proactiv revised

In society today, image is everything. It is safe to say that most people are obsessed with
their looks, striving for perfection; but how can society not help but not feel this way when
everywhere around us there are advertisements for makeup, hair products, diet supplements,
plastic surgery and unrealistically thin models gracing the cover of most magazines. Essentially,
everyone wants to feel good about them-selves and a major factor that takes part in self confidence is your skin. There are a vast variety of acne solutions out there, which is why
advertising a product the right way is so important. Proactiv, a popular acne illuminator is in fact
proven to be one of the most popular acne solutions out there, and not because it may or may not
work but because they know how to draw consumers in with their advertising. Proactiv’s
commercial is so effective because it connects with the audience on a personal level, has a
gorgeous celebrity as the spokes-model, and uses imagery and statistics to pull you in. Proactive
claims to be not only the number one acne system in America, but to also be “your answer for
Proactiv works hard to connect with its audience on a personal level by using success
stories in their commercial. Proactiv is trying to make the viewer feel that if they have acne, they
are not alone and that there are many others suffering from the same problem. Throughout the
commercial, there are about four or five success stories from ‘average’ people who claim that
Proactiv has worked for them by doing this, the commercial is using the ‘Average Joe’ effect. If
it worked for others suffering with acne, then it will work for you too.
Proactiv’s main gimmick is using celebrities as their spokes models. Making this
commercial aimed mostly at a younger and teen audience. Proactiv knows that when the
audience sees the commercial, they will want to buy the product even more, because who doesn’t
want to be just like their favorite celebrity, be as confident and use the same products that they
use? In this particular commercial, they use Jessica Simpson. In the commercial, it shows images
of her skin before Proactiv, and images of her skin after using the acne illuminating treatment,
which is supposedly a very big difference. The entire commercial is focused on Jessica Simpsons
success story, how insecure she felt when she had acne, and how happy and confident she is
now. Simpson is constantly smiling, close-up images of her now clearer skin are shown as she’s
smiling and her hair is blowing in the wind, the commercial even goes so far as to show her
applying and using the treatment. The main point that Proactiv is selling to its viewers is that if
you use Proactiv, you will gain confidence, just like celebrity Jessica Simpson did. Jessica
Simpson proves this by saying, “I’m passionate about Proactiv because it worked for me, and it
gave me confidence… being involved with Proactiv and telling my story about how it saved my
skin, that’s me saying you can have self confidence, you can find it”.
It’s all about appearance: a good advertisement should catch the viewer’s attention. The
Proactiv commercial does this by using ‘clean’ such as a variety of light blues and greens as well
as white. These colors work because it instills the feeling of clean and clear, just like your skin
supposedly will be after using the product. Along with colors, the commercial also incorporates
lighting, angling and music. Every single one of the success stories in the commercial has a
before and after picture, along with a follow up interview. The before picture has the user at an
angle, dim lighting and a depressing expression on the users face. On the other hand, the after
picture has them looking up and smiling big, the lighting in the picture even seems brighter. The
difference is to show the audience how Proactiv rids acne, and clears the skin, which creates
happiness. While the pictures are flashing by, cheerful and triumphant music plays in the
By instilling credibility in its audience is how Proactiv makes its sales. To do this,
Proactiv uses facts and statistics about the acne solution. The commercial claims that two leading
dermatologists created the acne solution. The fact that the commercial mentions that doctors
created this solution makes it seem like a legitimate treatment, after all, a dermatologist
suggested it and they know how to take care of acne, right? The commercial also adds that the
Proactiv combines “multiple medications with soothing spa botanicals”. This gives the illusion
that Proactiv must really work. However, there are still any doubts Proactiv will send a free 60day trial of the acne solution. Essentially, Proactiv is doing whatever they can to reel the viewer
in. At this point, the ad has told the audience everything they want to hear and has gotten rid of
most doubts.
The Proactiv commercial has been so effective on viewers that it has been named the
number one acne solution in America. This is no surprise since the commercial offers everything
that a viewer looks for in a product, connecting with the audience on a personal level, using a
celebrity, images and statistics. It has all of the necessary ‘awe’ factors to pull you in. There is no
doubt that with the advertising techniques used, Proactiv will continue to be the most popular
acne solution out there and will be the “solution for acne” for many.