Unit Theme: 9.5 Making Connections Teacher: Subject: English Region: __________________ District: ________________________ School: __________________ Reform Strategy: ________________ Week: #:2 Grade: 9th Date: From: ________________ to _________________ 20 __________ Desired Result Enduring Understanding Example: Students will understand that … EU1. Literature both reflects and contributes to knowledge. EU2. Reading helps us make sense of the world. EU3. Prior knowledge and life experience shape how writers develop and present their ideas. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) – (unit projects, exams, etc.) – Book Commercial – Character Blog – Fractured Modern Fairy Tale Story – Making Connections Essay Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Standards Writing Listening Language Language Language Speaking Expectations 9.W.4:Develop and strengthen 9.S.6: Plan and deliver a variety 9.LA.5b: Analyze the meaning 9.LA.4b: Correctly analyze word 9.LA.1b: Use various types of writing as needed by planning of oral presentations of words with denotations changes to indicate different phrases 9.W.8: Write routinely to develop 9.L.1: Listen, support discussion, 9.LA.4b: Correctly analyze word meaning 9.LA.5: Demonstrate types of paragraphs and interact with peers changes to indicate different 9.LA.1: Demonstrate command understanding of figurative meaning of the conventions of English language, word relationship and 9.LA.3: Apply knowledge of Grammar meaning language to understand how language functions in different context Academic Strategy Instructional Strategy and Phase Objective Having corrected first draft of script student will write final draft for Book Commercial presentation. After each student presents its script commercial, (If the technology is not available to record, then the students presents his/her script oral presentation.) the other student will view/listen the commercial and provide positive and Having discussed Root Words student will be able to recognize word meaning in various forms of speech. Given enough practice, student will be able to match words to various forms of speech including nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Given a list of words, student will sort words into categories including noun, verbs, and adjectives. Desired Result Enduring Understanding Example: Students will understand that … EU1. Literature both reflects and contributes to knowledge. EU2. Reading helps us make sense of the world. EU3. Prior knowledge and life experience shape how writers develop and present their ideas. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) – (unit projects, exams, etc.) – Book Commercial – Character Blog – Fractured Modern Fairy Tale Story – Making Connections Essay Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: constructive feedback using the given guidelines. (Completion of First Performance Task) ___ Recall / Memory ___ Recall / Memory ___ Recall / Memory ___ Recall / Memory ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Skill / Concept ___ Skill / Concept ___ Skill / Concept ___ Skill / Concept Depth of Knowledge (DOK) ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking ___ Extended Thinking ___ Extended Thinking ___ Extended Thinking ___ Extended Thinking DAILY REFLECTION DAILY REFLECTION DAILY REFLECTION DAILY REFLECTION DAILY REFLECTION Teacher explains that good The student will read comments The teacher will discuss readers can recognize words in Review Previous Class. (Root Essential Questions 1 E1 Initial Activities of peer revision. instructions of the given various terms of speech. She Words and Endings) Review Preview Class guidelines: See Attachment 9.5 introduces the term of root Performance Task-Feedback words. Student will apply comments to Teacher records each student The teacher provides notes with Teacher models how to Teacher distributes a list of edit their drafts following the presenting his/her script common word endings of determine corresponding verbs word that students are familiar guidance of the teacher. commercial, or students presents nouns, verbs, and adjectives. and adjectives forms by with and Attachment 9.5 Word his/her script as an oral (i.e. Nouns:-er,-ice,-ness,-sion inserting them into sample Change Chart. The teacher Development Activities presentation, and Adjectives: –ful,-y,-eous,sentences. Then, the teacher is explain that student will ish.) going to select words to create complete the chart. a sort words that include three form for each word. (noun, verb, adjective) Student will write their final draft Student will provide positive Student will use suffixes Student will match words with Student will complete chart with of script for Book Commercial. constructive feedback using the provided by the teacher to corresponding part of speech. given words. Discussion of Closing Activities Attachment 9.5 Performance generate more endings by exercise. Task-Feedback looking at sample texts. Oral discussion of the exercise. Formative Assessment – Other evidence Desired Result Enduring Understanding Example: Students will understand that … EU1. Literature both reflects and contributes to knowledge. EU2. Reading helps us make sense of the world. EU3. Prior knowledge and life experience shape how writers develop and present their ideas. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) – (unit projects, exams, etc.) – Book Commercial – Character Blog – Fractured Modern Fairy Tale Story – Making Connections Essay Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: Materials Homework Differentiated Instruction Strategies ___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP ___ Section 504 ___ Gifted Teacher Reflection