Alliance Pharma plc Project Byron John Dawson Maddy Scott October 2004 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Brief Alliance Update Alliance Interims (Aug 2004) Project Byron (2 brand acquisition projects) Appendix on Alliance Management Sources of growth Growth product – Nu-Seals Growth product – Symmetrel Growth project – APL 202 Growth project APL 510 Flotation Dec 2003 Current capital structure Alliance Speciality pharma co exploiting niche prescription opportunities in UK and Ireland Grown to £11m+ sales via six brand acquisition deals since 1998 Ongoing profitability with growth opportunities from • current portfolio • future brand acquisitions • in-house developments for launch Project Byron Two brand acquisition projects which transform Alliance Immediate and significant boost to P&L (£3.1m sales at 70+% gross margin) High long-term growth potential Greatly develops Alliance’s international reach Alliance has agreed contracts on each In-house: transformational project Total consideration £8.8m (APL 510 for sleep disorders) Bank debt secured £5.2m • £500m EU prescription market Alliance Acquisitions Naseptin Occlusal Pragmatar Pentrax Project Byron Slow-K Biorphen 16 brands Apr 1998 Fostering arrangement Broflex Jan 1999 £2.1 M Potassium deficiencies Distamine Aquadrate Meted Symmetrel Alphaderm Nu-Seals Acnisal Periostat Forceval Rheumatoid arthritis Parkinson’s disease Creams for dry skin and eczema Enteric coated aspirin 4 Derma Brands Periodontitis Rx MultiVitamin Aug 2001 Oct 2001 Apr 2002 Feb 2004 Oct 2004 Oct 2004 £0.5 M £4 M £0.9 M £1.8 M £2.1 M Sep 2002 £9 M £7.0 M Alliance Brands – Sales Progression PROMOTED BRANDS GROWING Symmetrel 4,500 1400 MAT Cash 28 + 56 Acquisition from 1200 1000 3,000 £ ‘000s Euros ‘000s 3,500 2,500 2,000 800 600 1,500 400 1,000 200 500 0 0 2 n-0 Ja 2 l-0 Ju 3 l -0 Ju 3 n -0 Ja 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 l-9 an-9 ul-9 an-0 ul-0 an-0 ul-0 an-0 ul-0 an-0 ul-0 an-0 ul-0 Ju J J J J J J J J J J J J 4 l-0 Ju 4 n-0 Ja NON PROMOTED BRANDS (17) STABLE 7,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Ju n04 ar -0 4 M De c03 Se p03 Ju n03 ar -0 3 M De c02 0 Se p02 £ ‘000s 5,000 £000s 4,000 Dermatology (8 brands) 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Ap r- 9 9 Oc t- 9 9 Ap r- 0 0 Oc t- 0 0 Ap r- 0 1 Oc t- 0 1 Ap r- 0 2 Oc t- 0 2 Ap r- 0 3 Oc t- 0 3 Ap r- 0 4 Nu-Seals (Ireland) Alliance - performance 12000 10000 8000 49.6% 6000 48.4% 43.7% 4000 52.3% 2000 25.9% 27.7% 30.9% 21.5% 0 Feb-99 Feb-00 Feb-01 Sales Feb-02 Feb-03 Gross Margin Feb-04 EBITDA Interim Broker Results to Forecast Aug-04 Feb-05 Alliance interims (August 2004) £000 Sales Feb-03 Feb-04 Aug-03 Aug-04 Variance Nu-Seals 880 3,200 1,410 1,775 25.9% Symmetrel 993 1,138 541 619 14.4% Derma 1,170 1,303 664 693 4.3% Other 5,284 4,776 2,319 2,481 7.0% Total 8,327 10,416 4,933 5,568 12.9% 3,641 5,039 2,349 2,910 23.9% 43.7% 48.4% 47.6% 52.3% Additional SG&A Gross Margin % SG&A 1,486 2,243 833 1,756 110.9% EBITDA 2,155 2,796 1,516 1,154 (23.9%) 67 83 42 44 3.0% Interest 1,079 1,502 745 795 6.6% EBAT 1,008 1,210 729 316 (56.6%) Amortisation 1,400 902 524 598 14.1% Adjusted EBT (392) 308 205 (282) (237.7%) 339 2,460 0 110 (731) (2,153) 205 (391) Depreciation Exceptional Items Reported EBT £’000 Plc 141 Mktng 587 Dev 100 Total 828 Project Harrier costs Project Byron - Two separate brand acquisitions One provides instant boost to P&L; the other long term growth Forceval Specialist multivitamin and mineral product used for AIDS, cancer patients etc Brand has remained solid despite historical sub-optimal management Sales stable at £2.8m Gross margin 70% Upside potential through revival of brand and overseas distributors Alliance has agreed contract for worldwide rights, excluding China (1st option for later acquisition) Consideration £7m Periostat Enzyme suppressor as a novel adjunctive therapy for serious gum disease (periodontitis) Developed by CollaGenex (US) Sales currently £347k (£281k UK) High growth potential – UK sales currently based on 6,000 patients from pool of 3.2m US sales $45m after 5 yrs Alliance has agreed contract for EU, Switzerland, Israel, Australia, NZ and S. Africa Consideration £1.85m Forceval – resilient cash-generative brand Forceval • 24 vitamins and minerals in one capsule • The professional and only prescribable brand (not OTC “feel good” market) • Used by dieticians for AIDS, cancer and convalescence • Brand has been very resilient despite sub-optimal management Recent history of Unigreg Ltd • Cash extracted by owners • Suppliers unpaid and uncooperative • Into Administration June 2002 Regained confidence of suppliers and distributors Offered assets for sale May 2004 Market research reveals deep prescriber support, but Brand needs major makeover and coherent marketing strategy Overseas distributor network need strengthening and expanding Alliance acquisition of Forceval Organisational Likely termination for current 8 employees (Administrator to cover costs) Recruit Business Unit Head, Export Manager & Supply Chain Manager UK Marketing Brand makeover Coherent marketing strategy Renew communications with dietetics specialists Exports Re-energise current distributors with new promotional materials Seek new territories Prepare for China opportunity Big market in China for a sister product for pregnancy (10m births pa) Current business exists following approach by Chinese government Administrator stabilising situation prior to sale Alliance to have first option Periodontitis Periodontitis is a severe form of gingivitis in which the inflammation of the gums extends to the supporting structures of the tooth. Periodontitis results from a long-term accumulation of plaque and tartar between the teeth and the gums. Pockets form between the teeth and gums and extend downward between the root of the tooth and the underlying bone. These pockets collect plaque in an oxygenfree environment, which promotes the growth of aggressive forms of bacteria. The body reacts to the aggressive bacteria with enzymes (collagenases). These enzymes also attack the supportive ligaments and gum tissue holding the tooth in place. The result is loosening and eventually loss of the tooth. Source: Adapted from the Merck Manual of Medical Information Role of Periostat Periostat suppresses the body's own enzymes released as part of the disease process. Conventionally periodontitis is controlled by: Removal of plaque and tartar (scaling and root planing) Reducing infection (antibiotics) Periostat offers a new third arm in addition to conventional treatments. Academic Backing Adjunctive sub antimicrobial dose of doxycycline enhances scaling and root planing. It results in statistically significant attachment gains and probing depth reductions over those achieved by scaling and root planing with placebo. Philip M. Preshaw Newcastle University School of Dental Sciences. Journal of Periodontology 2004; 75 1068-1076 American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) 2003 Workshop on contemporary sciences in clinical periodontics concluded the level of evidence rating for Periostat was “Strong”, the highest rating possible. Periostat is listed on the Dental Practitioners Formulary and is prescribed and reimbursed by the NHS. Market research 2 studies commissioned, £25k Findings 7 severe periodontitis patients / wk / surgery (= pool of 3.2m prescribing opportunities pa) 54% of Users likely to increase prescribing of Periostat Non-Users did not know enough about the product to prescribe 46% of non-user dentists would use as result of the market research Conclusions The potential market is large Periostat is appreciated by the dentists who use it Lack of knowledge is preventing the majority of dentists from using it Periostat sales are likely to respond to promotion Periostat Sales Potential CollaGenex Annual Periostat Sales 99-03 50 2003 £334k Direct 9% 45 40 Export Sales 26% 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 NHS Sales 65% 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 US Sales $m Current UK sales represent 6000 patients (0.2% of “pool”) 5% of pool would give £6.9m sales CollaGenex promotion has only reached 6% of the 20,000 UK dentists. Periodontologists are a small influential customer group Dentists are readily accessible by representatives Unexploited European markets Source: Hillier Hopkins LLP, Extracts from P&L’s 2002-Jul 2004 2003 Appendix Alliance - Management John Dawson, Managing Director Pharmacist, MSc Finance; 34yrs sector experience, board member, controlling shareholder, 7 yrs with Alliance Maddy Scott, Finance Director ACCA; 17 yrs experience across manufacturing and service industries, board member, company secretary, 5 yrs with Alliance Tony Booley, Sales & Marketing Director BSc Physiology, MBA, Chartered Marketer; 24yrs sector experience, board member, shareholder, 5 yrs with Alliance Michael Gatenby, Non Executive Chairman MA. FCA ex-director of Hill Samuel and Co, ex-Vice Chairman of Charterhouse Bank. Holds a number of non executive directorships Sam Madden, Technical & Regulatory Director BSc Biochem/Toxicol, MSc Biopharmacy, 25yrs sector experience across wide base; board member, shareholder, 7 yrs with Alliance John Barber, Director of Scientific Affairs BSc Pharmacology, MSc Information Science; 16yrs sector experience, 4 yrs with Alliance Andrew Dean, Business Development Director BSc Chemistry and Business; 11yrs sector experience, marketing & sales management, 2 yrs with Alliance Paul Ranson, Non Executive Director LL.B Barrister Solicitor. 20 years sector experience, board member Alliance – Sources of growth Promoted products Nu-Seals in cardiovascular prevention Symmetrel in Parkinson’s disease Dermatology (portfolio of 8 brands) Established Brand acquisitions Immediate cashflow and profit Launches from in-licensing Dermatology products from Barrier Therapeutics Inc Niche hospital antibiotics from GES Launches from own developments APL 202 (misoprostol) for induction of labour APL 510 (melatonin) for sleep disorders Growth product - Nu-Seals in Ireland Rapidly growing market (28% CAGR) Heart disease No. 1 killer in Ireland Government initiatives Ageing population 2020: 1m people over 55 2010: 833k people over 55 2002: 782k people over 55 Nu-Seals 75 £2.3m sales in Ireland 15% increase year 02/04 70% of antiplatelet market 84% of low dose aspirin market Ireland highly branded market Growth product - Symmetrel Acquired from Novartis in Oct 2001 Current sales £1.2m Parkinson’s disease market £80m 120,000 patients Dyskinesias (large involuntary movements) Niche segment 15,000 potential patients Unmet needs Symmetrel renaissance in PD 50 papers specifically on amantadine in PD in the last 5 years The only nmda antagonist for PD Promotion started Dec 2003 Neurologists endorsing the concept Rolling message out to less specialised physicians Growth project - APL 202 (misoprostol) Misoprostol originally introduced to reduce gastric acid secretions and prevent ulcers Will compete against dinoprostone (ca £13m EU Extensive published research in obstetrics (cervical ripening and labour induction) Introduction is eagerly awaited • Early usage was given orally • Current preference is for vaginal administration Local action Reduced side-effects • Some trials show greater efficacy than dinoprostone (market leader) • Published trials unsuitable for registration High awareness amongst obstetricians sales) In 2002 Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists called for the development Specialist marketing – low cost Alliance to market in UK & Ireland • Existing Specialist Hospital sales force in UK • Existing GP / Hospital sales force in Ireland Intend to license out in rest of EU • Already used “off-licence” Commencing clinical trials at end of 2004 • But requires 3 serial cuts to the oral tablet (200mcg to 25mcg) Planned launch in H1 2006 Unlike dinoprostone, does not require refrigeration NPV about £2m Growth project - APL 510 (melatonin) Melatonin – hormone that regulates circadian rhythm (body clock) Therapeutic melatonin has been shown to promote sleep in many different sleep disorders • large bibliography, but unsuitable for registration Seen as a “natural” product High awareness in GPs (ex market research) • • 100% awareness >50% had been involved in its usage via specialists Current prescribers (ex market research) • • • Are very enthusiastic about its results Biggest complaint is restrictions imposed by not having a marketing authorisation Seek a formulation that is quick acting but has a prolonged release GPs (and patients) are reluctant to use current “sleeping tablets” • Benzodiazepines concerns over habituation and hangover effects seen as unsuitable for children Melatonin freely available OTC in USA • Classified by FDA as a nutritional supplement Melatonin sales banned in EU • Needs to be registered as a medicine Melatonin used “off licence” in UK • Initiated by NHS specialists • Patient-specific usage continued by GPs • “Named patient” supply regulated by Dept of Health manufactured under a “Specials” licence controlled importation • Usage estimated at £3-4m per annum Currently melatonin used mainly for sleep disorders in • Children with Special Needs ( a wide variety of conditions) • Blind patients Growth project - APL 510 (melatonin) Special release formulation has been developed EU Sleep Disorders market estimated at £500m Phase 1 trials in human volunteers completed Melatonin will expand the market • Rapid production of therapeutic blood levels • Blood levels then maintained for 5 hours Alliance to market in UK & Ireland • To Specialists initially to gain endorsement for GPs Phase 3 clinical trials to commence H2 2004 • Regulatory submission planned for H2 2005 Possible introduction H2 2006 Hospital sales force • Moderate development costs (£4-5m) NPV about £18m - £30 m Will use existing GP / Hospital sales force in Ireland Will gain 10 yr data protection in EU regulatory system Will need UK GP sales force to accompany GP marketing – significant investment License out in rest of EU • Down payments plus royalty stream