Past participles used as adjectives Verbs have a form called the ___________________ _________________ which can be used as an _______________________ in English and Spanish. You can use a P.P. to describe a condition or an injury to a part of the body. P.P. as adjectives use the verbs ________________ and _____________. To form the past participles of regular verbs: 1) ______________________________________________________ 2) Then add: Infinitivo Hinchar = to AR verbs and Participle to ER/IR verbs. English translation Cortar = Infectar = Quemar = Vendar = Torcer = Herir = Of course, there are irregulars. You will need to memorize these two: Infinitive Romper = Participle English translation Abrir = Participles used as adjectives must agree with the nouns that they modify according to: and _________________ Examples: 1) Ella tiene los dedos rotos. 2) Yo tengo la rodilla hinchada. 3) ¿Por qué tienes el libro abierto? Formula for body parts = ________________ + __________________ + ____________________ Práctica: 1) I have a twisted ankle! = _______________________________________________ 2) He has a broken finger! = _______________________________________________ 3) He has a hurt elbow. = _________________________________________________ 4) I have an infected eye. = ________________________________________________ 5) Do you have a broken leg? = ___________________________________________ Tarea: All answers must be COMPLETE SENTENCES! Textbook pg. 145, Act. #31: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Textbook pg. 145, Act. #32: 1) 2) 3) 4)