Echoes of Eden Trinity Sunday School – Fall 2013 Chapter 5 – Echoes of Eden: God’s Testimony to the Truth The Universal Appeal of Art: its echoes of the truth about the human condition All great art contains elements of the true story: the story of the good creation, the fallen world and the longing for redemption (p67) God has left a testimony to Himself for all people throughout history and throughout the earth – this is His general revelation in contrast to the special revelation in Scripture and through Jesus Revelation Through Creation (p. 68-70) 1. Scriptures referenced: Psalm19.1-4; Hebrews 11.3 2. Calvin’s Institutes Final goal of man rests in the knowledge of God He sowed in men’s minds that seed of religion (hard wired for worship) Reveals and daily discloses Himself in the whole workmanship of the universe – so that men cannot open their eyes without being compelled to see Him. Upon His individual works He has engraved unmistakable marks of His glory, so clear and prominent that even unlettered and stupid folk cannot plead the excuse of ignorance….there is no one to whom the Lord does not abundantly show His wisdom.. Andrew Peterson: “any fool can see”. Revelation in Human Persons (p70-71) 1. We see God’s revelation in human nature – because we are made in God’s likeness, we mirror His personal attributes; examples: loving fellowship, dominion over the world, creative significance, moral commitment. 2. Schaeffer: the universe and its form and the mannishness of man 3. Scriptures referenced: Psalm 8; Romans 1 & 2 (esp 1.18-23,25) 4. Man’s error is not ignorance of God – but willful blindness in the face of the clarity of God’s revelation about Himself God’s Revelation through Providential Care (p71-72) 1. Scripture: Psalm 104.14-15; 145. 9,14; Matt. 6.26-29; Matt 5.44-45; Lk 6.35-36; Acts 14.15-17 2. His gracious commitment in governing all creation 3. His compassionate care for all He has made God’s Rule over the History of the Nations 1. Scripture: Acts 17.24-29 2. Evidence of His sovereign influence over all nations, throughout history: His purposes, judgement 3. Examples he gives: Nebuchadnezzar, Soviet government, Tiananmen Square, Iran Echoes of Eden (p 74-84) 1. The pool of memories within the human race of the truth about our condition 2. Among every people in every age there is the recollection of the original good creation, the brokenness of the present world, the promise and hope of restoration of the good. 3. Echoes of Eden in Religion, Myths, Legends Remnants of belief in one great God behind all the “gods” of nature – ex: Africa Present world has lost its way from our original, beautiful dwelling Present condition is one of alienation and rebellion – not as we should be Longing for brokenness to be set right – hope for a redeemer Widespread presence of sacrifice as a means of atonement Acts 17.22-31: Paul doesn’t quote Old Testament, but pagan authors & the element of truth to be found therein To unknown God: “in Him we live and move and have our being”; “we are His offspring” Paul’s point: every prayer answered, every deliverance and good gift comes from the Father above, the Creator of heaven and earth 4. Echoes of Eden in Literature (p79-84) Stream of memories of the truth in the literature of every nation Jung’s “collective consciousness” that recalls the deep longings /recollections of the true story Examples: John’s vision in Revelation 12 – similarity to pagan literature’s common myths Dragons – leviathan: Ps 74.13-14; Is 27.1: the prophets used pagan mythology to demonstrate the true power of God over all pagan religious claims (p83) Christ is the fulfillment of all the hopes and longings of paganism …. (p.81) Romance – echoes of the divine romance; G.K. Chesterton Summary: we should be prepared to utilize these echoes of Eden wherever they may be found – they contain the memories of the true story