Unit 1 Revision Topics Memory 1 Nature of memory STM LTM Capacity, duration and encoding Peterson and Peterson, 1959 Baddeley, 1966 Bahrick et al, 1975 Miller, 1956 Encoding, storage and retrieval Rehearsal 2 Models of Memory Multi-Store Model Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968 Scoville and Milner, 1957 Glenzer and Cunitz, 1966 Beardsley, 1997 Squire et al, 1992 Working memory model Baddeley and Hitch, 1974, 1976 Elsinger and Domasio, 1985 Baddeley, 2000 3 Theory of Forgetting Trace decay Hebb, 1949 Peterson and Peterson, 1959 Reitman, 1974 Waugh and Norman, 1965 (Trace decay or displacement?) Lashley, 1931 Interference theory Proactive and retroactive interference Underwood, 1957 Tulving and Psotka, 1971 (interference of lack of cues?) Cue dependent forgetting Abernethy, 1940 Goodwin et al, 1969 Hardman, 1998 Repression and Motivated forgetting Freud Bradley and Baddeley, 1990 Myers and Brewin, 1994 Williams, 1994 Karon and Widener, 1997 4 Eyewitness Testimony Loftus and Palmer, 1974 Anxiety and stress Clifford and Scott, 1978 Yuille and Cutshall, 1968 Reconstructive memory Bartlett, 1972 Weapon focus Loftus, 1987 Wording Loftus and Zanni, 1975 Early Socialisation Attachment What attachment looks like. Stages of attachment Schaffer, 1996 Schaffer and Emerson, 1964 Psychoanalytic theory (cupboard love theory) Behaviourist theory (cupboard love theory) Harlow, 1959 Bowlby-Ainsworth Paradigm Bowlby’s Evolutionary theory Monotropy Tronick et al, 1992 Ainsworth’s caregiver sensitivity hypothesis, 1967 Types of attachment Ainsworth’s Strange Situation Study, 1978 Continuity hypothesis Hazan and Shaver, 1987 Sroufe et al, 1999 Temperament hypothesis Belsky and Rovine, 1987 Different kinds of attachment Cultural differences Grossman and Grossman, 1991 Takahashi, 1990 Separation, deprivation and privation Definitions Bowlby, 1944, 44 thieves study PDD cycle (Robertson and Bowlby, 1952) Robertsons’ Case Studies Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis (Bowlby, 1953) Privation (Rutter, 1972) Genie, Curtiss, 1977 Czech twins, Koluchova, 1976 Institutionalised children Quinton et al, 1985 Triseltiotis, 1984 Skeels and Dye, 1939 Hodges and Tizard, 1989 Reactive Attachment Disorder Day Care Types of day care Features of quality day care (Phillips and Howes, 1987) Cognitive development Bruchinel, 1989 Broberg et al, 1997 Bryant et al, 1983 Baydar and Brookes-Gunn, 1991 Kagen et al, 1980 Emotional development Lazar and Darlington, 1982 World Health Organisation Social development Shea, 1981 Clarke-Stewart et al, 1994 Pennebaker et al, 1981 Cole and Cole, 1996