Cask Questions

The Cask of Amontillado
Answer the following questions and label each question as Level 1,2, or 3.
Introduction Chunk
1. What is the narrator’s opinion of revenge in paragraph 1? What does this
reveal about his character?
2. From the beginning, the narrator lets us, the readers, know that he has plans.
Based on the title and the first three paragraphs, predict what the narrator plans
to do.
Chunk 1
3. The narrator’s ironic point of view is clear from his comment about his
“attendants” or servants. How is the situation he speaks of ironic?
Chunk 2
4. Write two level one and Level 2 questions for which you may not know the
answer but think the answer may be important to the story.
Level 1Level 1Level 2Level 2Chunk 3
5. An important image in this section is Montresor’s coat of arms. Visualize this ny
drawing it, be sure to include the motto.
6. Explain how the coat of arms symbolizes the idea of revenge.
Chunk 4
7. Chunk 4 is the climax of the story, when Montresor’s intentions become clear.
What is one thing he does that makes you understand what he intends to do?
8. What is the one clear example of verbal irony in this chunk? Explain how
Montresor is being ironic.
Chunk 5
9. What do you learn about the narrator in Chunk 5? Cite textual evidence to
support your understanding.
10. What textual evidence helps you determine whether Poe tells this story from
a limited or omniscient point of view? Why might Poe have choices to write in
this point of view?