.2, LAFS.910.W.3.9