McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2009 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 6 Market Strategy ELEMENTS OF BUSINESS STRATEGY Determining the product market to serve 1 2 (What markets do we serve with what products) Determine partner relationship commitments 3 (How do agreements impact choices) Determining the level of commitment to provide resources 4 Determining the objectives and plans for each functional area (What level of investment in the product market are we willing to make) (What are the detailed aims and action plans) 6-3 CRITICAL ELEMENTS IN A STRATEGIC PLAN Determining the product market to serve 1 2 (What markets do we serve with what products) Determining the level of commitment to provide resources 3 Determining the objectives and plans for each functional area (What level of investment in the product market are we willing to make) (What are the detailed aims and action plans) 6-4 STRATEGY PROCESS MODEL 1 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS SELF (INTERNAL ANALYSIS Evaluate opportunities, threats and strategic questions Evaluate strengths, weaknesses, problems, constraints, questions STRATEGY IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION Exhibit 6-2 6-5 STRATEGY PROCESS MODEL 2 Update historical data Collect current situation data Data analysis Develop objectives, strategies, programs Develop financial documents Negotiate final plan Measure progress toward objectives Exhibit 6-2 Audit 6-6 STRATEGY PROCESS MODEL 3 1. Track 1 2. Develop statement of operating principles and values Environmental scanning 3. Define vision 4. Define goals Strategic planning foundation Strategy development 5. Define planning 6. Define total 7. Define 8. Select assumptions & leadership market & segments implications: requirements, most and define Develop consensus re: attractive assess long-term corporate & environment strengths & segments segment (customer/market, weaknesses in strategy competition, attractive segments suppliers, etc.) Strategy integration and capability development Gap analysis 9. Define capability 10. gaps by assessing strengths/ weaknesses against current capabilities & specific competitors in selected segments Track 2 Track 3 Define mission Formulate 11. strategies that yield competitive advantage Exhibit Appraise, test 12. Modify & reconcile goals if strategy with required, set functional functional plans/ and needs business objectives 6-2 Business strategy Strategy integration capability development 6-7 WANTS-GETS GRID HIGH PERFORMANCE Assistance in cost control OVERACHIEVEMENT Reliable delivery Consistent product quality and appearance Sales support UNDERACHIEVEMENT Fast order cycle Access to top management Lead generation HIGH IMPORTANCE Exhibit 6-5 6-8 CONCEPTUAL MAP Project manager’s competency Hi NOVUS MAVUUS T3 Reputation for Good Excellence Bad CLARKE Lo Exhibit 6-6 6-9 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS Share of user $ Manufacturers 100 Specialty Wholesalers 120 Manufacturers Distributors 1 Dealers Users 2000 2005 150 300 40% 50% Users 60% 50% 100% 100% Total spending by users $10mm $15mm 2 101 130 200 Exhibit 6-7 6-10 FIVE FORCES OF COMPETITION Threat of substitutes Bargaining power of suppliers Struggles between industry rivals Bargaining power of customers Threat of potential entrants Exhibit 6-8 6-11 BARRIERS TO ENTERING A MARKET • • • • • • PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION ECONOMIES OF SCALE CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS ACCESS TO DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS COST DISADVANTAGES UNRELATED TO SIZE GOVERNMENT POLICY Exhibit 6-9 6-12 ACTIONS TO MEET COMPETITIVE CHALLENGES • • • CHOOSE ITS COMPETITIVE BATTLEGROUND JUDICIOUSLY CHANGE THE COMPETITIVE STRUCTURE OF THE INDUSTRY ANTICIPATE AND EMPLOY CHANGE 6-13 Vision for disruption Identifying and creating opportunities for temporary advantage through understanding •Stakeholder satisfaction •Strategic soothsaying Directed at identifying new ways to serve existing customers better or new customers that no one else serves now Capability for disruption Sustaining the momentum by developing flexible capacities for: Market disruption • Speed • Surprise that can be applied across many actions to build a series of temporary advantageous Tactics for disruption Seizing initiative to gain advantage by •Shifting the rules •Signaling •Simultaneous & sequential strategic thrusts with actions that shape, mold, or influence the direction on nature of the competitors’ responses Exhibit 6-10 6-14 KOMATSUV CATERPILLAR Arena 1 Cost & Quality Arena 2 Timing & Know-how Disrupt Cat’s strategic strengths Boost Lower quality cost Timing Rolls out one product at a time Know-how Aggressive R&D and new product program Erodes Cat’s premium price, global volume, low costs Picks off Cat’s full line one by one Undermines Cat’s advantage on product innovation Arena 3 Strongholds Arena 4 Deep Pockets Outmaneuver Cat’s strengths (“Encircle” Cat) Geographic Komatsu moves out of Japanese stronghold to Asia, Europe, South America, and lastly North America Erodes Cat’s World dominance one place at a time Channels Komatsu moves to direct sales, dealers, then regional centers Maneuvers around Cat’s strong dealer network Komatsu builds resources, new plants and user alliances to Gain strengths initially Erodes Cat’s deep pockets From the Field: 6-1 6-15 MARKET ORIENTATION ELEMENTS BEING SYSTEMATIC IN: 1. Gathering of information on customers and competitors 2. Analyzing information to develop market knowledge 3. Using this knowledge to guide strategy 6-16 PAYOFFS FROM A MARKET ORIENTATION A MARKET ORIENTATION COMPANY IS: 1. BETTER AT FITTING NEEDS OF CUSTOMERS 2. MORE DIFFICULT FOR COMPETITORS TO ASSESS 3. APT TO BE UNIQUE 6-17 REQUISITES FOR THE LEARNING ORGANIZATION Visionary leadership x Target & trajectory x Information systems x Creating & striving x Execution Exhibit 6-13 6-18