Chapter Two

Programming Model
• The basic programming model consists of the
following aspects:
– Registers
– Instruction Set
– Addressing Modes
– Data Types
– Memory Organization
– Interrupts and Exceptions
Programming Model
• The basic programming model consists of the
following aspects:
– Registers
– Instruction Set
– Addressing Modes
– Data Types
– Memory Organization
– Interrupts and Exceptions
Register Overview
• The Intel386 DX has 32 register resources in
the following categories:
– General Purpose Registers
– Segment Registers
– Instruction Pointer and Flags
– Control Registers
– System Address Registers
– Debug Registers
– Test Registers
General Purpose Registers
General Purpose Registers
• hold data or address values.
• support data of 1, 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits.
• 32-bit registers : EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI,
EBP, and ESP.
• The least significant 16 bits of the registers can
be accessed as in 8086 with names of the
registers AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, BP, and SP.
General Purpose Registers
• When accessed as a 16-bit operand, the upper
16 bits of the register are neither used nor
• 8-bit operations can be performed with AL,
BL, CL and DL.
• The higher bytes are AH, BH, CH and DH
• The individual byte accessibility offers
flexibility for data operations.
Segment Registers
Segment Registers
• The segment registers
– CS indicates the current code segment
– SS indicates the current stack segment
– DS, ES, FS and GS indicate four current data
• On any data reference the DS-pointed data
segment is assumed by default.
• In order to access any other data segment, an
override directive is used
Instruction Pointer
Instruction Pointer
• It is a 32-bit register named EIP.
• EIP holds the offset of the next instruction to
be executed.
• The offset is always relative to the base of the
code segment (CS).
• The lower 16 bits of EIP contain the 16-bit
instruction pointer named IP, which is used by
16-bit addressing.
Flag Register
• Bit 17 (VM Bit, Virtual Mode):
– VM bit is set to work in Virtual 8086 mode
• Bit 16 (RF Bit, Resume Flag):
– RF flag is used with debug register breakpoints.
– When RF is set, debug fault need to be ignored
on the next instruction.
– RF is then automatically reset after every
Flag Register
• Bit 15 : Reserved
• Bit 14 (NT Bit, Nested Task):
– This flag applies to Protected Mode.
– NT is set to indicate that the execution of this task
is nested within another task.
– If set, it indicates that the current nested task's
Task State Segment (TSS) has a valid back link to
the previous task's TSS.
• Bit 13,12 (IOPL Bit, Input/output Privilege):
– maximum CPL (current privilege level) value
permitted to execute I/O instructions without
generating an exception 13 fault or consulting the
I/O Permission Bitmap.
• Bit 11 (OF Bit, Overflow Flag):
– OF is set if the operation resulted in a signed
• Bit 10 (DF Bit, Direction Flag):
– DF defines whether ESI/EDI registers postdecrement or post-increment during the string
– Post-increment occurs if DF is reset.
– Post-decrement occurs if DF is set.
Flag Register
• Bit 9 (IF Bit, Interrupt Enable Flag):
– When IF =1 the processor allows recognition of
external interrupts on INTR pin
• Bit 8 (TF Bit, Trap Enable Flag):
– When TF =1 the processor enables the single step
mode for debugging.
• Bit 7 (SF Bit, Sign Flag):
– SF is set if the high-order bit of the result is set, it
is reset otherwise.
Flag Register
• Bit 6 (ZF bit, Zero Flag):
– ZF is set if all bits of the result are 0.
• Bit 4 (AF Bit, Auxiliary Carry Flag):
– The Auxiliary Flag is used to simplify the addition
and subtraction of packed BCD numbers.
– AF is set if the operation resulted in a carry out of
bit 3 (addition) or a borrow into bit 3
(subtraction). Otherwise AF is reset.
– AF is only for bit 3.
Flag Register
• Bit 2 (PF Bit, Parity Flag):
– PF is set for even parity.
• Bit 0 (CF Bit, Carry Flag):
– CF is set for 8-, 16- or 32-bit operations if it
results in a carry out of (addition), or a borrow
into (subtraction) the high-order bit.
Control Registers
• Intel386 DX has 3 control registers(CR0, CR2
and CR3) of 32 bits to hold machine state of a
global nature
• These registers along with System Address
Registers hold machine state that affects all
tasks in the system
• To access Control Registers, load and store
instructions are defined
CR0 : Machine Control Register
• CR0 contains 6 defined bits for control and
status purposes.
• The low-order 16 bits of CR0 is defined as
Machine Status Word
• To operate only on the low-order 16-bits of
CR0, LMSW and SMSW instructions are used.
• For 32-bit operations the system should use
MOV CR0, Reg instruction.
CR0 : Machine Control Register
• Bit 31 (PG Bit, Paging Enable) : The PG bit is
set to enable the on-chip paging unit.
• Bit 4 (Reserved) : This bit is reserved by Intel.
CR0 : Machine Control Register
• Bit 3 (TS Bit, Task Switched) : TS is
automatically set whenever a task switch
operation is performed.
• Bit 2 (EM Bit, Emulate Coprocessor) :
• Bit 1 (MP Bit, Monitor Coprocessor) :
CR0 : Machine Control Register
• Bit 0 (PE Bit, Protection Enable) :
– PE =1, enable the Protected Mode.
– If PE =0, processor operates in Real Mode.
CR1 : Reserved
• CR1 is reserved for use in future Intel
CR2 : Page Fault Linear Address
• CR2 holds the 32-bit linear address that
caused the last page fault detected.
CR3 : Page Directory Base Address
• CR3 contains the physical base address of the
page directory table.
• The Intel386 DX page directory table is always
page-aligned (4 Kbyte-aligned).
• Thus the lowest twelve bits of CR3 are ignored.
• A task switch through a TSS invalidates all
page table entries in paging unit cache.
System Address Registers
• Four special registers are defined to reference
the tables.
• These tables or segments are:
– GDT (Global Descriptor Table)
– IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table)
– LDT (Local Descriptor Table)
– TSS (Task State Segment)
System Address Registers
• The addresses of these tables and segments
are stored in special registers, the System
Address and System Segment Registers.
• These registers are named GDTR, IDTR, LDTR
and TR, respectively
• These registers hold:
– 32-bit linear base address and
– 16-bit limit
of GDT and IDT respectively.
• GDT and IDT segments are global to all tasks in
the system.
• These registers hold 16bit selector for
– LDT descriptor and
– TSS descriptor
• Since they are task
specific, they are defined
by selector values stored
in system segment
• A system descriptor
register, which is not
visible to programmer, is
associated with each
system segment register
Debug Registers
• Debugging of 80386 allows data access
breakpoints as well as code execution
• 80386 contains 6 debug registers to specify
– 4 breakpoints
– Breakpoint Control options
– Breakpoint Status
Debug Registers
Linear Breakpoint Address
• Breakpoint addresses are 32-bit linear
• While debugging, Intel 386 h/w continuously
compares the linear breakpoint addresses in
DR0-DR3 with the linear addresses generated
by executing software.
Debug Control Register
• LENi(i=0 - 3): Breakpoint Length Specification
• 2 bit field for each breakpoint
• Specifies length of breakpoint fields
• The choices of data breakpoints are 1byte,
2bytes & 4bytes
• For instruction execution breakpoint, the
length is 1(beginning byte address)
LENi Encoding
Debug Control Register
• RWi(i=0 - 3): Memory Access Qualifier Bit
• 2 bit field for each breakpoint
• Specifies the type of usage which must occur to
activate the associated breakpoint
Debug Control Register
• GD: Global Debug Register Access Detect
• Debug registers can only be accessed in
real mode or at privilege level 0 in
protected mode
• GD bit, when set, provides extra protection
against any Debug Register access even in
Real Mode or at privilege level 0 in
Protected Mode.
Debug Control Register
• GE and LE bit: Exact data breakpoint match,
global and local
• If either GE or LE is set, any data breakpoint trap will
be reported exactly after completion of the instruction
that caused the operand transfer.
• LE bit is cleared during task switch and is used for
task-local breakpoints.
• GE bit is unaffected during a task switch and
remain enabled during all tasks executing in the
Debug Control Register
• Gi and Li(i=0 - 3): Breakpoint Enable, global
and local
• If either Gi and Li is set then the associated
breakpoint is enabled.
Debug Status Register
• A Debug Status Register allows the exception 1
handler to easily determine why it was invoked.
• It can be invoked as a result of one of several
1) DR0 Breakpoint fault/trap.
2) DR1 Breakpoint fault/trap.
3) DR2 Breakpoint fault/trap.
4) DR3 Breakpoint fault/trap.
5) Single-step (TF) trap.
6) Task switch trap.
7) Fault due to attempted debug register access when GD = 1.
Debug Status Register
• Bi : Debug fault/trap due to breakpoint 0 -3
• Four breakpoint indicator flags, B0-B3,
correspond one-to-one with the breakpoint
registers in DR0-DR3.
• A flag Bi is set when the condition
described by DRi, LENi, and RWi occurs.
Debug Status Register
• BD : Debug fault due to attempted register
access when GD bit is set
• This bit is set if the exception 1 handler was
invoked due to an instruction attempting to
read or write to the debug registers when
GD bit was set.
Debug Status Register
• BS : Debug trap due to single step
• This bit is set if the exception 1 handler was
invoked due to the TF bit in the flag register
being set
Debug Status Register
• BT : Debug trap due to task switch
• This bit is set if the exception 1 handler was
invoked due to a task switch occurring to a
task having an Intel386 DX TSS with the T
bit set.
Test Registers
• They are used to control the testing of
Translation Look-aside Buffer of Intel386 DX.
Programming Model
• The basic programming model consists of the
following aspects:
– Registers
– Instruction Set
– Addressing Modes
– Data Types
– Memory Organization
– Interrupts and Exceptions
Programming Model
• The basic programming model consists of the
following aspects:
– Registers
– Instruction Set
– Addressing Modes
– Data Types
– Memory Organization
– Interrupts and Exceptions
Addressing Modes
• The Intel386 DX provides 11 addressing
modes for instructions to specify operands.
Register Operand Mode:
• The operand is located in one of the 8-, 16- or 32bit general registers.
• Example : ADD EAX,EBX
• Immediate Operand Mode:
• The operand is included in the instruction as part
of the opcode.
• Example : CLI,STI
Addressing Modes
The remaining 9 modes provide a
mechanism for specifying the effective
address of an operand.
• The linear address consists of two
• the segment base address and
• an effective address.
Addressing Modes
• The effective address is calculated by using four
address elements:
• DISPLACEMENT: An 8-, or 32-bit immediate value
• BASE: The contents of any general purpose register. It point
to the start of the local variable area.
• INDEX: The contents of any general purpose register except
for ESP. The index registers are used to access the elements
of an array, or a string of characters.
• SCALE: The index register's value can be multiplied by a scale
factor, either 1, 2, 4 or 8. Scaled index mode is especially
useful for accessing arrays or structures.
Addressing Modes
• Combinations of these 4 components make up
the 9 additional addressing modes
• The effective address (EA) of an operand is
calculated according to the following formula:
EA = Base Register+ (Index Register * Scaling) +
• This calculation can be shown as follows:
Addressing Modes
Addressing Modes
• Direct Mode:
• The operand's offset is contained as part of the
instruction as an 8- or 32-bit displacement.
• Example: INC Word PTR [500]
Addressing Modes
• Register Indirect Mode:
• A base register will contain the address of operand
• Example: MOV [ECX], EDX
Addressing Modes
• Based Mode:
• A BASE register's contents is added to a
DISPLACEMENT to form the operands offset.
• Example: MOV ECX, [EAX+24]
Addressing Modes
• Index Mode:
• An INDEX register's contents is added to a
DISPLACEMENT to form the operands offset.
Addressing Modes
• Scaled Index Mode:
• An INDEX register's contents is multiplied by a
scaling factor which is added to a DISPLACEMENT
to form the operands offset.
• Example: IMUL EBX, TABLE[ESI*4],7
Addressing Modes
• Based Index Mode:
• The contents of a BASE register is added to the
contents of an INDEX register to form the effective
address of an operand.
• Example: MOV EAX, [ESI] [EBX]
Addressing Modes
• Based Scaled Index Mode:
• The contents of an INDEX register is multiplied by
a SCALING factor and the result is added to the
contents of a BASE register to obtain the operands
• Example: MOV ECX, [EDX*8] [EAX]
Addressing Modes
• Based Index Mode with Displacement:
• The contents of an INDEX Register and a BASE
register's contents and a DISPLACEMENT are all
summed together to form the operand offset.
• Example: ADD EDX, [ESI] [EBP+00FFFFF0H]
Addressing Modes
• Based Scaled Index Mode with Displacement:
• The contents of an INDEX register are multiplied by
a SCALING factor, the result is added to the
contents of a BASE register and a DISPLACEMENT to
form the operand's offset.
Programming Model
• The basic programming model consists of the
following aspects:
– Registers
– Instruction Format
– Addressing Modes
– Data types
– Memory organization and segmentation
– Interrupts and Exceptions
Data Types
• The Intel386 DX supports all of the data types
commonly used in high level languages:
• Bit: A single bit quantity.
• Bit Field: A group of upto 32 contiguous bits,
which spans a maximum of four bytes.
Data Types
• Bit String: A set of contiguous bits, on the
Intel386 DX bit strings can be up to 4 gigabits
• Byte: A signed
8-bit quantity
Data Types
• Unsigned Byte: An
unsigned 8-bit quantity.
• Integer (Word): A
signed 16-bit quantity.
• Long Integer (Double
– A signed 32-bit quantity.
– All operations assume a
2's complement
Data Types
• Unsigned Integer (Word): An unsigned 16-bit
• Unsigned Long Integer (Double Word): An
unsigned 32-bit quantity.
Data Types
• Signed Quad Word: A signed 64-bit quantity.
• Unsigned Quad Word: An unsigned 64-bit
Data Types
• Offset: A 16- or 32-bit offset only quantity
which indirectly references another memory
Data Types
• Pointer: A full pointer which consists of a 16bit segment selector and either a 16- or 32-bit
Data Types
• Char: A byte representation of an ASCII
Alphanumeric or control character.
• String: A contiguous sequence of bytes, words
or dwords. A string may contain between 1
byte and 4 GB.
Data Types
• BCD: A byte (unpacked) representation of
decimal digits 0±9.
• Packed BCD: A byte (packed) representation
of two decimal digits 0±9 storing one digit in
each nibble.
Data Types
• When 80386 DX is coupled with 387 Numeric
Coprocessor then the following common
floating point types are supported.
• Floating Point: A signed 32-, 64-, or 80-bit real
number representation.
Programming Model
• The basic programming model consists of the
following aspects:
– Registers
– Instruction Format
– Addressing Modes
– Data types
– Memory Organization and Segmentation
– Interrupts and Exceptions