tugas bahasa inggris

Dinar Harumacahya
Arsitektur B
TAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013
Kata berimbuhan dan contoh kalimat
1. Blend = campuran
Blender = alat pencampur
Blended = campuran
Fruit blend is blended by blender.
2. Access = jalan masuk
Accessable = dapat diperoleh/dicapai
Accessibility = hal yang mudah dicapai
Accessibility accessable by access.
3. Accept = menerima
Acceptability = hal yang dapat diterima
Acceptance = penerimaan
Acceptance only accept acceptability
4. Know = mengetahui
Unknow = tidak tahu
Knowledge = pengetahuan
Someone will know a knowledge which unknowed before.
5. Active = giat
Activate = menggiatkan
Activator = penggerak/penggiat
Activation = penggerakkan
Activist = aktivis
Activity = aktivitas
The activist activate activity by activation with the leader of activator actively.
6. Act = perbuatan
Action = tindakan;aksi
Actor = pelaku(pria)
Actual = sebenarnya
Actuality = keadaan yang sebenarnya
Actualize = melaksanakan
The actual act is actuality action who actualized by actor.
7. Add = menjumlahkan
Addition = penjumlahan
Additional = tambahan
Additive = bahan tambahan
Mommy add additive for additional by addition.
8. Adm = administrasi
Administer = mengurus
Administration = administrasi
Administrative = ketatausahaan
Administrator = pengatur
Administrative is administering administration with administrator in adm room.
9. Admire = mengagumi
Admirable = mengagumkan
Admiration = kekaguman
Admiringly = dengan kekaguman
Admirer = an admirer admires something admirable admiringly of that thing shows admiration.
10. Mobility = gerakan
Mobilize = menggerakkan
Mobilization = mobilisasi;pengarahan
Mobility of green life is mobilization about mobilize to life healthy.
11. Memo = notes peringatan
Memoir = laporan ilmiah
Memoirs = buku kenang-kenangan;riwayat hidup
Memorable= mengesankan(yang patut dikenang)
Memorabilia = yang patut dikenang
Memorandum = surat peringatan;catatan pendek
Memorial = tanda peringatan(ex:patung)
Memorization = penghafal
Memorize = menghafal
Memory = daya ingat
My memory is memorizing something memorable after see the memoirs such as memorial about
memorandum which memorabilia in memo for help memorization of memoir.
12. Nominee = calon
Nominate = mencalonkan
Nomination = pencalonan
Nominative = kasus nominatif
At the nominative the nominee nominate their self because nomination from their supporter.
13. Fiction = cerita rekaan
Fictional = bersifat fiksi
Fictitious = khayalan;nama samara
Nonfiction = cerita nyata
Fiction is fictional story with the fictitious that different with nonfiction.
14. Suppose = mengira
Supposed = disangka benar
Supposedly = menurut dugaan
Supposing = seandainya;sekiranya
Supposition = perkiraan
I suppose my supposition is right, because supposedly supposing it is wrong still be supposed.
15. Profit = keuntungan
Profitable = menguntungkan
Profiteer = lintah darat
Profiteering = pengambilan untung berlebih
Nonprofit = tidak mencari keuntungan
Profitmaking = yang mencari keuntungan
A profiteer always profiteering for profitmaking. This is very profitable for them. Their profit had
gotten they deem it nonprofit.
16. Product/produce = hasil
Producer = penghasil
Production = penghasilan
Productive = produktip
Productivity = daya produktif
Unproductive = tidak menghasilkan
Non-productive = tidak produktif
A producer is producing the best product if they productive. The opposite is, whwn the producer
non productive so that unproductive because bad productivity.
17. Object = sasaran;tujuan
Abjective = tujuan
Objectively = secara objektif
Objectivity = keobjektifan
Objection = berkeberatan
Objectionable = tidak dapat disetujui
Objectively, an object have objectivity if that objective, not objection to be object although
18. Shake = getar;goncangan
Shaker = pengocok
Shakiness = keadaan goncang
Shaky = gemetar;getaran
Unshaken = tetap;tidak goncang\
Unshakenable= tak tergoncang
The big shaky like as shaker which shaking with shakiness, but if unshaken so unshakenable.
19. Sense = guna;rasa
Senseless = tidak ada guna;tidak berperikemanusiaan
Sensible = bijaksana
Sensibly = dengan pantas
Sensitive = peka
Nonsense = omong kosong
Nonsensical = yang bukan-bukan
Sensibility = perasaan
Sensitivity = kepekaan
Senselessness = kesia-siaan
A sensitive person always use their sensitivity, but not quite sensible. They always nonsensical
thingking because their sensitivity, but it sense for avoid senseless, nonsense and senselessness
20. Use = penggunaan
Useful = berguna
Useless = tidak berguna
User = pengguna
Unused = tidak terpakai
Unuseable = tidak dapat digunakan
Usefulness = keguanaan
Uselessness = ketidakgunaan
Use the uquipment will useful if user using the useless uquipment well, but it unuseable if he still
at the unused equipment by uselessness with usefulness very well.
1. About personality
I ever heard the saying “ do not know means not love”? Therefore, i will describe my self
in three points of view.
The first thing, i want to describe my personality. My name is Dinar Harumacahya. My
nickname is Dinar, but for some people who are closed to me, they usually call me Ica. I am
18 years old, because i was born in 25th December 1993.
The second is about my hobby. My hobby is writing and reading. If i am reading, no one
can bother me. I am an introvert and talk less person. So, i often showingmy feeling by
writing it in the diary. Sometimes, i write poem too.
The third is about my family. My family is simple family. There is a father, a mother, a
brother and a sister. I am the 2nd child in my family. I am very proud with my family. So, i
want to make them proud on me.
All in all, everybody have many personalities to share. However, i have expressed my
own in only three description.
2. Argumentative essay
2.1 Famous but not rich architect
If i may to decide which one i choose between famous but not rich architect or rich
architect but not famous, i would rather to be famous but not rich architect. According to my
choice, when i become famous architect, it will be unestimated satisfaction and one day it
will be a rich people too.
If i become famous architect, it will be unestimated satisfaction. When it happen,
certainly because of my creation will have appreciated. It is makes so proud.
Besides that, in the end i will be a rich people surely. By my famous creation, it will
bring me to so many order. Then, the project will make me become a rich people.
In conclusion, my reason why i would rather to be famous but not rich architect are, i
will get unestimaten satisfaction and it will make me become a rich people.
2.2 Why must architect?
Very confused to determine where we must choose department to study. Need many
consideration to determine it. Finally i prefer archithect for my passion in university. In my
opinion architectur is good to manage the land. Architect also so cool profession.
Allah command to us to be a “khalifah” as arranger in land. In my opinion, a “khalifah”
like same as an architect.
Besides that, in my point of view becoming an architect is mean i have cool profession. If
imagine it, it will impressive if we can build a building for many people witj different design.
Surely it will seem beautiful, and it is make the world be colorfull.
To conclude my reason i prefer architect, because architect like same as “khalifah” who
is manage the land and in my point of view architect is cool profession.
2.3 Why must Jogja?
Since i was child, my parents always teaching to me for study anywhere. If in Indonesia,
Jogja is called student city, so i prefer to study in Jogja. Beside that, my parents are graduate
from university in Jogja, so i want to like as them.
“Jogja is Student City”, surely any many reason to call Jogja like that. Maybe because
very many people looking for the knowledge there. If it happens, that mean the quality of
knowledge in Jogja is well.
Besides that, i prefer Jogja because my parents. When my mother and my father got
knowledge, they are choose Jogja for it. Every listen their story, i always imagine if i become
like them. From that time, i have a dream to study in Jogja.
All in all, my reason to study in Jogja because Jogja have called “Student City” and
because i want to like as my parents.
2.4 Why must UII?
For choose university we can not to unseriously. My mother recommend to me to prefer
UII. According to mya mother’s reason is because she is graduate from UII, so see know the
quality of UII. The important thing, we will not miss the morality of religion because in UII
we teached that.
The quality of UII is good, my mother’s said. From there, very many important people
appear. Their state also not playful, majority of them have important position in our country,
the example is Mahfud MD.
The important thing according to my mother’s reason is moral knowledge about
Moeslem. SKS about it in UII have a lot than other university. So, we will not miss our
In conclusion, my reason i prefer UII because recommend from my mother who is saying
that UII have good quality and have religious lesson so we will still have religion side.