Name _________________________ Research Paper – General Studies A research paper is a carefully planned essay that has been thoroughly investigated and analyzed by the writer. Research papers are written to share new information or to prove a point. What sets them apart from other essays is the amount of information gathered and used in the writing. A research paper may include ideas from books, magazines, newspapers, computer files, or interviews. Any ideas borrowed from different sources are credited to the original writer or speaker. Your research paper will be at least 3 pages in length, with at least 3 sources. 3 pages means 3 complete pages, not 2 pages and 2 lines on the final page. You must cite each of the sources in the body of your paper. Step 1: SELECT AN INTERESTING & CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC *Your topic must have two sides, and you must choose and prove your side! Your side is the thesis of your paper My topic is: ____________________________________ (Sample: Animal Testing) My Question is: _____________________________________________________________ (Sample: Is Animal Testing Ethical?) My Thesis: _____________________________________________________________________ (Sample: Animal Testing is unethical and should be illegal or Animal Testing is necessary and ethical.) Information I already know or what would like to figure out: Parent Permission to Research above topic _____________________________________________________ (parent signature needed) 1. Select a topic. Do preliminary research and narrow the topic to a manageable size. Complete page 1 entirely, listing topic, research question, and tentative thesis statement and get a parent’s signature giving permission to research the topic. *Eventually you will present your information to the class, so make sure you are comfortable with the topic. Due: 4/11 2. LIBRARY DAY #1: Topic and thesis must be approved by me. Locate 2 sources in the library and use index cards to create 2 source cards. Take notes on these sources and create at least 4 information cards. Due: 4/12 3. LIBRARY DAY #2: Locate 2 more sources (makes 4 total), and create at least 6 more information cards. Continue taking notes and getting more sources so you have a minimum of 4 source cards and 10 information cards Due: 4/13 4. COMPUTER LAB DAY B 121 : Locate 1 more source and create 10 more information cards (5 source cards & 20 information cards) Due: 4/16 5. LIBRARY DAY #3: Keep taking notes and gathering information as needed to get 25 information cards by 4/17 Due: 4/17 6. FINAL LIBRARY DAY # 4: Keep taking notes and getting sources as needed. 50 total information cards needed by 4/20 Due: 4/20 7. Computer lab B 202 – Create an outline using your 50 information cards Due: 4/23 8. Following your outline, use your information cards to write the rough draft. -Write the introduction- you need a citation in the introduction Due: 4/25 -Argument 1 Due: 4/26 -Argument 2 Due: 4/30 - Argument 3 Due: 5/2 - Conclusion Due: 5/3 - Works Cited Due: 5/4 Entire Rough Draft for Editing Due: 5/7 GOOD COPY OF ENTIRE PAPER DUE: 5/8