HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Grade Level (s): Kathryn Chaudry 6th Grade Subject : Computer Literacy Building :Valley, Drums, West, Freeland Start Date(s): September 10through October 20 Unit Plan Unit Title: Personal and Business Letters Essential Questions: Essential questions are concept in the form of questions. Questions suggest inquiry. Essential questions are organizers and set the focus for the lesson or unit. Essential questions are initiators of creative and critical thinking. Essential questions are conceptual commitments focusing on key concepts implicit in the curriculum What are the names of the parts in a letter? What parts have capital letters and which type of punctuation is used? What is the standard formatting/line spacing requirement for word processing of letters? How can the advanced features of MS Word be used to create letterhead? What are the similarities and differences of a personal letter/a business letter? Standards – 3.6 & 3.7 1.9.7.A 3.7 Apply computer software to solve specific problems/needs Use Media and Technology Resources for self-directed learning and group collaboration Demonstrate appropriate keyboarding skills and techniques Summative Unit Assessment : Personal Letter and Business Letter Summative Assessment Objective Assessment Method (check one) Students will- _X Rubric __ _ Checklist ____ Unit Test ____ Group __X__ Student Self-Assessment Know the 6 parts of a personal letter Demonstrate the use of proper formatting and punctuation in each part of the letter Use advanced features of MS Word to make letterhead Know the parts of a business letter Know the difference between a personal letter and a business letter _X___ Other (explain) Personal and Business Letter Day 1 Objective (s) Students will use a handout to develop a personal letter in MS Word DOK LEVEL 2 3 4 Activities / Teaching Strategies Students will key a personal letter the way they think it should look. (Discovery Learning) Grouping DAILY PLAN W Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Whiteboard MS Word Software Hand Out Formative- Questioning/Discussion Whiteboard MS Word Formative- Discussion Parts of an address will be explained with proper punctuation Summative - Personal Letter Student Self - AssessmentChecklist 2 Students will self correct/edit personal letters after the parts of a letter are reviewed . 1 2 3 4 Parts of a letter will be reviewed on the whiteboard The proper order of each part will be emphasized Proper formatting and punctuation will be addressed 1 2 3 4 Discussion of when a business letter would be appropriate. Examples of real life situations will be used in the discussion. Demonstration of Word Art and the Line Tool for the creation of a business letterhead W 3 Students will use the advanced features of MS Word to develop letterhead for a Business Letter Whiteboard MS Word Software Handout Formative – Demonstration Summative – Business Letterhead Student Self Assessment using Rubric Parts of the business letter will be discussed during use of the whiteboard. Together we will compare the parts of the personal letter and the business letter by making a chart. W Whiteboard MS Word Software 4 Students will compare the elements of a business letter versus a personal letter Formative- Discussion Summative – Business Letter Student Self – Rubric Students will write a business letter using all of the parts and formatting requirements that were discussed Using the whiteboard and going over the rubric, students will key a business letter. Observation will be used and one on one time for students with difficulties W Whiteboard Handout Rubric Formative- Discussion Summative – Business Letter Student Self – Rubric 5 W Summative - Personal Letter Student Self - Assessment-