2-25-14 Warm up—AP STATS

11.1-11.2 Quiz MONDAY 3-3-14
Ch. 11 Test TUESDAY 3-11-14
HW-pgs. 698-699 (11.8-11.9, 11.12)
www.westex.org HS, Teacher Website
Warm up—AP STATS
Flip your penny ten times and keep track of how
many tails you get. Put your result in the
appropriate blank below.
p = __________________________________
Ho: p = ____
Ha: p ≠ ____ (_____________)
Brenden ___
Anisha ___
Heather ___
Kyle R. ___
Nick B. ___
Sal ___
p = _____
Ali ___
Courtney ___
Rachel ___
Lisa ___
Nick T. ___
Bethany ___
Anderson ___
Geena ___
Kyle B. ___
Michael ___
Shannon ___
Theresa ___
z = ____________
P(Z< ___ or Z> ___) = 2P(Z< ___) = 2(___) = ____
AP Statistics
Section 11.1 Significance Tests: The Basics
Identify the three conditions that need to be present before doing a significance
test for a mean.
Explain what is meant by a test statistic and give its general form.
Define p-value.
Before performing a ____________________ __________ about a population mean or
proportion the same three conditions must be verified as when we were getting ready to
construct a _______. As in the previous chapter, the details for checking the
____________________ condition are different for __________ and
For means: population distribution Normal or __________ _______________
__________ (
For proportions:
____________________ and _________________________
Think back to yesterday when we talked about the paramedics’ response time on calls. We
should confirm that the three important conditions are met.
**All three conditions are met, so we can proceed to the calculations.**
A significance test uses data in the form of a __________ ____________________.
Here are some principles that apply to most tests:
The test is based on a statistic that ____________________ the value of the
___________________ as stated in the null hypothesis with an
____________________ of the parameter from the sample data.
Values of the estimate __________ from the parameter value in the direction
specified by the __________________ ________________ give evidence against
To assess how far the estimate is from the parameter, ____________________
the estimate. In many common situations, the test statistic has the form:
In our paramedic example our test statistic is:
where μo is the value of μ specified by the null hypothesis. The test statistic z says how
__________ x is from μo in standard deviation units. Because the sample result is over
two standard deviations below the hypothesize mean 6.7, it gives __________
____________________ that the mean response time this year is not 6.7 minutes, but
rather, less than 6.7 minutes.
The null hypothesis ______ states the claim we are seeking evidence _______________.
The test statistic measures how much the sample data diverge from the null hypothesis. If
the test statistic is __________ and is in the ____________________ suggested by the
alternative hypothesis ______, we have data that would be unlikely if ______ were true.
We make “unlikely” precise by calculating a ________________, called a _____________.
The P-value is simply the probability, computed assuming that ______ is true, that the
observed outcome would take a value as extreme as or more extreme than that actually
observed. The _______________ the P-value is, the _______________ the evidence
_______________ Ho provided by the data. Small P-values are evidence against ______
because they say that the observed result is _______________ to occur when Ho is true.
Large P-values __________ to give evidence against Ho.
**See the examples below. Pay particular attention to what happens when Ha is two sided.
The probability of the observed value being z units below or above the mean is twice what it
would be if it was one sided because we are considering the chance of it falling in both