Fall 2006 Hours Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:30pm to 8:30pm. Call for an appointment (860) 832-0103 or (860) 8322882 e-mail (pescac@ccsu.edu) CCSU – Elihu Burritt Library Room 306 - Stanley St. New Britain, CT 06050 Http://www.ccsu.edu/italian For an appointment call: (860)832-2882/832-0103 Check out our website: http://www.ccsu.edu/italian For information E-mail: PescaC@ccsu.edu or Oconnellg@ccsu.edu The Italian Resource Center J a n u a r y IRC Calendar 2006 – •January 20 -- ITALIAN CLASSES FOR CHILDREN resume at CCSU, Davidson Hall 202 from 4:15 to 5:15, in preparation of the language Rhyme Celebration, every Friday until March 10. Instructor: Gina Casano, CCSU student enrolled in the Italian certification program. Didactic materials from the Italian Resource Center. LAST DAY to sign up your children is January 20. If interested, call or email Carmela Pesca. g e n n a i o •January-April -- CONTEST "ITALY THROUGH MY EYES", a creative writing/drawing contest open to all K-12 students of Italian. Email IACE at library@iacelanguage.org •January 28 (snow date February 4) -- CT COLT TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, East Haven High School. Registration at www.ctcolt.org F e b r u a r y IRC Calendar 2006 – f e b b r a i o •February 12- “The Orphan Singer” – 6:30 pm book reading, 7:00 pm show at Manhattan Symphony Space. •February 27 at 2:40 pm at the Italian Academy Teatro – Italian Academy Victoria de Grazie, Professor of History presents: “How the West was won for Mass Consumption: the Italian campaign: 1953 – 1973” M IRC Calendar 2006 a r c •March 14 (snow date March 28) -- CT COLT RHYME CELEBRATION presenting preK-6 graders at Welte Auditorium, CCSU from 3:00 to 6:00 pm. Theme "When I grow up. Occupations and Professions". Children who are learning Italian rhymes at CCSU are going to represent the Italian Resource Center. h – m •March 30 and April 1 -- OPERA at the Bushnell Theatre, Hartford: CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA by Pietro Mascagni and GIANNI SCHICCHI by Giacomo Puccini. Discounted tickets through the "Tutti all'Opera!!" program: Front balcony seats for $12 each instead of $32. Call Aric Isaacs, CT Opera manager, and mention the IACE sponsored program. Teachers of Italian receive study guides to prepare students. See www.ctopera.org for performance information. a •March 30-April 2 -- North East Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Marriott Marquis, New York, NY. Program at http://www.dickinson.edu/nectfl r z •March-May -- OPERA EXPRESS in-school educational programs "Pinocchio" and "Antipasto" with artists from CT Opera presenting Italian music and performing directly at your school. Some districts are already taking advantage of this IACE sponsored opportunity. Interested? call or e-mail Carmela Pesca to know if your school qualifies. See www.ctopera.org for information on educational programs. o A IRC Calendar 2006 p r i •April 1 -- OPERA at the Bushnell Theatre, Hartford: CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA by Pietro Mascagni and GIANNI SCHICCHI by Giacomo Puccini. Discounted tickets through the "Tutti all'Opera!!" program: Front balcony seats for $12 each instead of $32. Call Aric Isaacs, CT Opera manager, and mention the IACE sponsored program. Teachers of Italian receive study guides to prepare students. See www.ctopera.org for performance information. l •April 2 -- North East Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Marriott Marquis, New York, NY. Program at http://www.dickinson.edu/nectfl - •April 3 – at 5:30 pm at the Academy Teatro – 1161 Amsterdam Avenue – NY, NY 10027 – www.italianacademy.columbia.edu – Gayatri Spivak, Professor in the Humanities presents “Dante’s ‘De vulgari eloquentia’ as a word text.” a p •April 8 (tentative date) -- Hartford Consortium ITALIAN CONFERENCE on "Teaching Italian Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and AP courses in Connecticut." Hartford University from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Organized by Italian faculty of CCSU, Trinity College, UConn and University of Hartford. Everyone is invited. CEUs available to teachers of Italian . r •April 11 -- CT COLT Poetry Recitation Contest. 3:30-6:30 pm, New Britain High School. Regulation and registration at www.ctcolt.org i l •April 29 – Hartford Consortium ITALIAN CONFERENCE on “Teaching Italian Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and AP courses in Connecticut” at the Harru Jack Gray Conference – Room C - University of Hartford. e M IRC Calendar 2006 a y – m a g g i o J IRC Calendar 2006 u n e – g i u g n o J u IRC Calendar 2006 l y – l u g l July 3 – 20 – CCSU Summer Institute in Italian for current and prospective teachers of Italian. Intensive Studies in Language, Culture and technology; Professional Development; 3 graduate credits; CEU option possible. Contact Profs. Gustavo Mejia (Mejiaag@ccsu.edu) or Carmela Pesca (PescaC@ccsu.edu). i o A u g u s t IRC Calendar 2006 – a g o s t o S e p t e m b e r IRC Calendar 2006 – s e t t e m b r e •September 28 at 4:30 pm – at Yale University – The Annual Dante lecture by Richard Lansing from Brandeis University – “Figures in the Carpet: Sing and Metaphor in Dante’s Commedia.” http://www.yale.edu/italian •September 30, 2006 to October 1, 2006 – at UCONN – The third annual Robert Dombroski Italian Conference – “The Mediterranean and Beyond.” O c t o b e r IRC Calendar 2006 •October 11 – the Italian Resource Center at 5:30pm will present the movie “MY VOYAGE TO ITALY” of Martin Scorzese. •October 12 at 4:30 pm – at Yale University – “Renzo, The Failed Revolutionary, in Alessandro Manzoni’s, I Promessi Sposi “ a lecture by Cecilia Miller, Wesleyan University.http://www.yale.edu/italian •From October 19 to December 31, 2006 – On view at Yale Center for British Art – “Canaletto in England: A Venetian Artist Abroad 1746 – 1755. For more information http://www.yale.edu/ycba – •October 20, 21 – at the UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD SYMPOSIUM “THE TRANSLATOR AS MEDIATOR OF CULTURES” Friday afternoon, October 20 in Dana Hall (Mali 1 Auditorium), while a series of panels and papers will follow on Saturday morning and afternoon, October 21, in Harry Jack Gray Center (Wilde Auditorium). For parking, please use Parking Lot K. e-mail Eileen Johnson eijohnson@hartford.edu to register. Registration is free. o t t o b r e •October 23, 2:30 to 4:00 pm - at the Istituto di Cultura Italiano “Una Giornata con Gigi Padovani.e tanta Nutella” for more information http://www.globnet.it/collezionismo/libronutella.htm and http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/2082801. •October 28 - “Tutti all’opera” at the New York City Opera, in NY, NY , “L’Elisir d’Amore” by Gaetano Donizetti -- a IACE sponsored Upcoming Opera Performances. For more information •October 30 – CT COLT Fall 2006 Conference – “DISCOVER LANGUAGES…DISCOVER THE WORLD!” – at the Crowne Plaza, Cromwell, CT - http://www.ctcolt.org/ N o v e m b e r IRC Calendar 2006 – n o v e m b r e November 2, 3 and 4 – In New York - The Italian Institute of Culture and the Consulate General of Italy will present a series of workshops for teachers of Italian Language – “The Narration: from the Textbook to Theatrical Production” – for more information http://www.ccsu.edu/italian/November%20workshop%20in%20NY06.htm November 15 - the Italian Resource Center at 5:30 pm will present the movie “L’ULTIMO BACIO” di Gabriele Muccino. November 16 – 19 – ACTFL Conference in Nashville, TN, at the Renaissance Hotel and Nashville Convention Center. For more information http://www.actfl.org/files/public/WebSchedule.pdf D e c e m b e r IRC Calendar 2006 – d i c e m b r e From October 19 to December 31, 2006 – On view at Yale Center for British Art – “Canaletto in England: A Venetian Artist Abroad 1746 – 1755. For more information http://www.yale.edu/ycba B u o n e 2006 - 2007 F e s t e Buon anno nuovo! Spring 2007 Hours Coming soon Call for an appointment (860) 832-0103 or (860) 8322882 e-mail (pescac@ccsu.edu) CCSU – Elihu Burritt Library Room 306 - Stanley St. New Britain, CT 06050 Http://www.ccsu.edu/italian For an appointment call: (860)832-2882/832-0103 Check out our website: http://www.ccsu.edu/italian For information E-mail: PescaC@ccsu.edu or Oconnellg@ccsu.edu The Italian Resource Center J a n u a r y IRC Calendar 2007 – g e n n a i o F e b r u a r y IRC Calendar 2007 – f e b b r a i o February 3, 2007 - NNELL Regional Professional Development at the West Woods Upper Elementary School -50 Judson Lane, Farmington, CT 06032 The topics are: Assessment in Elementary World Languages: Rita Oleksak, President of ACTFL and World Languages Leader in Glastonbury Public Schools, CT and Reading for Elementary World Languages: Teresa Caccavale, President of NNELL and World Languages Leader in Holliston, MA For more information e- mail CT Representative to NNELL Christi Moraga at trigal@comcast.net M IRC Calendar 2007 a r c h - •March 2 – 10 – “Tutti all’opera” Bushnell Theatre in Hartford, “Cosi Fan Tutte” by Mozart -- a IACE sponsored CT Upcoming Opera Performances. For more information call Aric Isaacs at 860- 527-0713, ext. 300. Visit http://www.ctopera.org or M a r •March 2, 2007 – Scholarship Application Deadline for the Italian Language and Culture: Focus on Central Italy - Course Abroad Program to Perugia on July 1 to July 21, 2007For more information check the Center for International Education’s site: http://www.ccsu.edu/cie z o •March 26, 2007 – Program Registration Deadline for the Italian Language and Culture: Focus on Central Italy - Course Abroad Program to Perugia on July 1 to July 21, 2007For more information check the Center for International Education’s site: http://www.ccsu.edu/cie A p IRC Calendar 2007 r i l – A p r •April 12 to 14 -- North East Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Marriott Marquis, New York, NY. Program at http://www.dickinson.edu/nectfl i l •April 20 to 28 – “Tutti all’opera” Bushnell Theatre in Hartford, “Don Pasquale” by Donizetti -- a IACE sponsored CT Upcoming Opera Performances. For more information call Aric Isaacs at 860527-0713, ext. 300. http://www.ctopera.org or e M IRC Calendar 2007 A Y – M A G G I O J U IRC Calendar 2007 N E – G I U G N O J U IRC Calendar 2007 L Y – L U G L I July 1 - 21 – Course Abroad Program in Perugia, Italy. Italian Language and Culture: Focus on Central Italy. For more information http://www.ccsu.edu/italian/Corso%20estivo2007.ht m O A U G U S T IRC Calendar 2007 – A G O S T O S E P T E M B E R IRC Calendar 2007 – S E T T E M B R E O C T O B E R IRC Calendar 2007 – O T T O B R E N O V E M B E R IRC Calendar 2007 – N O V E M B R E Nov. 16-18, 2007 - ACTFL conference in San Antonio, TX at the Marriott Rivercenter and Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center D E C E M B E R IRC Calendar 2007 – D I C E M B R E