Color And Text Color Blindness • Red • Green • Blue United States Results: Psychology of Color • Red Raises blood pressure Stimulates aggressive behavior Stimulates appetite Encourages conversation Psychology of Color • Blue: Lowers blood pressure Calming effect Provides sense of security Appetite suppressant Psychology of Color Green Easiest color for the eye to focus on for long periods of time Soothes pain Strength Safety Psychology of Color Orange Stimulates appetite Happiness Confident Adventure Slight elevation in Blood Pressure Psychology of Color • Yellow Satisfying Optimistic Wisdom Not to be trusted – Western Cultures Color wheel according to Michel-Eugène Chevreul. Adjacent colors should all show the same difference to each other. Triadic color scheme • Pros: Offers high contrast while retaining harmony. • Cons: Complementary scheme. • Tips: – Choose one color to be used in larger amounts than others. – If the colors look gaudy, try to subdue them. Color wheel according to Ewald Hering. Tetradic Color Scheme • Pros: The tetradic scheme offers more color variety than any other scheme. • Cons: This scheme is the hardest scheme to balance. • Tips: – If the scheme looks unbalanced, try to subdue one or more colors. – Avoid using primary colors in equal amounts. Issues of Color Red/Green Text Text Yellow-/Blue Text Text Blue/Green Text Text Black/White Text Text Color Design Remedies 1. Exaggerate differences between foreground and background colors 2. Avoid using colors of similar lightness adjacent to one another 3. Design for maximum contrast Test your pages by printing in black and white. <html> <head> <title>Data</title> </head> <body> This is a paragraph. Copy and paste this paragraph into your document three times. This will allow you to work with the tags displayed on the previous screen. 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From tickets to travel information, we can help make your vacation the best it can be! </p> <i> Call now for <font color=“red”>special</FONT> pricing!</i><br> 1-800-555-1234 <!--Copyright footer--><p><font size=“-1”>These pages are copyright 2000 by Jetaway Trove, Inc.</font> </body> </html> <i>call now for <font face="arial,helvetica" size=2> <font color=“red”>special</font> </font> pricing!</i><br> Fonts • Avoid decorative Fonts • Avoid decorative Special Characters Symbol Example HTM Code _________________________________________________ Copyright c &copy; or &#169; Trademark TM Registered Trademark r &#174; Non-breaking Space @ &nbsp; &#153 <html> <head><title>my title</title> </head> <body> <!--Main Body--> <p><i><b>Jetaway Travel</b></i>is your one source for all your travel needs. From tickets to travel information, we can help make your vacation the best it can be! </p> <i> Call now for <font color=“red”>special</font> pricing!</i><br> 1-800-555-1234 <!--Copyright footer--><p><font size=“-1”>These pages are copyright &copy; 2000 by Jetaway Trove, Inc. </font> </body> </html> Optimal Line Length • Min 3.6 inches • Max 4 inches – Standard is base on normal size font (12) – CSS pix 14-16 <html> <head> <script> function changeFontSize(element,step) { step = parseInt(step,10); var el = document.getElementById(element); var curFont = parseInt(,10); = (curFont+step) + 'px'; return; } </script> </head> <body> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="changeFontSize('content','2');">Increase font</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="changeFontSize('content',-2);">Decrease font</a> </p> <p id="content" style="font-size:12px;"> My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know. </p> </body> </html> javascript-for-better-user-experience/ * WWW References: Dutton, Frank. “Ishihara Test for Color Blindness” < > (8, Aug. 2009). “Factors influencing the design and layout of manuals and other published material.” <> (4, Feb. 2007). Georgia Tech Research Corporation.” GVU's 10th WWW User Survey.” <> (5, Dec. 2004). “Komar & Melamid: The Most Wanted Paintings on the Web.” < > (21, June 2009).