HEALTH & FITNESS STUDY GUIDE Physical Fitness Components: 1. Muscular Strength- the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to push or pull with its total force. 2. Muscular Endurance- the ability of the muscles to repeat a movement many times of hold a position without stopping to rest. Can be measured by push-up or curl-up fitness assessment. 3. Flexibility- the muscles’ ability to move a joint through a full range of motion. Can be measured by doing the sit-and-reach fitness assessment. 4. Cardiorespiratory Endurance- the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the muscles during long periods of physical activity. Can be measured by the pacer, step test, and mile run. 5. Body Composition- the relationship between fat-free (lean mass) and fat mass. FITT Principle: F = Frequency- the amount of exercise a person does in a particular week I = Intensity- how hard you work at the activity T = Time- how long you exercise or work at the activity T = Type- what exercises/activities you participate in Benefits of physical exercise for lifelong health: Physical benefits- longer life span, lower heart rate, better sleep, improved muscular strength Social benefits- able to be with your friends, be a part of a team, meet new people, help others Emotional benefits- reduces stress, improves self-esteem, improves focus and concentration Reasons to warm-up and stretch before sports-related activities: *gradually increases heart rate *improves range of motion *less chance of pulling a muscle *increases flexibility *increases blood flow Nutrition: Carbohydrates- The nutrient that is the body’s most preferred source of energy. Fats- The nutrient that provides the most concentrated source of energy. It also assists in nerve conduction and the absorption of vitamins. Protein- The nutrient that is used to build and repair body tissues. Protein is also used as an energy source when carbohydrate stores are low. Calorie- The unit of measure used to calculate the energy content of food. Healthy Eating- Eating the correct daily amount of food from all food groups. Variety, proportionality and moderation are keys to healthy eating. Other important concepts to know: *What is the order that oxygen is delivered to working muscles in the human body? lungs, heart, arteries, working muscles *How do you find your target heart rate? Why do we want to know our target hr? Maximum heart rate= 220 – age Target heart rate= 66%-85% of maximum hr If we know our target heart rate we can figure out how intense our workout needs to be in order to improve our cardiovascularsystem.