AP Physics B - University High School

Earth Space Science - Hilton
University High School
Mr. Ryan Hilton
Room: 4-309
Email: rhilton@volusia.k12.fl.us
Course Description
This course provides a study of the interaction and organization of matter and energy in the solar system and the
universe, and how this affects life on Earth. The content includes theories for the formation of the universe and
solar system, formation of rocks, landforms, plate tectonics, fresh water and marine systems, meteorology, geologic
time and renewable/non-renewable energy sources. Selected laboratory investigations include the use of scientific
method; measurement, laboratory apparatus, and safety are an integral part of the course.
Office Hours
First 30 minutes of lunch – Closed Tuesdays and occasionally Monday – By appointment any other day/time
Course Materials
Text Book – Earth Science by Holt McDougal
Pen and Pencil
Three-ring binder/folder with paper: All students will be required to keep all notes and homework organized
and presentable in a binder.
Quad-ruled composition or spiral notebook: Students are required to keep a record of all lab activities and
conclusions in dedicated lab notebook. This must be separate from notes and homework binder.
If student forgets the necessary paper or pencils for class, these items may be borrowed from a neighbor/friend.
Performance Evaluation
Students will receive either an “A, B, C, D, or F” for a final grade. For individual assignments, the letter “M”
denotes that the assignment is missing. This means all other students work for that assignment have been graded
and entered into Pinnacle. I will be following the Volusia County Schools policy on make-up work and test retakes.
Late Work – Formative Assessments
 One Letter Grade (10%) – Worked submitted after the due date and up to the next test will receive a 10%
deduction. After this the assignment will be subject to a 50% loss and will be due at least 1 week before the
end of the grading period.
Summative Retakes
 Students will have until the next unit/chapter test date to use their one (1) allowed test retake per grading
quarter. This is typically 1-3 weeks with an average of 3 tests per quarter. Use it wisely.
 Student must come in during tutoring time to develop and follow a remediation plan before the retake will
be given.
 Students displaying mastery (>70%) may not be allowed to retake that assignment. Anything beyond this is
at the teacher’s discretion.
Follow the Creed... Knowledge, Strength, Courage, Respect
Earth Space Science - Hilton
According to Volusia County’s grading policy, grades will be assigned as follows:
Formative Assessments: These are in the form of skill development, homework, quizzes, labs and drafts
of special projects and will account for 40% of your total grade.
Summative Assessments: This consists of tests, final projects and presentations and will comprise 60% of
your total grade.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty, also known as cheating, will not be tolerated at all. If a student is caught cheating on any
assignment, they will be written up on a referral and they will receive a zero on the assignment. This applies to all
homework, class work, tests, quizzes, labs, and projects.
We will be doing labs frequently in this class to reinforce concepts that we are learning. In order to help cover the
cost of some of the lab materials, I am asking for a $5 donation to put towards the cost of these supplies. This is by
no means a requirement. I will not punish any student who is not able to make a donation.
If you miss a lab, they may be made up during office hours or can be made up with a 2 page written report on the
basis of the lab. If not made up, you will earn a zero for the lab. Please schedule your doctors/dentists’
appointments for after school or on other days so you may be successful in all lab activities.
Absence Policy
Daily student attendance is extremely important for the success in all courses.
You will have one day per day absent to make up missed assignments of equal or greater rigor. It is YOUR
responsibility to obtain the assignments and have them done.
If you are absent during a test or quiz you have 10 school days to make it up. Be aware, the make-up test is
completely different than the original test. Anything made up after that without a valid excuse (e.g.
doctor’s note) will not be accepted.
Classroom Expectations
In order to make sure we have a good learning environment, some rules need to be in place.
Be respectful.
Follow directions.
Be on time.
Be prepared.
Electronics away.
Electronics are not to be out, per UHS policy. You are not allowed to charge your phones, iPods, etc during class.
You are to store your device in your backpack or purse in the cabinet next to your seat in class. If your device is out,
you will be written up on an electronics referral.
Follow the Creed... Knowledge, Strength, Courage, Respect
Earth Space Science - Hilton
Please realize that the world runs on a clock. There is nothing more detrimental to a smooth running class than a
tardy person. I will be following the UHS tardy policy. The best way to avoid getting in trouble for tardies is not to
be late. This is the policy:
1st tardy: Warning
2nd Tardy: Parent contact
3rd Tardy: Referral
I understand that there are times when a student may need to leave class to go to the restroom. However, it can be
very disruptive and when you leave you miss out on important content instruction. To help maximize the time, you
will only be allowed to use the classroom pass a maximum of 3 times a 9 weeks.
Remind – Text / Email Message Reminders
Remind (www.remind.com) is a free service I will be using throughout the year to send reminder texts/emails to
students and parents. The messages may be to remind the students of an upcoming test, homework, or projects. It’s
free to sign up and use. You can choose to get text messages or emails. When I send a Remind message the service
will send you a text to your phone or email to the address you signed up on. Data and message rates DO apply. I am
not responsible for any of these. It is a secure service. I am not in any way able to see the student or parent’s phone
number or email address. I only see the name of the person who signed up and in what class. Please only sign up for
the class you or your student is enrolled. You may cancel the messages at any time. Follow the directions the
message provides as soon as you sign up and receive confirmation.
Physics Honors
 phyhon15@mail.remind.com – email only
 Text @phyhon15 to 81010 or (703) 687-9199
Physics Regular
 phyreg15@mail.remind.com – email only
 Text @phyreg15 to 81010 or (703) 687-9199
AP Physics
 apphy15@mail.remind.com – for email only
 Text @apphy15 to 81010 Or (703) 687-9199
Follow the Creed... Knowledge, Strength, Courage, Respect
Earth Space Science - Hilton
Follow the Creed... Knowledge, Strength, Courage, Respect
Earth Space Science - Hilton
(Please turn these final 2 pages into Mr. Hilton)
I have read the entire contents of this syllabus and agree to comply with all of
its requirements.
PRINT STUDENT’S NAME_______________________________________________________________
PRINT STUDENT’S CLASS & PERIOD_____________________________________________________
STUDENT SIGNATURE:___________________________________________DATE:________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:________________________________________DATE:________________
PG and PG-13 Permission Release
My child has permission to watch PG and PG-13 course content rated videos throughout the year. Rated R and NC17 will NEVER be shown. G rated material is already permitted by FL Department of Education.
This material will be course related and may consist of movies, clips, documentaries, and YouTube appropriate
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ DATE: ________________
Follow the Creed... Knowledge, Strength, Courage, Respect
Earth Space Science - Hilton
Student Laboratory Safety Contract
Follow the Creed... Knowledge, Strength, Courage, Respect