
“History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of
day. It is a compass they use to find themselves on the map of human
geography. History tells them, what they have been, where they have been,
and where they are, but more importantly, history plays a role of showing
people where they still must go and what they still must be." Dr. John
Henrik Clark (1915 -1998)
African Caribbean Cuisine
During the week of 23rd October the
college refectory menu will contain a
range of African and Caribbean cuisine
including the following: Jerk Chicken,
Rice and Peas, Jellof rice, Curry Chicken,
Fish, a range of patties, plantain, sweet
potato and soup.
Location: College Refectory
Date: 22 - 25th October
African Caribbean Hair Artistry
Learn some basic techniques and the
versatility of Afro hair from an
expert. Demonstration based on the
introduction to braiding and
cornrowing. These techniques can be
used for all types of hair.
Location: Student Lounge
Date: 22 October 2012
Time: 12:30-13:30
Celebration of Black Music
The College Performing Arts
Department will be Performing a range
of Black Music tracks.
Location : Student Lounge
Date:23 October
Time: 12:30-13:30
College Library Exhibition
The College Library has produced an
inspiring book exhibition celebrating the
achievements and contributions of Black
People. They include books about:
Barack Obama, Malcolm X, Oprah
Winfrey, Martin Luther King, Tiny
Tempeh, Nelson Mandela, Michael
Jackson, 50 Cent and many more.
Trace Your Family History
This workshop will provide an introduction into
how to do research and tips for tracing your
family tree, and will also include the following:
Sharing of advice, information and good practice
in tracing your family tree and cultural heritage.
Top tips for family history research
tapping in to expert opinion from genealogist,
local archives and historians.
Use of websites such as for doing
family history research.
Location: Student Lounge
Date: 16 October
12.30 – 13.30
Patrick Vernon - Genealogist
History of Black Footballers
This exhibition records some of the
highs and lows of nearly 120 years of
Black and ethnic minority involvement in
British professional football. It includes
involvement of women and men of
oriental origin.
See attached pdf
Films to Celebrate
Black History Month
The Enrichment team is pleased to
introduce College staff and students to
the range of films in the slides that
follow. The programme of films are
designed to inspire, celebrate, raise
questions and provide an opportunity for
staff and students to explore issues,
debate, discuss and reflect.
During lunchtime, a selection of films will
be shown in Lounge starting on 15
All films are available for staff to
hire from the college library.
This historical documentary traces the
changes to British national life brought
about by the first major influx of people
from the Caribbean on the troopship
Empire Windrush. This documentary
follows the initial warm reception, the
growing sense of rejection and isolation,
and the first flash point of racial
intolerance in Britain.
The Great Debaters
A drama based on the true story of
Melvin B. Tolson, a professor at
Wiley College Texas. In 1935, he
inspired students to form the
school's first debate team, which
went on to challenge Harvard in the
national championship.
The Colour Purple
Focuses on black females in
the 1930s in southern
states of America. the film
tells the story of a young
African American girl and
shows the problems African
American women faced
during the early 1900s,
including poverty, racism and
sexism. Her life is transformed
as she finds her self-worth
through the help of two strong
female companions.
Coach Carter
Samuel L. Jackson plays the
controversial high school basketball
coach who benched his undefeated
team due to their collective poor
academic record in 1999.
His successful tough-love approach
won him national acclaim and the 2005
Hollywood movie
Trouble the Water
A redemptive tale of an aspiring rap
artist surviving failed levees and her
own troubled past and seizing a chance
for a new beginning.
Trouble the Water explores issues of
race, class, and the relationship of
government to its citizens, issues that
continue to haunt America, years after
the levees failed in New Orleans as a
result of Hurricane Katrina.
Life & Lyrics
A variation on the Romeo and Juliet
theme, it is set in modern day South
London and tells the story of two rival
crews of DJs and what happens when a
member of one crew Danny falls for a
singer from their rival crew.
Both crews seem certain to face each
other in the rap battle finals of the
prestigious Mic Masters competition, a
thrilling event that will offer a final
chance for Danny to beat his rivals and
make it big.
To kill a Mockingbird
To kill a mockingbird is based on a
woman who has been raped and racially
assaulted. Atticus Finch, a lawyer in
the Depression-era South, defends a
black man against an undeserved rape
charge, and his kids against prejudice.
The film explores the irrationality of
adult attitudes toward race and class
in the Deep South of the 1930s and
one man's struggle for justice
The Rosa Parks Story
The story of the civil rights heroine
whose refusal to obey racial bus
segregation was just one of her acts in
her fight for justice.
Bob Marley Exodus 77’
Marley's legendary concert at the Rainbow
that summer took reggae music and the
message of Rastafari to a world that had
been exposed to neither. The programme is a
visual evocation of the world of 1977, a world
that seems very far away now, and of the
spirit of Marley's most significant album. It
is not a film about the making of an album;
it's a film about an artist and his world; about
the impact of the world on Bob Marley and of
Bob Marley on the world.
Venue: Lecture Theatre
Date: Friday 17th October
Time: 1:30 -3:30pm
Cry Freedom
Denzel Washington played a role in Cry
Freedom as Steve Biko. Witnessed the effect
of the government imposed restrictions which
make up the apartheid system.
The Help
Set in the deep North American South, this
film is an inspirational, courageous and
empowering story about very different,
extraordinary women in the 1960s South
who build an unlikely friendship around a
secret writing project one that breaks
society rules and puts them all at risk.
Filled with poignancy, humour and hope.
Malcolm X
Malcolm X is a 1992 biographical film directed
by Spike Lee about the African-American
activist and black nationalist Malcolm X. The
story is based on The Autobiography of Malcolm
X as told to Alex Haley. Denzel Washington was
nominated for an Academy Award for Best
Actor for his role as Malcolm X.
Redemption: Stan “Tookie” Williams Story
Redemption tells the story of Stan "Tookie"
Williams, founder of the Crips L.A. street
gang. Story follows his fall into gang-banging,
his prison term, and his work writing
children's novels encouraging peace and antiviolence resolutions which earned him multiple
Nobel Peace Prize nominations.
Burning Illusions
Pioneering black feature film about a young
woman questioning her life. Pat, an ordinary
working-class London girl, has a caring family, a
job she enjoys and her own flat. Like all drama,
the film is about characters facing conflicts.
A young Rastafarian toaster (rapper) with
Reggae Sound System Ital Lion, hopes to
rise above the trials of his daily life and
succeed at a Sound System competition.
Set predominantly in South London, it
presents a portrait of the young black
community in London different from the
tabloid stereotype. These black people are
not muggers, rapists or chronic thieves.
They are ordinary young black guys at the
sharp end of inner city survival with dreams
and fears of ordinary young people in
Remember the Titans
The true story of a newly appointed AfricanAmerican coach and his high school team on
their first season as a racially integrated unit.
An inspiring story and a lesson for us all
The Tuskegee Airmen
The true story of how a group of
African American pilots overcame racist
opposition to become one of the finest
US fighter groups in World War II