“The Black Cat” What is the FOCUS of the story? Why is it important that this story is told from the first person point of view? How do we know that the narrator is is obviously deranged? Why is it important that Poe doesn't give the narrator a name? . Subjects in the Story 1) Perversity- A human being has a perverse, wicked side that can goad him into committing evil deeds. The narrator says it was this inner demon that brought about his downfall. Explain how this is a subject in the story. 2) Alcohol Abuse Heavy drinking can bring out the worst in a human being. Explain how this is a subject in the story. 3) Vengeance -Evil deeds invite vengeance. Explain how this is a subject in the story. 4) Power of Suggestion -A weak, unbalanced human psyche may be highly vulnerable to the power of suggestion. Explain how this is a subject in the story. Literary Elements in the Story Explain how the author uses Allusion and Symbolism Explain how the author uses Foreshdowing Explain how the author uses Irony Using your prior knowledge, do you believe Poe lives out his own mental illness in the characters he portrays in his short stories?