Reading Okemos High School School Improvement Goal Reading Goal • All students will increase their reading retention and enhance their reading strategies across the curriculum. • At Okemos High School we support life long reading and we nurture a culture focused on the importance of being a reader. Steps of the Reading Goal • • • Surveys of teachers, parents, students in 07-08 (lead by Andrew Saultz) Surveys identified need to discuss reading in content areas and common vernacular when discussing reading strategies Beginning Steps – Reading as one of the three goals for NCA as identified by students, faculty, and parents – Reading goal sub-divided into community book committee and reading strategies committee – Focus specifically on content specific skills – Identify ways to develop a consistent message about reading throughout the school for students Steps of the Reading Goal Spring 2009 goals identified and start of the plan • Community book or school-wide read and reading strategies with focus on content specific skills • Develop a consistent message about reading throughout the school Fall 2009 goal and plan revisited • Message about reading, making reading visible and emphasizing a culture of reading led to reading profiles • Community book steps and extending the consistent message led to DEAR • Reading in the content areas Reading Steps 2009-2010 1. Reader Profiles: visibility of readers in the school as role models and emphasis on the importance of a variety of reading, creates a message about the importance of reading 2. DEAR: continues the emphasis of the importance of reading, visibility of the value of reading, supports reading for pleasure and lifelong reading, extends beyond curriculum, models and demonstrates active reading community 3. Reading in our content areas Reading Profiles Reminder • Update: Sandy Fields – Posters around the school – Reading Recommendations Table – Reading Recommendations / Profiles online – Display at P/T Conferences • Profile Picture & Video Day – TODAY! Feb 16th 7:30 – 8:00 before PD and during lunch break, after PD until 3:30 – Feb 17th 7:30 – 7:45, during conference period • bring book and smile :) • prepare for video recording on book or importance of reading • email Sandy your reader profile Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) At Okemos High School we support life long reading and we nurture a culture focused on the importance of being a reader. In order to provide time to read and celebrate pleasure reading OHS offers Drop Everything And Read (DEAR). During our OHS scheduled DEAR time everyone in the building participates in pleasure reading. Faculty and staff model reading for our students, by reading during DEAR time with students. Students are provided time to read a text of their choice that is not for a class, so that students are reading beyond the curriculum to develop an appreciation for diverse texts. Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) Student Expectations: • Read silently during the entire time of DEAR • Bring reading material of your choice, or one will be provided for you • You may not read material for your classes, as it is important to become a lifelong reader and we encourage reading beyond the curriculum to develop an appreciation for diverse texts Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) Teacher/Staff Expectations: • All staff and faculty read silently during DEAR • Teachers will have materials in their classroom to provide for students without something to read • Teachers are reading too, therefore, they are not reading for classes, grading, or planning • Teachers and staff without a classroom of students join a class to read with a community of readers and role model their own involvement in reading Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) First DEAR Friday, February 19 • Remind students to bring books for pleasure on Friday! • Schedule: DEAR in 2nd hour, first 20 minutes (time comes from passing and 5 minutes of second hour) • DEAR video will play at the beginning of second hour • An announcement will come on the PA to explain MEA & Piston’s reading program. At this time please distribute book marks and handouts to students in your second hour. At the end of the announcement we will begin DEAR. It’ll be shorter for our first DEAR, but at least 15 minutes of reading. Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) Spring 2010 DEAR dates: • Friday, February 19 • Friday, March 26 • Friday, April 30 • Friday, May 28 Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) • Reminders – Follow school policies • no audio • reading time • appropriate reading – If you do not have a 2nd hour class, join a class. Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) Survey Update • Current result breakdown • Team will revisit survey to show more of the breakdown with grade level • Survey follow-up for teachers Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) Reading materials for your classroom • Thank you for bringing in materials • Sorted for high school • Reading materials for your classroom – Pick up in professional library starting today – You may also check out books from the IMC Reading at OHS 1. Reading Profiles: photos, webcasts, recommendations to make reading more visible in our school 2. Drop Everything And Read: time to read beyond the curriculum with faculty/staff modeling of reading 3. Reading in the content areas Spring 2009 Survey Results Student Survey: • A significant percentage of students (about 4/5) report consistently, across the grade levels, that after completing reading assignments they do not always remember what they have read. • As students progress through high school, they are LESS likely to report that they always remember what they have read. • As students progress through high school, they report that they are LESS likely to complete reading assignments. • A significant percentage of students (about 95%) report that their teachers do not always show them how to read their textbooks. Spring 2009 Survey Results Teacher Survey Results: • 74% of teachers report that they do not consistently evaluate students’ reading retention. • 81% of teachers report that they do not consistently teach students’ reading retention strategies. Spring 2009 Survey Results What does this mean across the board? (What is the real message?) • The data clearly indicates the necessity of addressing reading throughout the curriculum by enhancing reading strategies, focusing on how to read specific to each content area and improving retention. Reading Activity 1. Read the passage and rate your understanding in box 1. 2. Reread the passage and rate it again in box 2. 3. Read and write in the space below what you think the passage means. Then, rate your understanding in box 3. 4. Talk about the passage with someone near you. Then rate your understanding in box 4. Department Conversations • Follow the handout guidelines to discuss reading in your content area. This is only the start of the conversation. Please take notes, so that they may be used to build onto your conversation and help prepare further resources/professional development in this area. Some discussion questions (more are on the printed sheet): • What are the types of reading in your content area? • What are the ways you purposefully teach reading in your content area? • What questions do you have about reading in your content area or topics you’d like to explore? • What do we believe about reading in the content areas? • What would you find helpful to guide your thinking in this topic?