PROGRAMM of the 10 Anniversary International Forum OPTICS-EXPO 2014 th PROGRAMM OF THE RESEARCH-TO-PRACTICE CONFERENCE «OPTICS IN SCIENCE AND TECNOLOGY» FIRST DAY OF YHE CONDERENCE - 11.11.2014 Plenary meeting Venue: pavilion № 55, large conference-hall Registration of participants: 10:00 – 14:00 Conference opening – 14:00 (duration of presentations – up to 25min., discussions – 10 min.) Chairman – professor Yakushenkov Yu.G. Opening speech of the Chairman of the Program committee Yakushenkov Yu.G. - Current state and outlooks of the national optical-electronic industry Maksin S.V., General director of the OJSC «Shvabe» - Problems of personnel training for the optical industry Yakushenkov Yu.G., Chairman of Department of optoelectronic devices of Moscow State University of Geodetics and Cartography; Torshina I.P., Dean of the Department of optical information systems and technologies of Moscow State University of Geodetics and Cartography - Scientific school «Developing of variosystems» Pakhomov I.I.,Rozhkov O.V.,Piskunov D.E.,Pavlov V.Yu.,Khorokhorov А.М., Shirankov А.F. – Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman - Current State and outlooks of development of holographic technologies in optics. Odinokov S.B., Deputy Director for science of the Research Institute of Radioelectronics and laser technology of Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman - Current State and Prospects of developing of the optical equipment in Republic of Belarus Volosach Yu.P., Deputy chief technologist on optics - OJSC «Minsk mechanical plant named after Vavilov S.I. – management company of the holding «BelOMO» - Current State and Prospects of developing of the public Academy «Contenant» Sennik B.N. – main optic specialist of the OJSC “Krasnogorsk plant named after Zverev S.A. » - Developing of the regional engineering centers Pozdnyakov К.А., Committee for industrial development of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation - To the history of modern optics and the role of the State optical Institute in its development in Russia Belozerov А.F. - OJSC «Non-governmental Organization «GIPO» SECOND DAY OF THE CONFERENCE - 12.11.2014 10.00-18.00 Lunch 14.00-15.00 Venue: pavilion № 55, large conference-hall, conference-hall № 1, conference-hall № 2 (duration of presentations – up to 15min., discussions – 10 min.) RESEARCH-PRACTICE CONFERENCE «OPTICS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY» Large conference-hall Chairman - professor Yakushenkov Yu.G. 10.00-14.00 - Trends of developing of the optoelectronic systems of the 3rd generation for environmental monitoring Yakushenkov Yu.G., Chairman of Department of optoelectronic devices of Moscow State University of Geodetics and Cartography - Promising optical complex «Avrovisor-VUV» for diagnosing and monitoring the Earth’s ionosphere Boyko V.А., Shatova Е.А. - OJSC «SPE «Geofizika-Kosmos»; Kuzmin А.К., Merzliy А.М. – Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science «Institute of space researches of the Russian Academy of Science»; Lapshin V.B.- Federal State Budgetary Institution «Institute of applied geophysics of Roshydromet» - Personnel training for companies, working in the field of creation and use of fiber lasers Evdokimov А.А. – Moscow State University of Radio engineering, Electronics and Automation - Stand for configure and test the widely complete infrared devices for orientation of the spacecraft on the Earth. Strizhnova N.М., Gebgart А.Ya., Kolosov М.P., Nazarbaev К.N. - OJSC «SPE «Geofizika-Kosmos » - Disc micro resonators on the basis of the radiating structures «silicon/germanium» for nanophotonics schemes: theory, technology, experiment Stepikhova М.V., Novikov А.V., Sergeev S.М., Verbus V.А., Krasilnik Z.F. – Institute for physics of microstructures of the Russian Academy of Science, J. Schilling -Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg - Development of lidar technologies for sensing of aerosol and cloud fields in the troposphere Balin Yu.S., Kokhanenko G.P., Penner I.E., Samoylova S.V., Klemasheva М.G., Novoselov М.М. – Institute of atmospheric optics names after Zuev V.E. of Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Science - Medical instruments with the possibility of optical diagnostics of biological tissues based on a shaped sapphire Shikunova I.A., Kurlov V.N., Stryukov D.О. – Institute of solid state physics of Russian Academy of Science, Chernogolovka - The Experience of joint world of the departments of the University with the leading enterprises of the sector Bakholdin A.V., Tsukanova G.I., Ezhova К.V., Voznesenskaya А.О., Ivanova Т.V., Romanova G.E., Tolstoba N.D. – Saint-Petersburg National Research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics - Integrated electro-optical microwave modulator: the results of developments Lebedev V.V., Agruzov P.М., Ilyichev I.V., Shamray A.V.- Physico-technical Institute named after Ioffe A.F. of the Russian Academy of Science - Investigation of the effectiveness of focus images Shlychkov V.I.., Goncharov А.P., Dongak Е.Z - OJSC «Production Association «Ural optical and mechanical plant named after Yalamov E.S. » Holographic collimating sight with focusing grating Koreshev S.N.,Shevtsov М.К. –OJSC «State Optical Institute named after Vavilov S.I.» Analysis of the structure of gardans of silicate series Afanasov D.S., Popov N.N., Moscow State University of Geodetics and Cartography Panoramic system of circular view in the display devices of secondary information avionics suites and automation Archipova L.N., Bagdasarov А.А. – OJSC « State Optical Institute named after Vavilov S.I.», Bagdasarova O.V. – St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, mechanics and optics - Complex of optical-electronic equipment for monitoring the combustion chamber and turbine of aircraft gas turbine engine Andreeva T.P., Shipiguseva V.А., Gumerova А.R., Pakhomova А.S., Gubaydullina I.Т. –OJSC Ufa Scientific-production enterprise «Lightning», OJSC «Aviadvigatel» 15.00-18.00 - Influence of the plastic properties of thin films on the geometrical parameters of periodic line structures formed using a diamond cutter Melnikov А.N. - OJSC «Non-government Organization «State Institute of applied optics» - Effect of the quality of surfaces produced spherical and aspherical mirrors on the optical characteristics of the lenses of astrovision devices Baloev V.А., Raginov S.V., Skochilov А.F. - OJSC «Non-government Organization «State Institute of applied optics» - Laser radar device for registration of brightness-distance images of fontelieu situation at the wavelength of 1,06 μm. Kaplan V.G., Lipatov V.V., Nepogodin I.A., Petrov А.N., Fatkullovв R.А., Filippov V.L., Yacyk V.S. - OJSC Non-government Organization «State Institute of applied optics», Fomkin А.S. - «Metra Telecom Group» Ltd - Modeling of complex 4d phono-target plots, observed by optical-electronic systems for various applications Filippov V.L., Tiranov D.T., Guseva А.А., Yatsyk V.S. - OJSC «Non-government Organization «State Institute of applied optics» - Mastering the technologies of mass production of the micro bolometer for import substitution key elements of the thermal imaging devices Startsev V.V. – CJSC «Lytkarino Plant Optoelectronic Systems «ASTRON» - High-precision electro-optical system on the basis of the wave front sensor to control the quality profile of optical products Veremyeva А. А., Denisov D. G., Karasik V. Е., Sakharov А. А., - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman; - Automated finishing machines for forming high-precision aspheric optics Gorshkov V.А.,Savelyev А.S., Nevrov А.S., Korneev N.G. - OJSC «Non-government Organization «Optics» - Collimators with off-axis mirrors with the working field 200-1000 mm for quality control of optical and electronic systems Gorshkov V.А., Korneev N.G. -OJSC «Non-government Organization «Optics» - Launch of the new high-tech production by applying optical coatings Timofeeva А. - «MacroOptics» Ltd - Photodetector module for large-format photo-detectors with the regime of the time delay and accumulation, operating in the spectral range 1-3 Boltar К.О.,Burlakov I.D., Bychkovskiy Ya.S., Drazhnikov B.N., Kozlov K.V., Kuznetsov P.A., Solyakov V.N. – OJSC «Non-government Organization «Orion» - Mathematical model of multi-dimensional devices with a mode time delay and accumulation Solyakov V.N., Kozlov К.V., Kuznetsov P.А., Polesskiy А.V., Khamidullin К.А. OJSC «Non-government Organization «Orion» - Researches of optical properties of heteroepitaxial AIGaN structures Nikonov А.V., Boltar К.О., Burlakov I.D., Yakovleva N.I. - OJSC «Nongovernment Organization «Orion» - Research of the displacement of the cooling finger in cryogenic-cooled photo detectors integral type when cryostation Polesskiy А.V., Samvelov А.V., Bedareva Е.А.,Khamidullin К.А.,Semenchenko N.А. - OJSC «Non-government Organization «Orion» - Joint work of the Department of applied and computer optics of the University of information technologies, mechanics and optics with the leading organizations in the industry А.V. Bakholdin, G.I. Tsukanova, К.V. Ezhova, А.О. Voznesenskaya, Т.V. Ivanova, G.E. Romanova, N.D. Tolstoba, St.Petersburg National Research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics - Hardware-methodical means of measuring and control characteristics of thermal imaging devices Garaeeva А.I.,Kurt V.I. – OJSC «Non-government Organization «State Institute of applied optics » - Researches of the influence of temperature effect on the focal path of ultraviolet direction finder Vakhitov М.А., Lipatov V.V., Muzafarov А.R., Makhmutov М.S.,Nuramov F.N., Khisamov R.Sh. - OJSC «Non-government Organization «State Institute of applied optics » - Correction of inhomogeneities characteristics of the photosensitive elements of the essence of the matrix infrared receiver in the system of Earth remote sensing Batavin М.N, Mingalev А.V., Savin D.Е., Shusharin S.N. - OJSC «Non-government Organization «State Institute of applied optics» - Technology of application of grids method cautery, laser, filling the start of drawing on the metal floor and damage assessment of a glass substrate Lelyanov А.BБ. - OJSC «SHVABE - Devices», Novosibirsk Conference-hall №1 III THEMATIC SCIENTIFIC-TECHNOCAL CONFERENCE «NEW DEVELOPMENTS OF OPTO-ELECTRONIC AND LASER RADAR SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR AIRCRAFT» Organizers: OJSC «Moscow Helicopters Plant named after M.L. Mil» Chairman - Belskiy А.B., Deputy Chief Designer of OJSC « Moscow Helicopters Plant named after M.L. Mil» 10:00-14-00 - Role and Place of optoelectronic and laser systems for airborne equipment helicopters Belskiy А.B. – OJSC «Moscow Helicopters Plant named after M.L. Mil» - Algorithm of processing and image recognition of optical-electronic systems of aircraft Belskiy А.B., Choban V.M. – OJSC «Moscow Helicopters Plant named after M.L. Mil» - Quality assessment of modes of automatic tracking of objects by optoelectronic systems for aircraft Belskiy А.B., Pervak I.V. – OJSC «Moscow Helicopters Plant named after M.L. Mil» - Mathematical model and analysis of system of automatic pointing and stabilization platform with useful optoelectronic load Aleev R.М., Chizhikov М.А. – OJSC «KAMOV», Belskiy А.B. – OJSC «Moscow Helicopters Plant named after M.L. Mil», Borodin V.M. – Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev - Complex optical-electronic board-based system Tarasov V.V., Glushinskiy V.А.,Portnov А.V.,Bokshanskiy V.B. – OJSC «Central Scientific-Research Institute «Cyclone» - Problems of realization of the system enhances and synthetic vision onboard Titov А.А. – OJSC «On-board navigation system» - Automatic stabilization system of hovering helicopters places on video Vygolov О.V., Gorbatsevich V.S., Knyaz V.V., Kashirkin S.V., Vizilter Yu.V., Zheltov S.Yu., Brondz D.S. –«State Research Institute of aviation systems», «Special Design and technological Bureau «OMEGA» - Automatic television system for measuring of the degree of deviation of the rotating blades of a helicopter Zavalnyuk О.Т., Mayorov М.А. – CJSC «Moscow Scientific Research Television Institute» - Assessment of the area of uncertainty zone of board sensors review in the task of combining images with maps Kostyashkin L.N.,Loginov А.А., Yukin S.А. – OJSC «Ryazan State Instrument Plant» - Opto-electronic scanning laser rangefinders and guidance systems Bondarenko D.А., Kostyashkin L.N., Semenkov V.P., Strepetov S.F. – OJSC «Ryazan State Instrument Plant» - Helmet-mounted target designation system and display Kostyashkin L.N.,Pavlov О.V. – OJSC «Ryazan State Instrument Plant» - laser television system for maintenance of helicopter flights in adverse weather conditions Brondz D.S., Vorobiev D.V., Grebenschikov V.P.,Gorbachev K.B.,Kargaev А.L. – «Special Design and technological Bureau «OMEGA» - Using of modern converters of light signal in a television system used in aviation Brondz D.S., Grebenschikov V.P., Kargaev А.L – «Special Design and technological Bureau «OMEGA» - Methods of calculation of the maximum distance recorded by laser rangefinder Pavlov D.V., Lukin К.G., Sokolov О.V. – CJSC «ELSI», Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav-the-Wise - Opto-electronic complexes of the image registration and determining the geographic coordinates of the remote object for aircraft Soldatenkov V. А., Gruzevich Yu. К., Achildiev V. М., Levkovich А. D., Zorin А. P. – OJSC «Non-government Organization Geofizika-NV» - Flight glasses of the third generation with the input data and targeting Soldatenkov V. А., Belikova V. N., Gruzevich Yu. K., Pozdnyakov V.V., Achildiev V. М., Evseeva Yu.N., Alkov P. S. – OJSC «Non-government Organization Geofizika-NV» - The electro-optical Converter on the spectral range of 0.95-1.65 μ from the photocathode-based Schottky barrier Gruzevich Yu. K., Gordienko Yu.N., Balyasniy L.М., Golebev А.А.,Vatsenko P.I., Vetrov S.А., Alkov P.S. – OJSC «Non-government Organization Geofizika-NV» - Indicators of collimator type in avionics control suites and auto-based Bagdasarov А.А. – JSC " State optical Institute named after S.I. Vavilov", St.Petersburg; Bagdasarova О.V. – St. Petersburg national research university of information technologies, mechanic and optics 15:00-18:00 - Panoramic system of circular view in the display of secondary information avionics suites and automation Archipova L.N., Bagdasarov А.А. – JSC " State optical Institute named after S.I. Vavilov", St.Petersburg; Bagdasarova О.V. – St. Petersburg national research university of information technologies, mechanic and optics - Modeling of complex 4d phono-target plots, observed by optical-electronic systems for various applications Filippov V.L., Tiranov D.T., Guseva А.А., Yatsyk V.S. - OJSC «Non-government Organization «State Institute of applied optics» Helmet-mounted display system Kozlov А.V., Denisov I.G., Sharifullina D.N. – OJSC «Non-government Organization «State Institute of applied optics» - Research and development registration system for high-speed targets in the IR range Demin А.V. – National research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics, Losev S.V. – OJSC « Leningrad optical-mechanical Association» - Telescope of remote sensing for microsatellites Demin А.V., Danilov V.А.,Sokolskiy М.N., Kovalev I.А., Nikitina V.М. – OJSC « Leningrad optical-mechanical Association» - Thermal bearing detection systems for aircraft Demin А.V. – National research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics; Kovalev I.А. – OJSC « Leningrad optical-mechanical Association», Nikitina V.М. – OJSC « Leningrad optical-mechanical Association», National research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics; Gordeev D.М. –«AutoVizus» Ltd - The algorithm of control of the composite mirror mode operation Demin А.V. – National research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics, OJSC « Leningrad optical-mechanical Association»; Kovalev I.А. – OJSC « Leningrad optical-mechanical Association» - Calculation and simulation of optical hange on the laser communication system Demin А.V. – National research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics; Nikitina V.М. – OJSC « Leningrad optical-mechanical Association» - Optical system of compact scanners for spacecraft «Meteor-M» for remote sensing Zavgorodniy D.S. – OJSC « Leningrad optical-mechanical Association» - Digital system for measuring the coordinates of the target image on the basis of a TV-camera Polischyuk G.S. – OJSC « Leningrad optical-mechanical Association»; Korolev А.N. – «Optrotech» Ltd - Video information module within the inside-helmet information display system Pavlov V.Yu., Prytov А.B., Rozhkov О.V., Shirankov А.F. – Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - Compact auto-zoom lens of different spectral bands Pakhomov I.I.,Rozhkov О.V., Piskunov D.E.,Pavlov V.Yu., Khorokhorov А.М., Shirankov А.F. – Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - Optical system for moving the focal spot in space Nosov P.А., Pavlov V.Yu., Shirankov А.F. – Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - Increase in the angular fields of a composite web-camera method of pasting images Shirokov R.I., Alekhnovich V.I., Shirankov А.F., Butenko S.V. – Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - Adjustment of optical radar stations in the system of spherical review Shirokov R.I., Alekhnovich V.I., Shirankov А.F., Butenko S.V. – Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - Laser system for landing aircraft «Glissada-М» Zhukov G.К., Sverdlov М.I. – CJSC «Glissada», CJSC «Kantegire» - Development of optical microcubes for high-speed communication systems of mobile objects Korepin D.А., I. А. Ovchinnikova I.А. - ОАО « All-Russian scientific research Institute of the cable industry » - Measurement of the distance to the air object using passive opto-electronic system when the media special maneuver Lisitsin V.М., Vinetskiy Yu.R., Zabankin О.N., Kasatkin А.V. - ОАО «Producing Association «Urals optical and mechanical plant » names after E.S. Yalamov, Ekaterinburg THIRD DAY OF THE CONFERENCE - 13.11.2014 Venue: pavilion № 55, large conference-hall, conference-hall № 1, conference-hall №2 Conference-hall №2 RESEARCH-PRACTICE CONFERENCE «OPTICS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY» Organizer: Chairman- Senik B.N. - the main optic specialist of OJSC «Krasnogorsk plant named after S.A.Zvereva» - Development and construction of the holographic sight for small arms Odinokov S.B., Kovalev М.S.- Moscow State technical University named after Bauman, Sokolov G.V., Shevtsov I.А. - OJSC « Krasnogorsk plant named after S.A.Zvereva» - Automation of processing of the measurement results of the resolution of the lenses Ezhova К.V., Romanova G.E., Ronzhin М.S. – St. Petersburg national research university of information technologies, mechanic and optics - Improving the quality and improving the performance of the lens of variable magnification. High-precision control of the parameters of lenses Ostrun А.B. – CJSC «Opto – Technological Laboratory» About developing ayto-zoom lenses with aberrations of the third and fifth orders Piskunov D.Е., Khorokhorov А.М., Shirankov А.F. - Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - - Technical requirements for the development and manufacture of power optics in the laser processing heads Nosov P.А., Shirankov А.F. - Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - Study of the spatial structure of the beam of high power fiber laser Nosov P.А.,Tretiakov R.S., Shirankov А.F. - Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - Calculation method of auto-zoom lenses with an arbitrary number of components and lenses of variable optical power Piskunov D.Е., Khorokhorov А.М., Shirankov А.F. - Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - Results of the development of laser head with power optics of the Russian production Nosov P.А.,Grigoriants A.G., Shirankov А.F. - Moscow State technical University named after Bauman - Diffractive optical elements: methods of manufacture and use Poleschuk А.G., Nasyrov R.K. – Institute of automatic and electrometry of Siberian District of Russian Academy of Science - Definition of the integral transmittance lens of thermal imaging systems in terms of producing control Osipovich I.R. - OJSC «Krasnogorsk plant named after S.A.Zverev» - Methods and tools for assembly and control of large optical components Galyavov I.R., Domnin А.V., Ponin О.V. - OJSC « Lytkarino Plant of Optical Glass» - The use of automated registration and image analysis in the control of geometrical aberrations of optical systems Sharov А.А. - OJSC « Lytkarino Plant of Optical Glass» - The method of correcting curvature of field in the wide-angle lenses Bezrukov V.А., Karpova G.V., St. Petersburg national research university of information technologies, mechanic and optics - Analysis of the methods of optical image stabilization К.V. Ezhova , А.К. Saitgalina, St. Petersburg national research university of information technologies, mechanic and optics Due to the large number of submitted reports, the program Committee reserves the right to move a number of reports to the category of stand reposrts in case of exceeding the time limit. STAND REPORTS Venue: pavilion 55, conference-hall №2 12th of November 2014, 11:00 – 16:00 - Stand for certification of the collimator ring box Kolosov М.P., Fedoseev V.I. - OJSC «SPE «Geofizika-Kosmos» - Before-Newton optics and modern interdisciplinary themes Chebakova О.V - Fiber in electronics Yakushenkov P.О., Moscow State University of Geodetics and Cartography - Technology of machining of crystals KRT Lomakova М.А., Yakovlev О.B. - OJSC «Producing Association «Ural Optical mechanical plant» names afted E.S.Yalamov, Yekaterinburg - Synthesis and optical properties of glasses with nanoparticles of cadmium sulfide Popov I.D. – Ural Federal University named after the First President B.N.Eltsin, OJSC «Ural optical and mechanical plant»; Kuznetsova Yu.V., Rempel S.V. – Institute of Solid State Chemistry of Urals branch of Russian Academy of Science; Rempel А.А. - Ural Federal University named after the First President B.N.Eltsin, Institute of Solid State Chemistry of Urals Brach of Russian Academy of Science; Vlasova S.G. - Ural Federal University named after the First President B.N.Eltsin, Yekaterinburg; - Properties of white run, used in optical scales used in conditions of poor illumination Baranovskiy D.V., Yakovlev О.V., Kruchinin D.Yu. - OJSC «Producing Association «Urals optical and mechanical plant » names after E.S. Yalamov,, Yekaterinburg - Use of ellipsometry for monitoring the quality of optical surfaces Zhuravleva О.S., Kruchinin D.Yu., Yakovlev О.B. - OJSC «Producing Association «Urals optical and mechanical plant » names after E.S. Yalamov, Yekaterinburg - Intellectual property rights on innovations in the field of optoelectronic instrument Dedkova N.D. - OJSC «Producing Association «Urals optical and mechanical plant » names after E.S. Yalamov, Yekaterinburg BUSINESS EVENTS OF THE BUSINESS PROGRAM Venue: pavilion № 55, Big conference-hall, Conference-hall №1, Discussion platform ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MOSCOW REGIONAL BRANCH OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY NAMED AFTER D.S.DZERZHINSKIY Large conference-hall 11 of November 2014, 17:00 – 18:00 Arpishkin V.М. — director of the Optical society COUNCIL OF CHIEF OPTICIANS OF THE HOLDING OJSC «SHVABE» Organizer: OJSC «SHVABE» Conference-hall №1 13 of November 2014, 10:00 – 12:00 Podobryanskiy А.V. – Chairman of the Council of Chief Opticians of the holding OJSC «Shvabe» «Round tables» - «Round table devoted to the 100 anniversary of the Leningrad OpticalMechanical Association» Organizer: OJSC «Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Association» 12 of November 2014, 10:00 - 11:00 - «Optics – terms and definitions » Organizer: Optical society named after D.S.Rozhdestvenskiy, Belozerov А.F. 12 of November 2014, 11:00 - 12:00 - «Measures of the state support за development engineering activities » Organizer: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Pozdnyakov К.А., Committee on industrial development 12 of November 2014, 12:00 - 12:30 - «Trends in the development of optical and opto-electronic devices and systems for the space » Organizers: OJSC «Krasnogorsk plant named after S.А. Zverev», OJSC SPE «Geofizika-Kosmos» 12 of November 2014, 12:30 - 13:00 - «Issues of optical technologies at the enterprises of OJSC «Shvabe» Organizer: OJSC «Shvabe» 12 of November 2014, 13:00 - 14:00 - «Laser systems and technologies» Organizers: Head of Department of Scientific-Research Institute of radioelectronic and laser technology of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman, Sharankov А.F., OJSC Non-government Organization «Astrofizika» 12 of November 2014, 15:00 - 16:00 Experience of Bühler Leybold Optics by application of vacuum coatings by magnetron sputtering » Organizer: Leybold Optics 13 of November 2014, 11:00 - 12:00 Master-classes Master-class «Computer modeling in the design of optical and opto-electronic systems» Bezdidko S.N. - OJSC «Krasnogorsk plant named after S.А. Zverev», Livshits I.L. – National Research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics 13 of November 2014, 12:00 - 12:30 Master-class «Use of the software package Zemax to develop optical system of the infrared spectroscopic camera with 2040х2040 HgCdTe detector for 2,5-m telescope of the State Astronomic Institute of Moscow State University». Organizer: State Astronomic Institute of Moscow State University Nadzhip А.E. State Astronomic Institute of Moscow State University 13 of November 2014, 12:30 - 14:00 Presentations Presentation «New methods for precise shaping of free forms surfaces and aspheric optics Organizer: OptoTech Optikmaschinen GmbH 12 of November 2014, 16:30-17:15 Development and production of vacuum sputtering equipment, manufacture of optical elements, the spraying service Organizer: «Izovak» Ltd 12 of November 2014, 17:15-17:50 Production of optical parts including spherical, design and manufacture of lenses, interferometers and other process control instruments Organizer: CJSC «Opto-Technological Laboratory» 13 of November 2014 , 14:00 -15:00 RESEARCH-PRACTICE CONFERENCE «OPTICS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY» SITUATION AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF OPTOELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MAKING IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Volosach Yu.P. OJSC «Minsk Mechanical Works named after S.I.Vavilov-managing company of BelOMO holding, the city of Minsk, Republic of Belarus Development and production of optoelectronic and laser systems, devices and technologies relate to breakthrough areas of the XXI-st century which play the central role in the changes of technological structure connected with the jump of flexibility and mobility of production, power efficiency, decrease of costs and simultaneous attainment of the new degree of quality of production which take place recently. Year 2014 has continued the tendency of strengthening of the market of photonics and optoelectronics in all its key sectors. The branch was restored after the serious recession and is dynamic as never before. Maximum two tens of countries possess the potential which allows to develop and to produce modern optical and optoelectronic technological systems among which is the Republic of Belarus, the basis of optoelectronic and laser-optical branch of which are more than twenty enterprizes with total production volume of more than USD 200 million and the level of export - more than 80 %. Rapid development of optoelectronics is the main direction of scientific-andtechnological advance in industrially developed countries. Belarus needs this branch for modernization of its economy. Actually it has no alternatives. HISTORY OF MODERN OPTICS AND THE ROLE OF THE S.I. VAVILOV STATE OPTICAL INSTITUTE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF OPTICS IN RUSSIA Belozerov А.F. OJSC “NPO “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan Having defined optics as the scientific study of light, ancient philosophers were obliged to answer the question: “What is light?” Within a period of two thousand years there appeared some principal theories of the nature of light; at the same time there w ere developed adequate vision models: Theory of visual rays (the main authors of that theory are Pythagoras, Euclid); All bodies emanate volatile images, some part of which enter a viewer’s eye (Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius); Vision is a combination of two factors: rays of internal fire that emanate from eyes and outer daylight (Empidocles, Platon); Atomism (Aristotle). In 1708, Feofan Prokopovich gave a course of physics at an academy in Kiev, which contained a concept of lig ht: “Light is a bright layer of shining bodies and illumination is an expansion of light or something like a light representation. There is light in the Sun or fire, illumination is in the lighted air.” Jean-Paul Marat, a prominent figure of the Great Fr ench Revolution of 1793 and a physicist and a publicist, left an interesting trace in optics. He proposed to divide optics into four constituent parts according to the change of the direction of propagation, demonstrated by light rays: peroptrics, catoptri cs, dioptrics, opizoptrics. The beginning of the 18 t h century saw a split among prominent physicists over the interpretation of the earlier discovered laws of optics and new physical (light) phenomena (such as light diffraction and light interference) with relation to the wave (or corpuscular) nature of light. Isaac Newton shared the corpuscular theory, Russian scientists Leonhard Euler and Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov shared the wave theory. Christian Huygens, Thomas Young, Augustin -Jean Fresnel gave sufficient evidence to prove it. Only in the 20 t h century scientists became aware of the light dualism: electromagnetic waves and simultaneously a flow of corpuscular particles – photons. Under Peter the First, Russia took an active part in developing optics, mainly in the field of military applications. The Russian optical school began to develop but, unfortunately, when M.V. Lomonosov died, this school disappeared. For a long period of 150 years optics in Russia was in an “anabiosis” condition, wherefrom it was brought out by the defeat in the war between Russia and Japan in 1904-1905; a Russian naval squadron under the command of admiral Rozhdestvenski suffered a heavy defeat at Tsushima for lack of optical gun sights. A new surge of discoveries in optics (theoretical and applied optics) came to Russia in the second half of the 19 t h century, and in December 1918, the State Optical Institute named after S.I. Vavilov (GOI) was founded just “in time”, however surprisingly it may seem. This institute has been successfully pursuing dozens of scientific and technological lines of investigation in all domains of optics for a period of 96 years (December 2014). GOI was headed by prominent scientists D.S. Rozhdestvenski, S.I. Vavilov, М.М. Miroshnikov, G.Т. Petrovsky, Е.N. Tsarevsky, B.А. Ermakov. The institute’s staff is up to 11500 members, including about 1000 candidates of science, 150 doctors of science, 20 academicians and corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). By the 1990- ies GOI has been recognized worldwide as an optical centre, acting as a scientific governing body and a headquarters plant of the optical and electronic industry in our country. Nowadays, GOI is experiencing some complexities of a crisis nature which shall be overcome by joint efforts of the institute’s talented staff members and positively disposed managers of industry enterprises and the Optical Holding. The innovation-based technological modernization of Russia, declared by the leadership of our country, will be determined in many aspects by competitive optical science and industry. It will be unlikely to implement it without the State Optical Institute in the foreseeable future. PERSPECTIVE OPTICAL COMPLEX "AVROVIZOR-VUV" FOR THE DIAGNOSIS AND MONITORING OF THE EARTH'S IONOSPHERE Boiko V.*, Kuzmin A.** , Lapshin V.***, Merzlyi A.**, Shatova E.* *) JSC “SPE “Geofizika-Cosmos”, Moscow **) Space Research Institute (IKI RAN), Moscow ***) Central Aerological Observatory of «Roshydromet», Moscow The urgency of developing a domestic perspective optical complex (ОС) "Avrovizor-VUV" due to the need to establish effective means of permanent remote monitoring and control of the polar ionosphere of the Earth for the benefit of various ministries and departments, to address specific research and development efforts. Remote diagnostics of the ionosphere by means of on-board orbital depicting devices in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral region is carried out in the United States, Canada and major European countries since the mid 70-ies of the last century [1], but in Russia such complexes are no on-board instrumentation. The application of the OС at the same time on different types of spacecraft orbits allows to remote real-time to get current information about energy and electrodynamic parameters of the polar regions of the ionosphere, and, as a consequence: - to Obtain the information necessary to develop adequate global models of the atmosphere and ionosphere; - to realize short-term prediction of ionospheric disturbances in order to create space weather forecast, that will be in demand “Roshydromet” within the information system WIS World Meteorological Organization. REFERENCES 1. A. Lyle Broadfoot et al. An ultraviolet auroral imager for the Viking spacecraft / Geophysical research letters, vol. 14, N 4, pp. 387-390, 1987. STAND FOR CALIBRATION AND TESTING OF STATIC INFRARED EARTH SENSORS WITH WIDE FOV M.P. Kolosov, А.Ya. Gebgart, N.M. Strizhova, K.N. Nazarbaev JSC «SPI « Geofizika-Cosmos», Moscow Stand [1] provides a simulation of the wide range of Earth and space angular sizes and the temperature contrast between them in the spectral range = 8...20 µm. The stand includes (Fig. 1) thermal earth emitter 1, water-cooled earth diaphragm 2 with a central hole 3, three-axle suspension (axes I, II, III) with mounted infrared device. Emitter 1 and diaphragm 2 are made in the form of spherical bowls. The emitter’s 1 and diaphragm’s 2 centers of curvature are located near the infrared device center of entrance pupil. The center of the entrance pupil is aligned with the center of I, II, III axes’ intersection. Cavities of emitter 1 and diaphragm 2 are equipped with a temperature-controlled environment, besides the cavity of the emitter 1 is separated by partition 4 in two parts. Each part has independent temperature controlling. Diaphragm 2 simulates the radiation of space, and the emitter 1 through the central hole 3 simulates the radiation of the Earth. The sharp edge of the center hole 3 of the diaphragm 2 forms the Earth - Space boundary. Emitter 1 and diaphragm 2 have the possibility of joint movement along the optical axis. There is a mode using a collimating lens 4, which focal plane coincides with the Earth - Space boundary (Fig. 2). Fig.1 Fig.2 Reference 1. The application in receipt for the Russia patent on utility model №2014128257 on 10/07/2014. Decision for issue on 02/09/2014. DISK MICROCAVITIES BASED ON LIGHT-EMITTING STRUCTURES OF SILICON/GERMANIUM FOR NANOPHOTONIC CIRCUITS: THEORY, TECHNOLOGY, EXPERIMENT Stepikhova M.V.1*, Novikov A.V.1, Sergeev S.M. 1, Verbus V.A. 1, Krasilnik Z.F.1, J. Schilling2 1 Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, GSP-105, 603950 Nizhny Novgorod * IPM RAS, PhD 2 Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, ZIK SiLi-nano, 06120 Halle, Germany Trend towards the integration of microelectronics and photonics components on a silicon chip have received considerable attention in recent years. There is the specific interest in microcavities on silicon basis, in particular in microcavities of the disk and ring types, dimensions of which are comparable with the wavelength of radiation. Due to the small size, microcavities of this type are easily integrated into the microelectronic circuits, and having a high quality factor (Q ~ 10 8), and a small modal volume, they find a wide range of practical applications, in particular for the development of lasers with the extremely low lasing threshold, in the nonlinear optical circuits, optical filtering, delay lines, etc. In this work we discuss technology for the formation of disk and ring microresonators on silicon and silicon-germanium basis. The results of theoretical simulations and experimental studies carried out for the disk microcavities with the sizes ranging from 5 to 40 microns that were realized on the basis of light-emitting silicon-germanium structures with self-assembled Ge(Si) nanoislands will be presented. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and fundamental programs of the Russian Academy of Sciences. DEVELOPMENT OF LIDAR TECHNIQUES FOR LASER SOUNDING OF AEROSOL AND CLOUD FIELDS AT INSTITUTE OF ATMOSPHERIC OPTICS SB RAS Balin Y.S., Kokhanenko G.P., Penner I.E., Samoilova S.V., Klemasheva M.G., Novoselov M.M. V.E.Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of SB RAS, Tomsk This paper presents the results of designing the spaceborne, airborne, shipborne and ground based lidars for sounding of aerosol and cloud fields in the troposphere. Special attention is paid to the latest models of aerosol-Raman lidar of “LOSA” series, which use the effects of elastic and Raman scattering, multi-frequency sounding, linear and circular polarization of the laser radiation. The results of sounding of aerosol and cloud fields are presented. Aerosol-Paman lidars «LOZA-S» and «LOZA-М2» MICROWAVE INTEGRATED OPTICAL MODULATOR: DEVELOPMENT RESULTS OF IOFFE INSTITUTE Lebedev V.V., Aguzov P.M., Ilychev I.V., Shamray A.V. Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg Integrated optical modulators are the key components of optical information systems which are used for frequency translation of digital or analogue information signals to optical carrier. Despite the fact that microwave integrated optical modulators are available commercially from several manufacturers the investigations directed to improving the modulation effectiveness i.e. increasing bandwidth, decreasing half-wave voltage and increasing extinction ratio still continues worldwide. Moreover, the technologies of microwave integrated optical modulators are on the incipient stage of development in our country and import of the modulators is problematic due to known limitations imposed on microwave optoelectronic components. In this report we present recent results concerning development of integrated-optical lithium niobate modulators obtained at Ioffe Institute. Design methods for optical and electrical schemes of integrated optical modulators have been elaborated. Velocity-matching conditions in a coplanar configuration of travelling wave electrodes were analyzed to provide the modulation bandwidth of more than 20 GHz. The effect of electrode materials has been examined. The dependences of the modulation bandwidth and the half-wave voltage on the electrodes structure, in particular on the form and geometric sizes of conductor paths and on the dielectric buffer layer thickness have been investigated. Prototypes of integrated optical modulators have been manufactured and tested. Directions for future research and technology developments have been proposed to obtain devices compatible with modern applications in wideband optical telecommunications, microwave photonics and fiber-optic sensors. INVESTIGATIONS OF IMAGES FOCUSING EFFECTIVENESS Shlychkov V.I., Goncharov A.P., Dongak E.Z. JSC “Production Association “Ural Optical & Mechanical Plant” named after Mr. E.S.Yalamov”, Yekaterinburg Increase of recognition and detection distances in aviation optical-electronic systems requires reduction of fields of view of television and thermal imaging channels sizes to parts of the degree. Application of long-focus lenses is limited by image defocusing caused by influences of temperature and it requires integration of sub-focusing elements into composition of narrow-field lenses. To evaluate the sub-focusing effectiveness, comparison of the following operating modes was made: manual image sub-focusing carried out by an operator, infinity sub-focusing and autofocusing. Infinity focusing consists of preliminary manual installation of sub-focusing element in X0 position by which maximum resolution for the ambient temperature T in the range from 60º to +60º with step ΔT=5º for fixed field of view is provided. Autofocusing mode uses the chosen value X0 by T and scanning of sub-focusing element with step ΔX at Xo point with further calculation of fineness coefficient Kp [1] on each step. Autofocusing consists in position selection where KpMAX. Investigations of images focusing effectiveness showed the comparable results for all operating modes. References: 1. Шлычков В.И. Анализ резкости изображения // Техника средства связи. Сер. «Техника телевидения».-2011.-вып.1.-С.91-92 HOLOGRAPHIC COLLIMATOR SIGHT WITH FOCUSING GRATING Koreshev SN.¹, Shevtsov M.K.² ¹ "SOI by S. I.Vavilov" Ltd, St. Petersburg ² "SOI by S. I.Vavilov" Ltd, St.Petersburg The possibility of using holographic optical elements for forming virtual images of remoted at "infinity" sighting marks considered by many researchers since the early 70's of the last century. The main advantages of holographic sights are the high reliability of the relative simplicity of the design, the physical impossibility of blocking a beam of laser light reconstructing the hologram and absence of reflections and the laser radiation propagating in the direction of the target. Features of sight scheme solutions caused by necessity to provide stabilization of sighting line position at changing external temperature by minimal optical elements. The paper considers the scheme of sight with the focusing grating, developed and patented by "State Optical S.I.Vavilov Institute" LTd. Stabilization of the sighting line at a change of laser diode wavelength is provided by twoconsistently mounteddiffraction structures: reflecting –diffraction grating, and transmitting –hologram forming the image of the aim mark. Minimizing the number of the scheme elements of the optical sight is achieved by use of reliefphase reflective holographic grating allocated on a concave spherical surface. Performance and efficiency of the optical system with a focusing grating tested in the study of the layout of the sight. The system includes a reflective holographic grating formed on the semiconductor layer of chalcogenide glass, and quazivolume transmissionhologram of the target recorded on commercially available photographic plates PFG-03M. The study of the layout showed that the optical system ensures the formation by sight an aberration-free image of the aiming mark at constant position of the line of sighting in spite of temperature drift of laser diode wavelength. Furthermore, it was turned out that photochemical processing of the hologram provides high, exceeding 85%, integral transmission of visible light and insensitivity to background UV radiation. ОPTICAL-ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLEX FOR THE MONITORING OF THE COMBUSTION CHAMBER AND TURBINE IN AN AIRCRAFT GAS TURBINE ENGINE Andreeva T.P.*, Shipigusev V.A.**Gumerov A.R.*, Pakhomov A.S.*, Gubaidullin Y.T.* *- OJSC Ufa Scientific and Production Enterprise «Molniya», Ufa **-OJSC «Aviadvigatel», Perm An optical-electronic equipment (OEE) complex serviceable under extreme conditions was designed to monitor technical condition of the aircraft gas turbine engine. The OEE complex consists of: - an optical-electronic converter (OEC) monitoring the fuel air mixture combustion process in the main combustion chamber (CC); - an optical pyrometric converter (OPC) monitoring radiation from the surface of the moving blades of the high-pressure turbine (HPT); - a check panel - a portable emitter monitoring OEC and OPC metrological performance. The unified design of OEC and OPC is modular (see photo in the Pic.) and includes: a heat and vibration resistant optical probe (OP), a vibration resistant signal processing electronic unit (EU), an EU shock-absorbing platform. The OP lens designed to be airtight contains a sealed leucosapphire lense or disc and can withstand the absolute pressure of the ambient environment of up to 40 atm, the gas stream temperature of up to 800 К. There is a flexible fiber light guide in the OB design which can withstand the vibration loads of up to 30 g, the ambient temperature of up to 800 K. There are three types of semiconductor photodetectors in the EU design, including sandwich structures ensuring radiation detection in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions of the spectrum. The EU circuit design ensures amplification, multiplexing, analog-to-digital conversion, digital processing of signals in real time, generation and reception of digital signals through a network interface to upper layer systems. The OEE complex is widely used in bench tests of a full-sized combustion chamber, the gas generator of PD-14 gas turbine engine of MS-21 long-range aircraft and ensures tool follow-up of CC and HPT designs. EFFECTS OF PLASTIC PROPERTIES OF THIN FILMS ON GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS OF DIAMOND-TURNED PERIODIC GROOVED STRUCTURES Melnikov A.N. OJSC “NPO “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan The development of a pendulum-type ruling engine, designed to manufacture periodic grooved structures [1] (ruled spectral diffraction gratings, measuring gratings, test-objects, gratings for lasers, polarizer-gratings), implies a numerical simulation during the first stage of its development in order to obtain rational (optimal) values of its design and dynamic parameters and, first of all, those of the diamond carriage whose dynamics produces much effect on the main parameters of grooved structures: the length, period (period error) and depth of grooves [2, 3]. The dynamics of the diamond carriage is affected by such factors as the foundation vibration in spatial coordinates, Coriolis force, inertial forces, damping forces, elastic forces and initial conditions, as well as the interaction force (cutting force) of the diamond tool with the metallic film where a groove is ruled. The cutting force depends on the geometrical parameters of the tool, the depth of the tool penetration into the metallic film and the mechanical properties of the film itself. The paper presents the findings of investigation of the effects of the mechanical properties of metallic films (aluminum, gold, copper) upon the dynamics of the diamond carriage of a pendulum-type ruling engine when ruling periodic grooved structures. References: 1. A.V. Lukin, A.N. Melnikov, Ruling engine for fabricating periodic grooved structures, predominantly diffraction gratings (versions), Russian Patent No. 2130374 dated 20.05.1999, Byull. Izobr. 1999, No. 14, pp. 488 – 489, Int. Cl.6 B 23 Q 16/02, 15/22 [in Russian]. 2. V.M. Borodin, A.I. Karpov, V.I Krenev, A.V. Lukin, A.N. Melnikov, Dynamics studies of the diamond carriage of a pendulum-type ruling engine, Vestnik KGTU im. A.N. Tupoleva, 2003, No. 3, pp. 11 – 16 [in Russian]. 3. A.V. Lukin, A.N. Melnikov, S.O. Mirumyants, Pendulum-type ruling engine for fabricating ruled periodic relief-phase structures, Opticheskii Zhurnal, 2007, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 44-49 [in Russian]. EFFECTS OF THE SURFACE QUALITY OF MANUFACTURED SPHERICAL AND ASPHERICAL MIRRORS ON THE OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ASTROSIGHT OBJECTIVES Baloev V.А., Raguinov S.V., Skochilov A.F. OJSC “NPO “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan In order to obtain a high quality optical image, produced by an astrosight, the shape of the surfaces of optical elements of an astrosight objective should be maximally close to the calculated one. However, the manufactured optical elements possess, inevitably, surface defects, the most important whereof is a surface undulation, i.е. periodically recurring irregularities, whose pitches are much greater as compared with those of roughness. The paper presents the obtained results of effects of the surface undulation of the manufactured spherical and aspherical mirrors on optical characteristics (pointspread function, energy concentration, modulus of optical transfer function) of an astrosight objective. Surface profiles were measured by making use of a TaylorHobson profilometer. It determines the tolerance value of the root-mean-square deviation of the surface profile from the calculated shape, which provides for a high resolution of an astrosight objective [1]. Reference: [1] Baloev V.А., Raguinov S.V., Skochilov A.F., Oboronnaya tekhnika, 2014, No. 1-2, pp. 3-8 [in Russian]. LASER LOCATOR DEVICE FOR RECORDING BRIGHTNESS AND RANGE IMAGES OF THE BACKGROUND -AND-TARGET SITUATION AT A RADIATION WAVELENGTH OF 1.06 μm V.G. Kaplan¹, V.V. Lipatov¹, I.A. Nepogodin¹, A.N. Petrov¹, R.A. Fatkullov¹, V.L. Filippov¹, A.S. Fomkin², V.S. Yat syk¹ ¹OJSC “NPO “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan ²Co Ltd «Metra Telecom Group» Kazan The developed laser locator device provides a scanning by means of combined narrow radiation and reception fields with respect to the space while recording the amplitude (brightness) of the reflected signal and the range to each resolvable element of the scene of the background-and-target situation (BTS) (of an object, a landscape element). Based on the above digitally recorded information, one can form a brightness image, as well as a range image (of the relief) of the BTS, and obtain effective scattering areas of single objects of the scene and their amplitude-time signals. The device prototype includes the following units: an optical unit, comprising a laser, a photodetector and an optical receiver -transmitter system; an electronics unit; a computer; a supply unit; a two -axis rotation device. The generalized structural diagram of the optical unit is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Structural diagram of the optic al unit This diagram comprises: a pulsed CW fiber laser (1) at λ = 1.06 μm of type YLPM-1-4x200-20-20 whose peak power, duration and radiation pulse repetition frequency are 15 kW, 20 ns and 40 kHz, respectively; a telescopic attachment (2), providing a na rrowing of the laser radiation field of up to 0.1 mrad; folding mirrors (3,4); mirrors (5,6) of the scanner based on piezoactuators type Ps 150/4/60 VS9VBS; an input window (7); a reference channel photodetector (8) based on photodiode FD-351; a pin (9); a detector objective (10) with its aperture being equal to 60 mm and its focus being equal to 100 mm; a receiving channel photodetector (11) based on an InGaAs avalanche photodiode with a sensitive area of 200 μm and a threshold sensitivity of 15 nW; a trap (12,13,14). The main performance specifications of the laser locator device are: Working distance range, m 300-3750 Field-of-regard, mrad x mrad 24x16 Spatial (angular) resolution, mrad 0.1 Temporal resolution, ns ±1 Frame recording time, s 1.25 Signal amplitude recording range with error being not worse than 5%, mV 40-2000 The measured distance ranges to the BTS and signal amplitudes are given as 16- and 12-bit binary codes, respectively. The calculated estimate of the limiting range of the ex amined locator device with respect to the flat normally orientated board, with the coating diffusion reflection coefficient ρ b being ≈ 0.1, was of the order of 3700 m. Figure 2 shows the result obtained when recording brightness and range images of the object under location of the “brick chimney” type. Brightness image Range image А Figure 2. Brick chimney: А) centre - 578 m, B) edges - 580 m B Б SIMULATION OF COMPOUND 4D BACKGROUND -ANDTARGET ITEMS OBSERVED BY ELECTRO-OPTICAL SYSTEMS OF VARIOUS APPLICATIONS Filippov V.L., Tiranov D.T., Guseva A.A., Yatsyk V.S. OJSC “NPO “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan In order to ensure a technically and economically efficient development or improvement of electro-optical systems (designed for land and airborne applications), simulation technologies are used at the stages of development and validation of the requirements to the product, as well as at those of conceptual and engineering designs and, finally, when studying the capabilities of electro -optical systems under various weather conditions and in various operating modes [1, 2]. The paper deals with expertise in the formation of images of standard 3D scenes in the field of view of electro-optical systems [1], where brightness parameters of each element are transferred with a currently accessible adequacy into the appropriate wavelength region , i.е. a 4D simulation of background-and-target items is realized. Such being the case, the variable input parameters comprise not only the spatial structure of the background and objects being under observation, the spatial position of the simulated scene , weather conditions, but they also include the time evolution – displacements of the objects and the electro-optical system carrier [1, 3]. The initial data, required for a mathematical modeling of brightness images of scenes, are preset according to the well-known methods and developed programs [1] by making use of the background structures relief, detailed drawings of objects that are in the field of view, optical parameters of surfaces, displacement paths and speeds, as well as the relative disposition of objects and the electro-optical system carrier, and weather conditions. The paper presents the results, obtained while developing the specialized software, which allows to solve problems of the mathematical and semi-physical modeling of brightness images of objects in the upper hemisphere against the background of the clear and broken cloud cover and of ground cartographic items, comprising inhabited localities with infrastructure objects, equipment and landscapes. These results are illustrated with standard realizations. References: 1. Filippov V.L., Yatsyk V.S., et al., Introduction to the problem of practical realization of the technology for the simulation modeling of electro-optical systems operating in the atmosphere along arbitrary orientated paths, Oboronnaya tekhnika, 2014, No. 1-2, pp. 51-61 [in Russian]. 2. Torshina I.P., Computer simulation of electro-optical systems for primary information processing, M., Universitetskaya kniga, Logos, 2009, 248 p. [in Russian]. 3. Tiranov D.T., Guseva A.A., Filippov V.L., Modeling of aircraft optical images with respect to their flight evolutions, Oboronnaya tekhnika, 2014, No. 1-2, pp. 62-68 [in Russian]. AUTOMATED FINISHING MACHINES FOR FORMING HIGHPRECISION ASPHERIC OPTICS Gorshkov V.A., Saveliev А.S., Nevrov А.S., Korneev N.G. JSC "NPO "Optica", Moscow High-resolution opto-electronic complexes terrestrial and space-based, used for scientific research, global monitoring of the Earth's surface, the state of its atmosphere, etc. require high quality image of the object generated by these systems. The range of dimensions of the optical components in these systems 300 3000 mm, and the nominal requirements for the quality of the surface shape according to the criterion standard deviation of the RMS = /60/80, in essence, is a technological limit. The actual task of creating the production technology of these parts is the creation of a managed process of forming the optical surfaces at various stages, including minimization of technological transitions and create for these purposes, a new class of optical equipment with computer control of the whole technological cycle. The main objectives when creating automated production technology of high-precision optics diffraction quality are: the creation of a managed process of formation; the creation of technological systems stabilize the shape of the surface and computer optimization of system parameters; the creation of the interference metrology tools of amplitude, amplitudephase and phase types to ensure control over the processing of the shape of the surface in real time; the creation of complex technological systems of automated software technologies shaping optical surfaces with achievement of the accuracy parameters for deviation form within /60/80 and surface roughness in the range of 510 Å. An integrated assessment of the characteristics of any technological operations should be the characteristics of the shape of the surface: the root-mean-squire - ; the magnitude of error ( P-V); the components of the error surface (astigmatism, coma and so on). The block diagram developed in JSC "NPO "Optics" technology computer aided morphogenesis "TESAF" is presented in figure 1. Describes the structure of the system "TESAF", the principle of its work, the technical characteristics of the equipment included in the system, the system performance results. Achieved high technical parameters of the processed surfaces RMS= \60 \100 ( = 0.6328 μm) and surface roughness of 510 Å. Using "TESAF" at JSC "NPO "Optics" has produced more than 300 optical elements of various sizes. Ion formation t he original a llowance for process ing The nomina l parame ters for deviation shape and s urfa ce roughne ss Mac hined de tail 5 -10 nm , ro uth ness 1 0 А F orm deviation о 3 - 5 нм Ab rasive ch emical-mecha nical sha ping Magn eto-rh eolog ical formation о 5-1 0 А Rou thn ess 5 -10 nm , ro uth ness 1 0 А о Automated complex of optical surfaces formation A utomated 5-coo rdina te machines fo r abra sive ch emical-mecan ical formation Automated 5- co ordin ate machi nes for mag neto- rhe ologi ca l formation Automa ted vacuum com plex with ion-beam installing Metrological complex dimension parameters of machined surfaces A mplitude -pha se photo-e lectr ic i nterferometer Repe at techn ologi ca l ope rations P hase photo-e lectr ic i nterferometer The c urrent sett ings of mac hined s urfa ces: - shape; - roughne ss Certifica tio n outpu t control Topographica l ma p of surface Tec hnological circ e Certifica tio n man ufactur ed parts RMS, P-V COLLIMATORS WITH OFF-AXIS MIRRORS WITH THE CLEAR APERTURE 2001000 MM FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF OPTICAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Gorshkov V.A., Korneev N.G. JSC "NPO "Optica", Moscow Off-axis mirror collimators are designed to create a planar reference wavefront in a wide spectral range from ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR) radiation and used for control and certification of quality opto-electronic complexes (OEC), the quality of optical components. Off-axis collimator (OC), equipped in accordance with the functions of one or another optical-electronic equipment used to control: • wavefront as a separate optical components and lenses, and OEC ; • energy concentration in the dissipation circle; • energy distribution in the dissipation circle; • modulation transfer function. The advantages of off-axis mirror collimators are opportunities to colliergate wave front in a wide range of wavelengths and does not have a central shielding in contrast to the axial mirror collimators. JSC "NPO "Optica" designed, manufactured and supplied to the enterprises of Russia and the countries of near and far abroad off-axis mirror collimators with the working field from 200 mm to 1000 mm. Part of OC are mandatory components: the off-axis parabolic mirror; the focal node. To expand the functions of the collimators can be added: the interferometer; the optical reference components. Figure 1 shows the scheme of MTF measurement of the lens polychromatic high-resolution cameras. Figure 2 shows the control scheme of flat surfaces using OC and the reference flat mirror in the scheme of Fizeau. Some of the technical characteristics of the OC, made in JSC "NPO "Optica" are shown in table 1. Table 1 Clear aperture, mm 220 Root-meansquare of formed wavefront RMS (=0,6328 µm) /50 Focal length, mm Off-axis parameter, mm Additional equipment 4012,0 200,0 The field corrector, interferometer 400 600 1000 /40 /30 /55 6663,0 577,0 5976,5 10009,5 600,0 1790,0 Photodetector with computing complex The reference mirror The reference mirror PHOTO RECEIVER MODULE FOR TDI FPA TO BE USED IN 1–3 ΜM SPECTRAL RANGE Boltar K.O., Burlakov I.D., Byichkovsky Y.S., Drajnikov B.N., Kozlov K.V., Kyznetsov P.A., Solyakov V.N. OJSC «RDC Orion» Photo receiver module (PM) of format 1024x10 is used in scanning optical systems for point target detection in 1-3 mkm range. This module has noise equivalent power not more then 3∙10–9 W/sm 2. Main parts of PM are the matrix of MST photodetectors (х=0,39─0,40) and the readout circuit, which works in TDI mode. MST photodetectors has many advantages over PbS photoresistors, which were used in FPAs of the previous generation [1]. The constructive feature of PM is asymmetrical location of readout circuit relative to photodetectors matrix, which allows the cascading of different PMs in order to construct TDI FPA. The special topology structure is used in order to improve the pelengation characteristics. The closest not Russian analogue of the PM is the part of TDI FPA of format 768x6, which works in MWIR (Lockheed Martine Imaging Systems) and designed to be used as part of Space based infrared system (SBIRS). The main target of this message is the research of PM characteristics. 1. Rogalski A. // Proc. SPIE. 2000. V. 4413. P. 307 MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF TDI FPA Solyakov V.N., Kozlov K.V., Kyznetsov P.A., Polessky A.V., Hamidullin K.A. OJSC «RDC Orion» Focal plane arrays (FPA) with time delay integration (TDI) are used widely to reach high dimensional resolution and sensitivity. Such a system can solve different problems and one of them is the detection of weak point target. In order to make a comprehensive analysis of TDI FPA (which works in infrared optical range) the model has been designed. Using this model some problems has been solved. For example, the amplitudes of FPA signals have been calculated in different modes. These results can be used in metrology to recalculate the signal, which has been measured using modulated black body radiation without scanning, to the signal of point target in scanning mode. The model can also be used to predict the output image of TDI FPA with different parameters, such as the parameters of readout circuit (bandwidth, number of summators etc.), the parameters of topology (size and number of elements, number of matrixes etc.), the parameters of target and background etc. The modulation transfer function of TDI FPA has also been calculated. OPTICAL PARAMETERS OF ALGAN HETEROEPITAXIAL STRUCTURES Nikonov A.V., Boltar K.O., Burlakov I.D., Iakovleva N.I. RD&P SSC “Orion”, Moscow Ultraviolet photodetectors are next-generation devices for commercial and military use (ozone layer monitoring, blast-offs, hotbeds of fire, naval communications systems, Earth-satellite-Earth communication systems). Possibility of band gap change and heterojunction formation make Al xGa1-xN the fittest and most effective material to create UV-photodetectors [1], especially solar-blind photodetectors, which have minimal response on 240-290 nm. The main goal of AlGaN epitaxy technology is control of material parameters particularly layer thickness, composition, uniformity of composition. In this research numerical models of absorption coefficient and refractive index were developed. Model of transmission simulation was implemented in aggregate with optical method of transmission measurement and calculation. This model includes control of composition distribution in layer thickness and calculation of structure parameters from experimental spectra. Literature 1. I. D. Burlakov, K. O. Boltar [et al.] UV FPAs based on AlGaN heterostructures. – Advances in applied physics. – 2013. – № 3. – P. 344-349. STUDY DISPLACEMENT OF “COLD FINGER” IN CRYOGENICALLY COOLED PHOTODETECTORS WITH ROTARY CRYOCOOLER WHILE COOLING Polesskii A.V., Samvelov A.V., Bedareva E.A. , Khamidullin K.A., Semenchenko N.A. “ORION” “RD&P Center”, OJSC Moscow It is required to provide high mechanical precision of the position of the photosensitive element (PSE), while creating a new generation of optoelectronic systems, based on cooled to cryogenic temperatures matrix photodetectors with large format and small pixel size. Displacement PSE along the optical axis is the most dangerous problem for optoelectronic systems with a small pixel pitch and a high relative aperture, a random displacement in the transverse direction of PSE for multichannel systems with a small pixel pitch. Random location of rotary cryocooler’s cooling pin after cooling , which leads to uncertainty location of PSE is one of the main factors, that decreases image quality of FPA. OJSC "RPA"Orion" had measured values of tilts and displacements of rotary cryocooler’s cooling pin used for the production of photodetectors, during the cooling. Linear displacement measurement was performed using a microscope, measurement of the angular - using autocollimation method. Was shown that modern rotary cryocooler are suitable for creation FPA with 640x512 pixel format and 15um pixel pitch. In future FPA should pay particular attention to the reduction of cooling pin vibration during designing the new generation of rotary cryocooler based on the cooled FPA. THE DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED COMPUTER OPTICS OF ITMO UNIVERSITY COLLABORATION WITH INDUSTRY’S LEADING MANUFACTURERS Alexey Bakholdin, Galina Zukanova, Kseniia Ezhova, Anna Voznesenskaya, Tatiana Ivanova, Galina Romanova, Nadezhda Tolstoba ITMO University, St. Petersburg, The specialists training in area Optical Engineering is aimed not only at student’s fundamental education but also at gaining practical experience and skills by them, required for further successful work in the chosen area. Department of Applied and Computer Optics ITMO University historically maintained contacts with leading Russian optical and opto-mechanical manufactures. In particular, students do their practical work, that provided by the department curriculum, on the basis of such large enterprises as Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Industrial Corporation "Vavilov State Optical Institute", branch office of FSUE central research institute “Cometa” - "Research and design center for optoelectronic surveillance complexes", PLC "LOMO", "Schwabe-St.Petersburg" (branch office of Ural opto-mechanical manufactory). Special attention is given to graduation practice and writing final qualifying works. Currently, more than 70% of the students and masters graduation works at the department is carried out in collaboration with companies in the sector. It should be noted quite a wide range of problems solved by students when writing final papers due to the specializations of the Bachelor and Masters programs at the department: development of algorithms and the creation of software systems designed to solve various problems of the optical orientation, development and modeling environments in automated design of optics optical systems for various applications, automation of designing optical elements and systems and etc. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODICAL TOOLS FOR MEASURING AND CONTROLLING THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMAL IMAGING DEVICES Garayeva A.I.; Kurt V.I., D. Sc. (Tech.) OJSC “NPO “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan One of the lines of development of instruments intended for measuring and controlling characteristics of thermal imaging devices is to enhance accuracy of estimates of the temperature frequency characteristics or relevant analogs, due to the redu ction of their subjectivity, first of all, and to transfer, in future, to an utterly objective estimation of the characteristics of thermal imaging devices, with capabilities to get the measuring process automated as well as to simplify the engineering implementation of procedures used to estimate the parameters and characteristics of thermal imaging devices. Because of the level of development of thermal imaging technology, the process of solution of these tasks encounters certain technical challenges, due to a need of making small-sized targets and a required unification of instrumentation and methodical tools for measuring and controlling the characteristics of thermal imaging devices, i.е. it is expedient to develop measuring instruments (measuring benches or complexes), designed for operation with a wide range of thermal imaging systems and complexes, operating in various spectral regions and featuring various focal lengths, apertures etc. The analysis of the characteristics of the current and advanced thermal imaging devices, including foreign equipment, allowed to define some generalized requirements for such measuring instruments: - measurement of parameters of thermal imaging channels of devices and systems in the spectral region from 2.0 to 15.0 μm defining spectral subranges in compliance with the operating ranges of the specific optical-electronic systems; - the range of reproducible values of angular dimensions of test objects, with the values of the radiation temperatures difference being specified, are from 0.4 to 20.0 mrad - 1 ; - the exit aperture diameter of the collimator is not less than 200 mm; - the effective focal length of the collimator is not less than 4000 mm; - image formation of a test-object in two fields of view: in the narrow field of view is not more than 1º and in the wide field of view is not less than 9º. It is obvious that it is technically unfeasible to meet all the above requirements using one device. So in order to get the maximum efficiency of the stand (complex) being und er development, a modular approach has been taken. All principal units of the complex are individual finished modules, that can be used either jointly with other component elements of the complex or independently. A wide spectral region, temperature and spatial ranges, reproduced by the test-object, several fields of view, separate spectral subranges can be provided by the collimator two -channel optical layout featuring an image wide-band channel and a lens channel equipped with interchangeable objectives operating in the spectral ranges of 3 - 5 μm and 8 - 12 μm. Such a complex will be a base for providing development, production, testing and operation of current and advanced thermal imaging devices. In view of the aforesaid, the measurement complex must be independent as much as possible. In order to provide independence it is expedient to implement a device that can monitor its characteristics. Such a device can be a radiometric channel, that provides for a periodic verification of the complex and a control of its characteristics conservation within a calibration interval. STUDIES OF TEMPERTURE EFFECTS ON THE PHOTORECEPTION PATH OF THE ULTRAVIOLET LOCATOR Vakhitov M.A., Lipatov V.V., Muzafarov A.R., Makhmutov M.S., Nuramov F.N., Khisamov R.Sh. OJSC “NPO “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan Recent years saw advances in staring locators operating in the solar blind ultraviolet range. The most commonly used circuit design of an optical and electronic record er in such devices includes an image intensifier and a radiation detector (a CMOS array) interfaced with it. Several models of ultraviolet locators (UVLs), wherein this circuit design was implemented, have been designed at OJSC “NPO GIPO”. The locator operational process revealed that an environmental temperature rise results in a degradation of the photoreception path sensitivity of an UVL. At a negative temperature, no negative effects were observed. The purpose of our research is to estimate the effects of the principal elements of the photoreception path on the sensitivity performance change of the UVL when being subjected to the effects of an elevated temperature. Our researches included a local gradual heating of the path structural assembly when the flare of the UVL field-of-view was quasi-uniform. In order to estimate the effects of individual components, two assemblies (an objective -light filter-image intensifier assembly and a projective objective - CMOS photodetector one) were sequentially heated. In the first instance, a 30 W built -in heater was used, it was mounted on the assembly casing. The temperature was measured by built-in sensors installed on the assembly casing. In the second instance, a soldering plant drier was used for heating. The temperature was measured by a temperature sensor, installed on the image sensor board. The sensitivity change of the photoreception path was estimated by measuring the amplitude of the signal coming from a C MOS photodetector while determining its averaged value over the fixed frame sample at the specified heating temperature. The obtained results are given in Figure 1: Figure 1. Relative photosensitivity of the Photoreception path VS temperature The obtained results show that the degradation of the photoreception path sensitivity is higher when the image intensifier assembly is heated (curve 1) as compared with the case when the CMOS array assembly is heated (curve 2). With the heating temperature of the image intensifier assembly being up to 65 ° С, the signal amplitude drops by over 3 fold, whereas the reception path sensitivity, with the photodetector array assembly being heated, changes insignificantly. The research results will make it possible to estimate the effects of the elevated temperature on the operation of individual units of the photoreception path and find out the ways of thermostabilization of elements in order to enhance the operating effici ency of the locator and optimize its parameters. CORRECTION OF INHOMOGENEITIES OF PHOTOSENSITIVE ELEMENTS CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUBARRAY INFRARED DETECTOR IN THE EARTH REMOTE SENSING SYSTEM Batavin М.N., Mingalev А.V., Sаvin D.Е., Shusharin S.N. OJSC “NPO “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan The paper deals with a method used to implement a complex correction of inhomogeneities of photosensitive elements characteristics of a sub-array infrared detector (8-12 μm) in the Earth remote sensing system. This method comprises a two-stage correction of inhomogeneities of photosensitive elements characteristics of a sub -array infrared detector. At the first stage, during a real -time survey, a two-point correction of inhomogeneities of elements characteri stics of a sub-array detector is performed using two reference radiation sources. . At the second stage, during a post -processing, a correction method is applied using the information, registered by each sensitive element in the scanning zone of the underlying surface or its part being under surveillance [1]. The complex application of two types of correction of inhomogeneities of elements characteristics of a sub -array photodetector results in a substantial increase of self -descriptiveness and it enhances the perception quality of the thermal image of the underlying surface due to the elimination of inhomogeneities, resulting from the operation inertness of the temperature control system of reference radiation sources, as well as thanks to a reduction of t he frame horizontal structure effect on images, obtained even under steady control coefficients of reference radiation sources operating conditions. Reference: 1. Russian Patent No. 2407213. Imaging device, Batavin М.N., Ivanov V.P., Redkin S.N., Shusharin S.N., Sаvin D.Е. REVIEW OF MODERN ANGLE MEASURING TECHNIQUE Dr. N. Goncharov NPK «Diagnostika» , St-Petersburg Now the science and technical equipment develop huge rates, and production of optical elements turns to qualitatively new level. So there is very serious question of the accuracy of various angular measurements without which it is impossible to make new production and to control its quality. In the optical-mechanical production for control of angular parameters at production of optical details, and also for control of their relative angular positioning in assembly unit, goniometers and autocollimators are used. In the metrological centers and Quality Department goniometers and autocollimators are used for testing and calibratio of angular measures. According to ГОСТ 8.016-81 as model measuring instruments of the 1 class are applied: goniometers, optical polygons, autocollimation devices and examiners. Total accuracy of model measuring instruments of the 1 class at probability of 0,99 make from 0,1arc-sec to 0,4 arc-sec. Today the majority of laboratories and companies of Russia for control of angular parameters of optical details still uses technically outdated models of visual goniometers and autocollimators. We are glad to introduce our modern digital goniometers DG and digital autocollimators AC-D manufactured by our company NPK "Diagnostika". These devices are successfully used at many optical companies and the metrological centers of the country. LASER INSTALLATION FOR TESTING OF LASER DAMAGE THRESHOLD OF OPTICAL MATERIALS AND COATINGS Skrinnik А.А., Filipov М.А. JSC “Shvabe-Research”, Moscow The report contains the description of Laser installation for testing of laser damage threshold of optical materials and coatings. The installation was delivered by JSC “Shvabe-Research” to JSC “LZOS”. High power laser pulse interacts with the example of optical material\coating. By gradual increasing of pulse energy, laser damage threshold is determined into interaction area due to appearance of micro damages. Composition of Laser installation: 1. Master oscillator of laser irradiation nanosecond pulses. 2. Nd glass amplifiers 3. Measurement equipment for measuring of laser beam parameters Technical parameters of the installation Wave length 1,053 m Output pulse energy 1-10 J Pulse duration 3-5 nsec Average energy density on the target 1-40 J/sm2 Operation mode single pulse with interval 10 min Consumed power up ton 10 kW Master oscillator has active element – YLF crystal with diode pumping. Generated pulse with duration 3-5 nsec has energy about 10-3 J. The amplifiers are quantrons with phosphate Nd glass active elements Ø20х320 mm and Ø45х920 mm with diode pumping. Polarizer and phase plate λ/4, Faraday cell, diaphragms and passive shutter are installed between master oscillator and amplifiers to prevent the autoexcitation. The homogenizer (prism raster) is used for providing of uniform energy distribution into the spot. The measurement equipment is used for measuring of energy density and others laser beam parameters on the example surface STAND FOR CERTIFICATION OF THE COLLIMATOR RING BOX Kolosov M.P., Fedoseev V.I. JSC "NPP "Geofizika-Cosmos", the Russian Federation, Moscow In [1] it is shown that the angle sensor (S) diameter ~ 100 mm, based on the collimator ring field (CRF), may have a measurement error of the order of 0.20’’. This error is mainly determined by the accuracy of certification of angles between the images 510 transparent strokes of the CRF. Stand for the specified certification thermostated and vibroseis, comprises a base 3 on which is installed photoelectric autocollimator 4 to control the beating of the axis of rotation of the stand, goniometric device (G) 5 and "rough" device 2 that hosts S with the CRF. The device 5 has a lens with focal length f’ G = 978 mm in the focal plane of which is a matrix detector (firm CMOSIS, model CHR70M, pixel 0,0031 x 0,0031 mm, matrix format 10000 x 7096 pixels). A couple of strokes CRF sequentially projected onto the matrix with a linear increase in V = -32,6x. A significant increase in the accuracy of the CRF certification is provided by a large value f’ (V), averaging the results of measurements G 10000 rows of the matrix and low sensitivity stand. LITERATURE 1. Kolosov M.P., Fedoseev V.I. Analysis of the optical system of the angle sensor on the basis of the collimator ring field // Optical magazine. 2014. V. 82. No. 2. p. 49 - 54. BEFORE-NEWTON OPTICS AND MODERN INTERDISCIPLINARY THEMES Chebakova O.V., full member of D.S. Rozhdestvensky Optical Society The concept of science "Optics", originally defined by the ancient Greeks as the science of the "vision" of the world, illuminated by the light and through a color vision, unnecessarily became during the XVIII century in the science of "physical agent" light. Formula Optics: consciousness, sight, light. But optics became the section "Physics" of the New time - science, "cobbled” together from several experimental knowledge about natural phenomena, with an unexpected act of sir Isaac Newton. Namely: the full name of his long-awaited (1675) treatise (1704) “Optics, or a treatise about the reflections, refractions, bending and colors of light” indicated the boundaries of the "new" Optics, but doubts and hypotheses, made in the "Questions" (31 in number), it was decided not to notice. With the 70-ies of XX century (“Latest time”) Photonics continued the narrowing of Optics, intensively supported by the West as a replacement of Optics (English-speaking conference: Foton-2 - Foton14, UK; Optics and Biofotonics2014,18-th, Saratov; and Photonics and information optics, Москва, 2013, etc). Optics is not present in the themes of the Conference on the history of physics (2014, Cambridge, UK). Branch of physics on English-speaking conference "Science of the future" (2014, St. Petersburg) busy elementary particles, plasma cosmology, nanomaterials, optoelectronics. Optics is not declared in sections of the online Conference-2014 "Perspective the direction of our science”: philosophy and culture, psychology and sociology, and modern information technology, physicalmathematical and technical Sciences, construction and architecture, biological Sciences, ecology and chemistry. In St. Petersburg, "the Days of philosophy" conduct dialogues about the cognitive and creative person (2008), about the strategy of philosophical understanding (2010), others. At scientific meetings, studying the problems of interdisciplinarity, the concept of ideological and methodological Sciences (belongs optics) are not represented. THE MACHINE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY OF KRTP CRYSTALS Lomakova M.A., Yakovlev O.B. JSC “PA “Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant” named after E.S. Yalamov”, Ekaterinburg, The modern systems of the optical-location devices have to provide the highest visibility range, accuracy and speed of operation when the overall dimensions and power consumptions are decreasing. The excellent reliability of these systems has to be built at the stage of design and guaranteed at the all stage of production. Also these systems ensure 100% import substitution. The modulator manufacture created at the “Shvabe” Holding satisfied all this requirements. The machine processing technology is integral part of modern modulator manufacture. Developed production line allow to receive perfect precision considerations at the expense of integrated control system. SYNTHESIS AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF GLASSES WITH CADMIUM SULFIDE NANOPARTICLES 1,3 Popov I.D. , Kuznetsova Y.V.2, Rempel S.V.2, Rempel A.A.1,2, Vlasova S.G.1 1 – Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia B.N. Eltsin; 2 – Institute of Solid State Chemistry UBRAS; 3 – Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant named after E.S. Yalamov Semiconductors are widely used in microelectronics and optics. Often, when we reduce the size of semiconductor crystal to 100 nm or less, as a rule, we can obtain special optical properties. In this case, this material is very interesting and perspective object for research. The glass matrix is isotropic, stable and well known material. These factors make it perspective for growing within glasses semiconductor nanoparticles. In this investigation was studied the chemical composition, conditions of synthesis and heat treatment (annealing) of such glasses. The influence of the raw materials and synthesis conditions on the quality of glass and the reproducibility of the results. Another object of study are optical properties of glasses with nanoparticles of cadmium sulfide. In particular, the influence of the annealing conditions and, consequently, the changes particle sizes, on the spectra of absorption and fluorescence. Optical properties will be discussed. PROPERTIES WHITE MASKING COATING USED IN NIGHT OPTICAL SCALES Baranovsky D.S., Kruchinin D.Y., Yakovlev O.B. JSC «PA «UOMP» named after Mr.E.S. Yalamov»,Yekaterinburg Grid targeting systems must be clearly visible and well-being viewed in all weather conditions. Twilight, rain, fog dramatically worsen aiming. Optical enterprises produce grid, which as a masking coating is white suspension, which at the side illumination lights. For mounting on the surface of white suspension are pre-run relief grooves. Scales in which the coating is used as a masking white suspension, has significant technological and operational disadvantages. The study of some of the optical properties of white suspension was carried out for which data can be used to find an alternative masking coating. In studying the properties of white masking coating were investigated substrates of K8 optical glass. White masking coating special composition based on zinc oxide suspension. Coatings were deposited on the substrate by the method of centrifugation at different speeds for different thicknesses. Substrate coated and uncoated examined for light transmission, light scattering and reflection. When analyzing the data were set properties that should be possessed material used in optical scales, designed for aiming in reduced light conditions. THE USE OF ELLIPSOMETRY FOR MONITORING THE QUALITY OF OPTICAL SURFACES Zhuravleva O.S., Kruchinin D.Y., Yakovlev O.B. JSC «Production association « Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant » named after E.S. Yalamov», Yekaterinburg Conducted research on the status of the optical surfaces by the method of ellipsometry based on analysis of changes in polarization of a beam of polarized light when it is reflected from the surface. Defined criterion characterizing the state of the surface. INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS FOR INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD OF OPTICAL-ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT MAKING Dedkova N.D. JSC «Production Association «Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant» E.S. Yalamov», city of Ekaterinburg The optics is one of the most important sections of the physics. The optics laws and investigation optical methods are widely used for various investigations and measurements, quantitative and qualitative analysis as well as in light equipment, instrument making, automation etc, in a word practically in all human activities. In Russia there is focused a powerful scientific and economic potential, every year there arise the more and more promising commercial projects in the sphere of high technologies. In every result of scientific-and-technical progress there are laid the intellectual solutions, as a result of which the products get the required consumer properties and the capability to be sold. Such solutions received the denomination of intellectual activity results that can constitute the most important intellectual resources of the company, the base of its well-being and development, if they turned into the effectively managed intellectual property. However, recognizing the importance of the intellectual property, just few enterprises seek to provide for its effective protection. This work elucidates the reasons of legal inactivity and the recommendations are given to the industrial enterprises how to timely provide the intellectual rights for the created innovative developments. Literature: 1. Zinov V.G. Intellectual property management // Tutorial. М.: Matter, 2003.512 p. 2. Legal protection, economic and intellectual property management: materials of the scientific and practical conference. Ekaterinburg, 24 April 2014 / Ekaterinburg: UrFU, 2014, 254 p. III THEMATIC SCIENTIFIC-TECHNOCAL CONFERENCE «NEW DEVELOPMENTS OF OPTO-ELECTRONIC AND LASER RADAR SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR AIRCRAFT» METHODS FOR CALCULATING THE MAXIMUM RANGE OF LASER RANGEFINDER D. V. Pavlov, K. G. Lukin, Sokolov O. V. JSC "ELSY", Velikiy Novgorod, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University Methods for calculating the maximum range of laser rangefinder has been studied. JCS "ELSY" has been developing of multispectral gyro-stabilized opticalelectronic observation system (Fig. 1). Multispectral Optical-electronic observation system contains TV camera, IR camera and a laser rangefinder. Figure 1 - Conceptual model of multispectral gyro-stabilized optical-electronic observation system The maximum range of laser rangefinder depends on parameters of laser transmitter, laser receiver, target and atmospheric path properties. The way of laser beam in atmosphere is shown on Fig. 2. Laser transmitter Atmospheric path Target Laser reseiver Figure 2 - The way of laser beam in atmosphere The maximum range of laser rangefinder [1] is calculated analytically in accordance with equation (1): (1) Equation is applied for round targets. We have developed an optical model that allows calculating the maximum range of rangefinder for square and rectangle targets: Φ= ρ∙E0 ∙D20 ∙ψ∙τкол ∙τпр ∙σ2 ∙δ1 ∙δ0 ∙cos(β0)∙cos(γ0) (X∙1000)2 ∙τ0 ∙ F(a, b, γ, 𝑋, θ) (2) where: F(a, b, γ, 𝑋, θ) – function depending on the size of the sides of rectangle target and offset angle of laser beam from centre of target. The computer software was developed using optical models [2] (1) and (2). List of references 1. S. Kruapech, J. Widjaja./ Optics & Laser Technology, p. 749–754. 2010 y. 2. The certificate on the state registration of the computer program No. 2014614858 the Program module of calculation of the limit range measured by a laser range finder of June 20, 2014. HELMET-MOUNTED DISPLAY SYSTEM Denisov I.G., Kozlov A.V., Sharifullina D. N. OJSC “Scientific and Production Association “State Institute of Applied Optics”, Kazan Nowadays helmet-mounted display systems (HMDS) are an important part of integrated targeting and weapons guidance systems that can be operated in bad flight conditions. With the introduction of vision channels (including infrared ones) and with images bein g presented on the HMDS, night mission capabilities approached in many respects those of day operations [1 -3]. At present such systems are produced in lots by a number of foreign manufacturers such as Thales (USA), VSI (USA), BAE Systems (UK). Hence the de velopment of the highly competitive state-of-the-art ergonomic helmet-mounted display system is a relevant problem for Russia. The design of a helmet-mounted display system has been developed at OJSC “NPO “GIPO” and its prototypes have been made in compliance with the current world trends for the first time in Russia (Figure 1). Its design is based on an off -axis optical layout of a onepiece binocular combiner that is injection -molded with an optical polymer. This design provides a sufficient adjustment range of the HMDS helmet to fit all human head sizes and eye positions and it provides for a wide range of displaying systems of various destinations. The characteristics and design of the manufactured helmet -mounted display system have been close to those of the current foreign prototypes. а) b) Figure 1. а) The GIPO displaying device mounted on the GRPZ helmet. b) The Thales Top Owl The qualifying standards have been realized due to the development of methods for manufacturing optical and sun -visors that are injectionmolded with an optical polymer, such visors being made in Russia for the first time. Special coatings have been developed for polymer optical visors used in this system, which provide for a comfortable reading of character and graphic information against the outside world, as well as in the brightest daylight (the sun -visor being used). This paper deals with some importan t matters of the development, manufacturing techniques and inspection of the characteristics of the produced system. References: 1. Military Avionics Systems Ian Moir and Allan G. Seabridge, 2006, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 0 -470-01632-9, p. 434. 2. Ozan Cakmakci, Jannick Rolland, Head -Worn Displays: A Review // JOURNAL OF DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 2, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2006. 3. Ashok Sisodia, Andrew Riser, Michael Bayer, James P. McGuire Advanced Helmet Mounted Display (AHMD) for simulator applications // Proc. SPIE 6224, Helmet- and Head-Mounted Displays XI: Technologies and Applications, 62240O (May 18, 2006); doi:10.1117/12.666350 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT REGISTRATION SYSTEM OF HIGHSPEED OBJECT IN THE IR RANGE Demin Anatoly - University of Information Technologies Losev Sergey - "LOMO" When the real restriction on the threshold of sensitivity of the receiver two possible ways to improve the efficiency of detectability teplopelengator it either by increasing the physical aperture, or through the implementation of an adaptive optical information processing schemes. Increased physical aperture actually leads to a change in mass and size parameters teplopelengator, and the implementation of the detector in the adaptive optical information processing can be performed without changing the physical aperture. [1,2] The purpose of the work is to construct an adaptive control scheme of the detector in the likelihood ratio based on the characteristic function of the reduced spectral characteristic model aircraft. Define the spectral characteristic model aircraft G () as a dependence of the radiation, the spectral range of radiation, temperature, body aircraft, flight speed and the coordinates of its center of gravity and symmetry energy luminosity. If the adjusted values of risk ratio C00 , С10 , C11, С01 the a priori target function G () laid down during the operation of the detector, the reliability of the decision made at the detection of real terms "S / N" at the input of the detector will be higher than without correction, which is equivalent to increasing the efficiency of detectability teplopelengator modes IRST or FLIR, Fig. 1. С01[к м] 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 8-14 мкм 8-14 мкм 0.75 3-5 мкм 0.70 3-5 мкм 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 H[km] 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Fig. 1. Dependence C01 of the spectral range 3-5 [µm] and 8-14 [µm]. References 1. A.V. Demin, S.I. Jukov, Passive detection algorithm of high-speed objects Pub .: Free International Congress on Intelligent Systems and Information Technology, Gelendzhik 2013. 2. M.V. Murashov, S.D. Panin., Recognition of objects in the infrared / Proc. Guide - M .: Izd MSTU. Bauman. 2008. EARTH'S REMOTE SENSING TELESCOPE FOR MICROSATELLITES Demin A.V. - University of Information Technologies Danilov V.A., Sokolsky M.N., Kovalev I.A., Nikitina V. M. - «LOMO» The report presents the results of the development of the experimental sample onboard multispectral opto-electronic complex for the new generation of microsatellites with increased lifetime in a part of electro-optical system. The system is designed for the forming images of objects (areas) at Earth’s surface in the visible and near-IR range, converting them into digital form (with the possibility of on-board processing and data compression) and sending to the onboard transmitting equipment for the subsequent sending information over the radio channel as in the pace it becomes available, and in the memory mode at the ground station. The main parameters are listed in table: Name of the parameter Signification Optical arrangement Ritchey–Chretien Diameter of the entrance pupil of the objective, mm Focal length, mm Angular field in the object space The spectral range in PhR channel, mkm The spectral range in MzR channel, mkm Screening number Vignetting coefficient at the edge of the pupil Integrated transmission coefficient in PhR channel Signification of the polychromatic transfer function in PhR channel at space frequency 60 l/mm The number of optical components Availability of aspheric surfaces The relative length of scheme, mm Mass of the optical module, kg 200 2000 4 0,48 – 0,9 0,48 – 0,52; 0,54 – 0,59; 0,63 – 0,69; 0,75 – 0,95 0,5 0,01 0,565 in the center of the field 0,26 on the edge of the field 0,25 6 2 560 3 TEPLOPELENGATOR FOR AIRCRAFT Demin A.V. - University of Information Technologies Kovalev I. - "LOMO" Nikitinа V. - "LOMO" Gordeev D. - "AvtoVizus» The report presents the results of work of the collective of the ODST base department of the University ITMO and the bureau of prospective developments of "LOMO" to create teplopelengator for detecting high-speed objects. Teplopelengators belong to the class of passive electro-optical systems what engage in the infrared spectrum of the radiation solution of the "opening" (detection, identification and direction finding) by identifying the desired object on the background of noise in accordance with the selected set of criteria. One of the main characteristics of electro-optical system is the range at which the procedure of "opening" the object on the background of noise can be implemented with the desired probability and certainty. The range is determined by the parameters of the radiation receiver and lens, as well as design teplopelengator in general. Figure 1 shows the integrated scheme of division aviation teplopelengator. Laboratory studies of designed and manufactured prototype of the electro-optical system demonstrate the possibility of creating an aviation teplopelengator with weight and size parameters of standard samples and the ability to record the radiation power of the order of (1 × 10-12) w/pix, what corresponds to modern requirements for "opening" aircrafts . The table shows the final results of experimental studies. Fig.1 division scheme aviation teplopelengator. Simulated parameters of aircraft. The Linear size, Radiation power (W) angular (mm) size, (sec. of arc) 10 15 20 40 80 0,006 0,009 0,01 0,02 0,04 6×10-8 1×10-7 2×10-7 1×10-6 4×10-6 Value of power, (W/pix) 7×10-13 1×10-12 2,5×10-12 1×10-11 5×10-11 The resut of registrating 2 из 11 7 из 11 11 из 11 11 из 11 11 из 11 References. 1. Fundamentals of heat transfer in the aviation and rocketry. Ed. VK Koshkin, M., 1975. 2. Aerodynamic heating at supersonic flight speeds. Works of TsAGI, ONTI. 1975-2000. 3. Lloyd George. Thermal imaging systems: Translated from English. / Ed. AI Gorjacheva. Wiley, 1978. THE CONTROL ALGORITHM OF THE COMPOSITE MIRROR IN OPERATION MODE Demin A.V. - University of Information Technologies Kovalev I.A. - "LOMO" The report presents the results of work at the Department ODSaT (Base Department of ITMO University at LOMO PLC) by the decision of theoretical and technological issues on creation of composite mirrors (CM) for high-aperture telescopes. One of the main problems of creating CM is the development of methods and means of ensuring the required quality of the image, both at the stage of assembly CM, and at the stage of its subsequent operation as a part of the telescope. The algorithm of automatic adjustment of components of CM by comparison method in accordance with the calculation and using modern drive systems (hexapods) was developed. The process of positioning of mirror segments by the comparison method can be described as follows: 1. Creating the virtual base estimated positions of mirror segments. 2. Determination of the current provisions of the mirror segments by the control device. 3. Generating a control signal with an actuating device according to the result of comparison of calculated and the current provisions of the mirror segments by the control device. 4. Position adjustment of mirror segments by the actuator. References: 1. Алгоритм управления составным зеркалом в режиме эксплуатации (статья) печ. 2014. - Т. 2, вып. Труды III Всероссийской Научной Конференции "Проблемы Военно-Прикладной Геофизики и Контроля Окружающей Среды" - С. 268-273 6/3 Ковалев И.А.Демин 2. Use Of the Calibration Method During Multielement Surfaces Assembly On The Example Of Composite Mirrors печ. International Journal of Education and Research. - 2013. - Т. Vol. 1 No. 7. - С. 44-48, 5/2,5 Mendeleeva L.M. Demin A.V. 3. Алгоритм компоновки составных зеркал (на примере зеркала) печ. Научнотехнический вестник СПбГУ ИТМО. - 2008. - № 58. - Оптотехника, оптоинформатика, оптические материалы. - 6 c 6/3 Рабыш А.Ю.Демин А.В. CALCULATING AND SIMULATING OF OPTICAL JOINT IN LASER COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Demin Anatoly - University of Information Technologies Nikitinа Victoria - "LOMO" One of the features of laser communication systems is the need to implement any direction for the laser beam at a fixed position of the system for receiving and converting the information. So the structural relationship between an optical system forming the desired radiation pattern and system for receiving and converting the information can be realized by an optical deflector hinge. Fig. 1 shows the model representation of the communication system. In the sealed container emitter, radiation detector, electronic components and service systems are located. АВх _ СППИ M Экв _ Ш АВхТ АВх _ СППИ 0 0 1 1 2 N Экв X 2 2 N Экв X N Экв Y 2 M Экв _ Ш 2 N Экв X N Экв Y 1 2 N Экв Y 2 N 2 N Экв Y N Экв Z Экв X N Экв Z 2 2 N Экв X 0,5 1 cos Y cos Z N 2 0,51 cos Y cos Z Экв Y 2 N Экв Z 0,5 cos Y Fig.1 2 N Экв X N Экв Z 2 N Экв Y N Экв Z 2 1 2 N Экв Z . Model representation of the communication system and "Formula". Minayeff IV, Mordovin AA, AG Sheremet'ev Laser information systems of spacecraft. M .: Engineering, 1981. С. 272. MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGING SYSTEMS ON-BOARD METEOR-M SATELLITE Zavgorodnii D. - "LOMO" In this article describes systems OS-100T, OS-125T, OS-180, which were developed and manufactured by "LOMO" for Multispectral Satellite Imaging Systems medium resolution, included in scientific hardware of Meteor-M Satellite and Meteor-MP Satellite. All of these optical systems consist of objectives with focal length - f', prism-type dichroic beam-splitter, which separate polychromatic light beam into three spectral channels. An interference type narrow band pass filter is placed between dichroic beam-splitter and in front of each CCD device. Objectives have telecentric image space because of properties of CCD devices. Prism-type dichroic beam-splitter consist of some prisms with angles of incidence of marginal rays on dichroic coatings 26º and 28º (OS-100T) and 45º for other systems. Optical system OS-100T included in camera MSU-100T and optical system OS-125T (picture in appendix) included in camera MSU-100TM, designed for exploitation in multispectral imager systems, for observation the Earth surface in six spectral channels with ground resolution 60m and swath width up to 1000km OS-180/4 included in Device Gorizont-MP, was designed for multicpectral observation the Earth surface in six spectral channels with ground resolution 30m and swath width up to 1800km. Overbroad swath width of OS-180 provided by spinning at ±20,55º mirror, placed in entrance pupil plane. Distance from Enerence pupil to first surface is 120mm. Blend placed between mirror and lens reduce side illumination up to 100 times. Construction of camera OS-125T DIGITAL MEASURING SYSTEMS ARE BASED ON MEASUREMENT OF COORDINATES OF THE MARK IMAGE ON DETECTOR OF TV CAMERA Polishchuk G. S. – "LOMO" Korolev A.N. - Optroteсh Ltd CMOS and CCD represent a two-dimensional lattice of the elements which sizes are executed with error, not exceeding thousand shares of a micrometer. The quantity of elements can make some millions with the sizes of each element and the period of a lattice of an order of units of micrometers. Considering orthogonal topology and high the accuracy of such structures, it is expedient to use them for the solution of precision measuring tasks. Thus various algorithms of transformation of arrays of video data provide the submicronic accuracy of measurements [1]. The technology of such transformations is cornerstone of development of a wide class of optical digital systems for linear and angular measurements of instrument engineering. At the R&D works it was developed: - the technology of correction of thermal deformation of a photosensitive matrix in the course of measurements providing stability of results of measurements to ± 0.005 pixels for the long period of measurements - the technology of correction of a distortion of optical system of transfer of the image providing creation of the linearized two-dimensional measuring scale on the basis of photosensitive elements of a matrix with a margin error no more than ± 0.005 pixels - the original algorithms of processing of arrays of the coordinates of the image of optical brand which are video given for definition providing unlike integrated photometric algorithms, stability of result of measurement [2] - requirements to the level of lighting and unevenness of lighting, - requirements to unevenness of sensitivity of photosensitive elements of a matrix. In the OPTRO-PPS device intended for measurement of deviations from straightforwardness, coaxiality, planeness the image of circular mark on CCD is used for the solution of a number of tasks, including, - autofocusings, - measurements of diameters of circles and their centers, - measurements of magnification, - measurements of distance to mark, - shift of the center of brand concerning the line of vising. The used procedure of measurement taking into account averagings on shots, on circles, on measurements, provides RMS of measurement of the center of mark on CCD cameras at the level of 0.2 microns. The great interest is represented by researches of limit opportunities of measurement of a angle on the basis of definition of turn of the image of measuring mark on a photosensitive matrix of the TV camera. The TV camera with a lens is fixed on the stator, brand with the lighter – on a rotor. The big way in search of an optimum configuration of mark and algorithm of processing of its image was passed. As a result of the executed R&D works, the accuracy of measurements with RMS 0,1 sec is reached. Main advantages of our method of measurement: • Resistance to cross shifts of brand, including to a radial beating of the bearing and to vibrations. • Small cost in comparison with sensors and devices with similar metrological characteristics. • A wide range of applications from precision measuring devices to technological stands of production of large-size details (cogwheels, rotors of generators and so forth). • Contactless, small-sized. Literature: 1. Queens A.N., Gartsuyev A.I. "Research of accuracy of positioning of the image on a CCD to a matrix", Measuring equipment, May, 2004, No. 5, p. 20-22. 2. Queens A.N., Gartsuyev A.I., Polishchuk G. With, V.P's Tregub. "Metrological researches and a choice of a form of optical brand in digital measuring systems", the Optical magazine, 2010, t.77, No. 6, p. 25-27. LASER LANDING SYSTEM FOR AIRCRAFTS “GLISSADA-M” Zhukov G.K., Sverdlov M.I. JSK “Glissada”, JSK “Kantegir”, Saratov, Laser landing system (LLS) “Glissada-M” is a visual system for aircrafts any kind and category. “Glissada-M” is designed for helping on the concluding stage of landing for aircrafts in visual and adverse meteorological conditions, during the dusk and at night. LLS “Glissada-M” includes three laser beacons (on the base laser diodes): one is course, installed at the center at the beginning of the runway, and two on sides of the runway in a determinate distance from the center one for indicate the plane of glissade. Operation of LLS based on laser rays dispersion effect in the atmosphere and on projecting geometry principles. Beams of laser beacons, seen by eye without extra equipment and fixed in a certain angle to the horizon line, are creating spatial guidelines of the course and plane of glissade. Pilots during the landing procedure can to watch these guidelines, as certain symbol, form of that to change when aircraft to deviate from of the course or plane of glissade. Control of aircraft during the landing is realizing by keeping in view the pilot regular form a symbol. LLS “Glissada-M” is made on base laser diodes modules and: - is offering to the aircraft pilot information about course and plane of glissade, dynamics of deviation of aircraft from trajectory of the landing and at the same time providing reliable visual landmark; - doesn’t require additional equipment on the aircraft; - is offering the most accuracy of the landing then any other known system. - may have a battery source of power supply and can be quickly installed on a land; - doesn’t require additional test flight during the exploitation; - can provide a reliable and precision landing of helicopter on drilling platforms and ship with hovering on certain vertical line. THE DEVELOPMENT OF OPTIC MICRO CABLE FOR HIGH-SPEED DATA-TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS OF MIVING OBJECTS Korepin D.A., Ovchinnikova I.A. VNIIKP The continuous rising of quantities and complexities of goals which is being solved by on-board radio electronic equipment results in a steep growth of functional complexity. Therefore in different technical fields transition to optical communication systems which has unbounded speed reserve is active. The necessity of concurrent execution of requirement to on-board optical cables on tensile strength, low temperature stability (- 60 0C), extreme small bend and flame retardant at one’s diameter 0,9 mm is complex , which makes OAO VNIIKP – developed optic cables a unique products. Micro cable which is developed in OAO VNIIKP differs from existent analogues owing to its wide temperature operational range, flame retardant while other qualities is saving. It is worth noting that developed cable isradiation resistant and resistant to deactivating solutions and other factors. The development may be useful at intensive implementation of high-perfomance equipment on aircrafts. PASSIVE AERIAL TARGET RANGING BY MEANS OF AIRBORNE OPTOELECTRONIC SYSTEM WITH VEHICLE’S SPECIAL-TYPE MANEUVERING Lisitsyn V.M., Vinetski Yu.R., Zaben’kin O.N., Kasatkin A.V. JSC «Production Association «Urals Optical&Mechanical Plant», «Ural-Geofizika» branch, Moscow Ranging of aerial targets (AT) during vehicle-to-target approaching stage after the AT having detected by airborne seeker-tracker (ST) optoelectronic system is an urgent problem. Typically, the solution is the use of laser rangefinder (LRF). In this case, however, the price one should pay for knowing the distance is loss of the vehicle’s stealth factor, because the use of onboard active-type system guarantee that the vehicle will be detected prior to the range measurement is performed. In addition, the range of up-to-day typical onboard ST system considerably exceeds the range of available LRFs, thus producing the cases when LRF is not capable to range already detected targets. In this regard, repeated attempts were performed to introduce passive methods of AT ranging. For example, in the so-called spectral-dynamic method the range is estimated on the basis of the temporal variations of the ratio of signals’ amplitudes recorded in two bands of the IR spectrum, in which the parameters of atmospheric absorption are different. However, due to considerable variability of the target environment one meet in practice (e.g., maneuvering AT), the application of such the methods seems to be problematic. In the report, a method for passive (steals) AT ranging is proposed on the basis of using data incoming from onboard ST while the vehicle performing a specified maneuver. As such, a dive-type maneuver has been chosen, this allowing uninterruptable AT tracking on the whole trajectory. While maneuvering, the AT image position in the focal plane of the vehicle’s onboard ST changes for the following reasons: the vehicle shifts in the direction perpendicular to the vehicle-to-AT direction, thus creating a stereo base; angular position of the ST system varies as the images are progressively generated; AT moves in space, thus changing the image position (elevation and azimuth angles) in the instrument coordinate system. To provide correct AT ranging, the third factor must be compensated. In the case of horizontal flight of AT, one may predict the upcoming value of AT image elevation angle. To do this, it is enough to estimate the initial position of AT in the instrumental coordinate system (the angles of elevation and azimuth), as well as the angular velocity of the line of sight with respect to the angles. In this report, analyzes are presented of the influence of the accuracy of the above parameters on the precision of AT range estimates obtained by the proposed method. Assuming typical precision values of navigation parameters and modern IR FPA sensors, the estimates are obtained for the measurement range errors. The practical example is considered showing that for AT range of 30 km the error’s standard deviation not exceeds 470 m, which is less than 2%. Given are the recommendations on the use of the proposed method in practice. RESEARCH-PRACTICE CONFERENCE «OPTICS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY» DESIGN AND CREATION OF A HOLOGRAPHIC SIGHT FOR SMALL ARMS Kovalev M.S., Odinokov S.B. Bauman Moscow State Technical University The paper demonstrates the relevance of the DOE to focus laser radiation in various geometric images to allow quick change of impact marks in the holographic collimator sight, the feasibility of using geometrical optics approximation in solving the inverse problem of focus. Shows the calculated phase function composite DOE providing education in the focal plane of the image of the impact plate axially symmetric geometry. To obtain the HOE in the holographic sight you want to use a template, which acts as a diffractive optical element (DOE). DOE synthesized by computer optics, offer the possibility of formation of complex contour configurations in the focal plane. Decision applications generate photomasks create fiducials and use in optical devices aiming makes urgent task of focusing of laser radiation in a complex image in the focal plane. In particular, the focus of the contour representing the alphanumeric information may be "composite focusers" into a set of segments and semicircles (see Fig. 1a). The problem of calculating the phase function member for focusing the beam to a predetermined plane of the original intensity I0 (u) of the curved line S, a predetermined parametric equation in the back focal plane ( x ', y ', z f ') . A graphic interpretation can be found on the DOE example, focusing the radiation in a set of N points on the space curve. Then the aperture must be divided into N segment areas. The general solution of the problem of calculating the phase function in the geometrical optics approximation is described in [2]. а b Figure 1 - a) The geometry of the focusing problem in sighting sign axisymmetric geometric shapes; b) the type of the phase function of the photomask. Desired shot mark (. Fig. 1a) has though axisymmetric geometric shape, but is complex, that is a composite: it combines the ring diameter d and thickness δ and the cross without a center of the same thickness. In this paper, the problem of the composite structure of the image is solved as follows. The aperture of the DOE is divided radially into two regions (see Fig. 1b). The first area focuses the radiation radius of the ring, while the second annular region - in which consists of four segments of the cross without a center. Calculate the phase function area, focusing the radiation in the cross without a center. It [1] is of the form: The result of a numerical calculation of the phase function of the DOE with the parameters f 5 mm , 0, 650 micron , 2 R 5 mm , if the number of bins phase along two axes is shown in Fig. 1b. References 1 Methods of Computer Optics / Ed. VA Soifer. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2003 - 688 p. 2 AV Goncharsky, VV Popov, VV Stepanov. Introduction into computer optics.M .: Moscow University, 1991 - 310 p. 3 Kotlyar, AP Osipov Focusers in a circle and a ring of Gaussian beam .// Computer Optics, IPSI RAS, Samara, Moscow, 2001, № 21, p. 40-44. 4 Creation and study of binary focusers for powerful ND-YAG laser / AV Volkov, Doskolovich LL, Kazan NL, Usplenev GV, A. Zanelli // Computer Optics, 2000, № 20 , p. 84-89. PROCESSING AUTOMATION OF MEASUREMENT RESULT OF THE PHOTOOBJECTIVES RESOLVING POWER Kseniia Ezhova, Galina Romanova, Mikhail Ronzhin ITMO University, St. Petersburg, The contrast measurement of rectangular profile mire images with varying frequency is the one of the measurement method of modulation transfer function measurement. The mathematical method for automating and expediting of derived images processing, measured MTF plotting and definition of the resolving power is proposed. At this stage of automation the algorithm functioning is realized based on MathCAD program. The stages of algorithm functioning can be depicted as follows: 1. Transferring of rectangular profile mire bitmaps to the program. 2. Identification of the probable image tilt of the mire during it registration on the CCD, correction of the image orientation. 3. Image edges cropping for minimization the possible influence of CCD edge effects on the measurement result. 4. Images scanning at a given number of cross sections, the determination of the of the intensity distribution arithmetic average. The intensity distribution filtering. 5. Spatial frequency determination of the mire image using a binarization with a sliding threshold. 6. Determination of the maximum and minimum intensity values and the calculation of the contrast transfer coefficient (CTC). 7. CTC recalculation according to the Koltmen’s formula and MTF plotting using piecewise linear data interpolation. As a test example, we have measured the resolving power of the "Helios-44" lens. The algorithm operation results agree with the calculated value of the resolving power. THE QUALITY RISE AND WORKING CHARACTERISTICS IMPROVEMENT OF VARIABLE OBJECTIVES. HIGH PRECISE INSPECTION OF OBJECTIVES’ PARAMETERS Ostrun A.B. «Opto-Technological Laboratory», JSC Several trends of the modern evolution of objectives’ construction developed in «Opto-technological Laboratory» are being reviewed: 1. Optimization of the calculation of variable magnification optical systems; 2. The use of aspherical optics in objectives; 3. High precise inspection of objectives’ parameters (wavefront distortion, centering, air gaps). Variable magnification objectives are represented by DUO Fokus models where the image plane is kept fixed for two different focus lengths. The applying of such systems in practice leads to the increase in the system durability, decrease of production process time, reduction of economical expenses. The use of aspherical surfaces and diffraction elements allows to decrease the number of components in optical systems and to improve the image quality. The possibility to produce high quality objectives heavily depends on the presence of high precise testing devices for inspection of separate components as well as the whole objectives. In «Opto-Technological Laboratory» such testing devises are interferometers and instruments for inspection of centering and air gaps. A CORRECTING METHOD OF A FIELD CURVATURE IN WIDE-ANGLE LENSES Bezrukov V.A., Karpova G.V. St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics Being engaged question dealing with a curvature correcting of a field it should be noticed that this aberration is more difficult correcting in wide-angle lenses. For this reason it would be better to consider the method of field correcting in such lenses which is based on an astigmatism conversion from the previous part of initial optical system in a necessary curvature change after correcting component. In the report it is offered one of methods of a curvature correcting of a field in wide-angle lenses and it is given a technique of its realization. For the solution of task of correcting components synthesis are used correcting elements with a define attitudes by size of longitudinal increases along general beam. Constructive parameters of these elements are connected mathematically with their real brought aberrations in particular such as astigmatism. This work is further promotion of optical systems synthesis by Professor M.M. Rusinov. ANALYSIS OF METHODS FOR THE STABILIZATION OF THE OPTICAL IMAGE Ezhova Kseniia, Saitgalina Azaliya ITMO University, St. Petersburg, The basic methods of image stabilization are considered in this paper. It can be used in the future for optical program stabilization. Relevance of the work is connected with searching for the optimal solution to achieve high angular resolution in the image, reducing the time of the algorithms, minimizing the mass and dimensions of the opto-electronic system, obtaining a competitive system cost. This paper describes the main existing mechanical and numerical methods of the image stabilization. After considering the mechanical methods the following conclusions was made: it is desirable to perform stabilization by moving the elements of the device itself, without introducing additional components. Among optimal elements the element with the lowest weight should be selected and the mirror elements are preferable. The numerical methods of image stabilization are aimed to control the image shift which allows to identifying the main methods: transit-time, phase, amplitude, correlation, frequency. A significant disadvantage of this approach is the presence of a time delay in the image processing, the influence on the result of transverse displacement. The advantage is a relatively small error, reducing the weight and cost of optical-electronic system. Realization and testing of the algorithms is supposed in order to choose the best one in further work. That will increase the speed of image processing and improve the quality of the image.