Graduate School 101 ESP Seminar, September 19, 2005 Dr. N. K. Anand Dwight Look College of Engineering Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 Why Graduate School? Why you Why U.S. How Why How graduate school is important to graduate school is important to the to choose a graduate program TAMU? to apply to TAMU Graduate School Options After Graduation Obtain an engineering position in a corporation, government, or military Become an independent entrepreneur Complete a social or mission service Attend engineering graduate school Attend other type of graduate school Combinations of the above (not exclusive) BUT: a) Not easy to go back to school b) Night school not the same c) Part-time school not the same d) Some (fewer) companies will support you attending school What Should You Get From Graduate School? New learning skills New confidence in solving difficult problems New appreciation in research New knowledge in a specific area New perspectives on how the world works New and broader outlooks on many technical and non-technical topics Leadership skills The Importance of Continual Learning Your career could be 40-50 years long No degree or training will be valid for this length of time – technology is advancing at increasing rates You will need to continue to learn or will be out-dated quickly Graduate school’s most important feature is that it helps you master how to continually learn Education is a continuing process for all of our lives Just some of the disciplines…... Average Starting Salaries Spring 2005 Aerospace Engr. $65,000 Masters Biomedical Engr. $53,000 Masters Chemical Engr. $57,713 Masters Civil Engr. $48,240 Masters Electrical Engr. $51,390 Masters $85,000 Doctorate Industrial Engr. $58,000 Masters $85,000 Doctorate Mechanical Engr. $63,333 Masters Ocean Engr. Source: TAMU Career Ctr. $45,000 Masters Challenges Numbers gap Ambition gap Education gap In the Age of Flatism, these gaps are what most threaten our standard of living. “The World is Flat”;Thomas L. Friedman; Douglas & McIntrye, Ltd., 2005 Challenges in Recruiting Domestic Students COUNTRY POPULATION (MILLIONS) # BACCULAURATE ENGINEERS/YR # BACCULAURATE ENGINEERS/YR/MILLION USA 293 70,949 242 CHINA 1299 660,000 508 INDIA 1065 525,000 493 FRANCE 60 25,000 417 UNITED KINGDOM 60 16,200 270 GERMANY 82 40,000 488 >6000 >1,000,000 >167 WORLDWIDE Source: ASEE1; Weekly Magazines, and CIA Fact Book; National Academy of Engineering; National Institute of Informatics U.S. Leadership in Science and Technology Qualified U.S. students with baccalaureate degrees in engineering have an obligation to consider graduate school in engineering. Challenges National Science Board Science and Engineering Indicators, 2004 ⇩in U.S. citizens training to become scientists and engineers ⇧ in jobs requiring S&E training Threatens economic welfare and security of U.S. “The World is Flat”;Thomas L. Friedman; Douglas & McIntrye, Ltd., 2005 Challenges cont’d… National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the Twentyfirst Century Chaired by former astronaut and senator John Glenn 2/3 of the nation’s math & science teaching force will retire by 2010 The World is Flat”;Thomas L. Friedman; Douglas & McIntrye, Ltd., 2005 Challenges cont’d… 2.8 million BS degrees granted worldwide, 2003 1.2 million earned by Asian students in Asian Universities 830,000 Europe 400,000 United States Asian universities produce 8 times as many engineering BS degrees as U.S. “The World is Flat”;Thomas L. Friedman; Douglas & McIntrye, Ltd., 2005 Challenges cont’d… Engineering & Science BS Degrees 60% 33% 41% 31% China South Korea Taiwan United States Engineering BS Degrees 46% China 25% Russia 5% United States “The World is Flat”;Thomas L. Friedman; Douglas & McIntrye, Ltd., 2005 Challenges cont’d… Science & Engineering PhD’s awarded in U.S. ⇩ from 29,000 in 1998 to 27,000 in 1999 Engineering undergraduates in America ⇩ about 12% between mid-1980s and 1998 “The World is Flat”;Thomas L. Friedman; Douglas & McIntrye, Ltd., 2005 Challenges cont’d… U.S. labor force⇧almost 5% per year Rest of labor force⇧at just over 1% “The World is Flat”;Thomas L. Friedman; Douglas & McIntrye, Ltd., 2005 Challenges cont’d… Persons born outside U.S. accounted for 14% all S&E occupations in 1990 1990 – 2000 proportion of foreign-born with BS degrees in S&E occupations ⇧ from 11% to 17% proportion of foreign-born with MS degrees⇧ from 19% to 29% proportion of foreign-born with Ph.D’s in S&E labor force ⇧ from 24% to 38% “The World is Flat”;Thomas L. Friedman; Douglas & McIntrye, Ltd., 2005 Challenges cont’d… New York Times Sam Dillon, Dec. 21, 2004 “foreign applications to American graduate schools declined 28 percent this year. Actual foreign graduate student enrollments dropped 6 percent. Enrollments of all foreign students, in undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral programs, fell for the first time in three decades in an annual census released this fall. “…Chinese applications to American graduate schools fell 45% this year, while several European countries announced surges in Chinese enrollment.” HOW TO CHOOSE A GRADUATE PROGRAM Graduate Program Quality Indicators Faculty Curriculum Quality of Incoming Graduate Students Quality of Graduates (value added) Resources/Infrastructure Rankings Research Funding - Quality Peer Reviewed Competitive Grants e.g. NSF, NIH,………….. Factors Affecting Graduate Program Quality - Faculty Size Research Funding Scholarship Visibility Faculty Visibility Number of NAE members Number of Endowed, Distinguished, and Regents Professorships Number of members in State and National level policy making bodies Number of Editorships of Archival Journals Number of memberships on Editorial Boards of Archival Journals Number of Fellows in Professional Societies Faculty Citations Scholarship Quantitative No. of Refereed Journal Articles No. of Conference Papers No. of Patents No. of Textbooks and Research Monographs Qualitative Journal Impact Factors Immediacy Index Cited Half Life No. of Citations Acceptance Rate per Conference Factors Affecting Graduate Program Quality - Curriculum Number of Graduate Courses taught per year Number of Special Topics Taught per year Number of Graduate Courses omitted from the catalog /year Number of cross listed graduate courses taught per year Factors Affecting Graduate Program Quality of Incoming Students GPA GRE Scores Academic Preparation Acceptance Rate Composition of Domestic Students Composition of underrepresented minority students Factors Affecting Graduate Program Quality - Resources and Infrastructure Percent of students on Financial SupportNumber of Endowed Fellowships Number of Federal Graduate Fellowships Space per Graduate Student Graduate Student Salary RANKINGS U.S. News and World Report U.S. NRC (1995, 2005,..) London Times Opportunities NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Workshop Graduate School 101 Workshop Oct. 26, 2005 USRG (Undergraduate Summer Research Grant) Sept. 21, 2005 May 30 – August 7, 2005 Fast Track Graduate Invitational March 3-4, 2006 Best Graduate Engineering Programs – Public Institutions 2005 2006 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 Berkeley Illinois (Urbana) Georgia Tech Michigan Purdue (+) University of Texas (-) UC San Diego 9 11 8 10 Wisconsin (+) UCLA (+) 8 8 Texas A&M Source: U.S. News and World Report rankings of U.S. universities U.S. News & World Report America’s Best Graduate Schools Note: first number is ranking by all institutions; number in ( ) are only public institutions nr = not ranked in this edition 12005 Edition TAMU was ranked In the top 50 for teacher preparedness (no individual ranking was done in this category). Category 2005 Edition 2006 Edition Engineering 14 (8) 14 (8) Aerospace 15 (9) 9 (5) Biomedical 28 (13) 39 (21) Chemical 27 (17) 25 (16) 14 (8) 13 (8) Computer 21 (11) 23 (14) Electrical nr 18 (11) Industrial 9 (7) 10 (7) 20 (12) 23 (14) Nuclear nr 4 (2) Petroleum nr 4 (2) Civil Mechanical 1995 NRC Rankings Methodology: Faculty from each university granting a doctorate in an area was asked to rate each other ‘s doctorate granting universities in that area according to faculty quality and effectiveness of program on a 0.0 to 5.0 scale Texas A&M programs in the top quartile: Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Chemistry Statistics TAMU COE Funding Opportunities Fellowships National Level (31 national fellowship winners) University Level NSF, U.S. Dept. of Ed., GEM, etc. Graduate Merit (COE = 9 offers for Fall’05) Regents Diversity (COE = 8 offers for Fall’05, round 1) Department Level Assistantships Teaching Research TAMU Engineering Graduate Disciplines Aerospace Engr. Biological & Agric. Engr. Biomedical Engr. Chemical Engr. Civil Engr. Computer Engr. Computer Science Electrical Engr. Health Physics Industrial Engr. Industrial Distr. Materials Sci. & Engr. Nuclear Engr. Ocean Engr. Petroleum Engr. Aerospace Engineering Research Areas Space Technology Aerodynamics and Fluid Dynamics Materials and Structures Biological and Agricultural Research Areas Air Quality Engineering Biomaterials Engineering Bioprocess Engineering Environmental & Natural Resource Engineering Food, Feed & Fiber Processing Machine & Energy Systems Soil & Water Resources Engineering Biomedical Engineering Research Areas Biomechanics Finite Element Methods Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation Human Factors and System Safety Biomedical Imaging Nano and Micro Biosensing and Imaging Biomedical Signal Processing Nonlinear Optical Microscopy Biophotonics Orthopedic Rehabilitation Engineering Cardiac, Vascular and Cellular Mechanics Optical Diagnostics Clinical Engineering Optical Sensing Computational Mechanics Soft Tissue Biomechanics Computer Simulation of Biomolecules Telemedicine Constitutive Modeling Control Theory Chemical Engineering Research Areas Bio-(medical, chemical, molecular) & life sciences Computational chemistry Materials Process systems Civil Engineering Research Areas Structural Control and Reliability Deepwater Offshore Structures Wind and Earthquake Engineering Project Control and Simulation Risk Assessment Life Cycle Cost Analysis Coastal Processes and Tsunamis Scour and Foundations Partially Saturated Soils Transportation Network Optimization Concrete and Asphalt Mixture Design High Performance Materials Water Allocation Environmental Contaminant Removal Electrical Engineering Research Areas Analog & Mixed Signal Biomedical Imaging and Genomic Signal Processing Computer Engineering Control Systems Electromagnetic and Microwaves Electric Power and Power Electronics Solid State Electronics, Photonics and NanoEngineering Telecommunications and Signal Processing Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Areas Production and service systems Logistics and supply chain management Transportation Quality and reliability engineering Homeland security Decision analysis Optimization Modeling and analysis of probabilistic systems Simulation modeling Virtual reality and 3D visualization Mechanical Engineering Research Areas Materials Mechanics Systems and Controls Thermal and Fluid Sciences Nuclear Engineering Research Areas Reactor Analysis / Computational Methods Space Nuclear Power Radiation Biology Reactor Experiments Dosimetry Nuclear Power Plant Engineering Irradiation Effects on Materials Petroleum Engineering Research Areas Tight Gas/Shale Gas Heavy Oil Recovery Coalbed-Methane Reservoirs Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs Resource Assessments Advanced Drilling Technology Well Construction Deep Gas Well Construction Advanced Production Technology Well Stimulation Acidizing and Fracture Conductivity Formation Evaluation Reservoir Simulation Enhanced Recovery Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Analysis of Reservoir Performance Energy Environmental and Water Issues Transportation Innovation How to apply napp.WBX Engineering Graduate Programs 204 Zachry Dr. N. K. Anand Assistant Dean of Engineering for Graduate Programs Phone: 862-8869 Email: Ms. Teresa Wright Coordinator, Engineering Graduate Studies Phone: 845-6883 Email: Any Questions?