THESIS STATEMENTS—The last statement in the introduction. This thesis statement will differ from most thesis statements you have written, in that this thesis statement must be neutral in opinion. In America, the application of separation of church and state principles has become highly controversial in the areas of government, politics, and education. In order to form an educated opinion on the issue of abortion, one must understand the ethical, medical, and social aspects of the issue. Legalization of marijuana involves a study of legal, medical, and ethical aspects of the issue. The controversy surrounding eating disorders centers around the causes, the effects, and the treatments of the disorders. The controversy surrounding homosexuality touches the lives of all Americans and includes a discussion of biological aspects, religious viewpoints, and legal rights. There are many options available to infertile couples including invitro-fertilization, surrogate motherhood, sperm donation, and genetically screened embryos. These reproductive technologies deal with moral, social and economic issues. The issue of genetic engineering raises questions of health, economic, and ethical concerns. Nuclear security is a major world issue especially regarding a ban on testing, rogue nations and terrorist groups, and the United States’ policy on the subject.