Microsoft Word - IMechE NE Committee Meeting 25-3

Institution of Mechanical Engineers – North East Region
Minutes of committee meeting held on 24th February 2014, at
The Highfield Hotel, East Rainton.
Mark Jackson (Chair);
Paul Arnell (Aero.)
Bowman Bradley (Tees);
Chris Briggs (T&W);
Manfred Engel;
Eric Fisher (Hon.Sec.);
Denis Healy (BDM);
Philip Vaughan (Aero.)
1. Apologies:
Apologies were received from James Blanchard (YM), Jon Gray (Hon.Treas), Alok Krishnan
(AD), Jeremy Lewis (SRG), Scott Taylor (Past Chair) and Stephen Thompson (Rly). Ali
Daadbin had relinquished his role as Education Officer and would not be attending future
2. Minutes.
The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd December, 2013, were approved and signed by the
3. Chairman’s Report
The Chair had prepared his usual update list, Annex A.
As the Army had emerged as the largest Regional employer of Eng.Techs., the Chair was in
discussion with their Employer Engagement Team who might sponsor an event for Eng.Techs.
Susan Scurlock’s Primary Engineer presentation had taken place again in November. In
response to a request for information about continuing schemes, the only details forthcoming
related to the Westoe Crown initiative. Staff there have established a “factory” for the children
and it is expected that activities at S.Tyneside College will be integrated into this year’s
There appeared to be some inconsistencies in the Newsletter mailing list. The Region would
welcome volunteers for the role of Media/Press Officer, which was considered to be additional
to the normal load on Chairs and the Hon.Sec.. The Chair believed that a role definition
already existed and it was proposed that this should be published in the next Newsletter.
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The Chair had arranged for HQ staff to mount a Manufacturing Excellence display at the
Annual Dinner. It was understood that the President would make specific reference to the
scheme in his remarks.
The Hon.Sec. reported that there appeared to be some problems in loading pictures into the
Photo Gallery. This was not a problem for other platforms such as Flickr and would be
investigated further.
Following the success of the Cragside event, there was a need for a member to lead Retired
Members’ activities. Chris Briggs agreed to pursue one possibility. In the interim, the
Hon.Sec. would investigate spring events on the N.Yorks. Moors Railway.
It was agreed that the main items for the Presidential visit on 25th April would be a visit to
Caterpillar and the Annual Dinner. His visit to IHC Engineering on 11th February had been a
success and included the presentation of some 15 Membership Certificates. He had made a
further informal visit to Dyer Engineering on 12thFeb.
It was noted that individuals were invited to register for the Volunteer Conference in York.
The Hon. Sec. indicated his wish to attend.
It was considered that the New Member, New Fellow, Eng.Tech etc. welcome letter could most
conveniently be circulated by HQ based on a draft from the Regional Chair.
The new RSB Mission Statement had been circulated, Annex B.
Details of the proposed new Regional Award had been circulated with the proposal that it was
targeted at First Year Undergraduates (as in the NW model). Although a number of historical
precedents suggested that implementation might have its problems, the Chair was confident
that the Regional HEIs could be persuaded to participate.
Detailed changes to the Meeting Reporting process were drawn to the attention of meeting
4. Education Officer’s Report
Bowman Bradley’s first report as Education Officer was tabled, Annex C.
Bowman had already contacted Peter Finegold about the proposed Regional Education
Officers’ Conference.
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It was suggested that he contact John Blackwell about Bloodhound involvement in Regional
events and Iman Kouchouk at HQ about the Bloodhound model.
He was considering a presence at the Makers’ Fair, which Ali had attended last year.
The Committee noted with pleasure that Mike Lambert had come forward to lead the important
residual Greenpower activity in the Region (as reported in Alok Krishnan’s report, below).
It was agreed that Bowman should work to an annual budget of £1k p.a. and aim for at least
four STEM events. He should immediately purchase two suitable banners at an indicated cost
of circa £100.
5. Regional Manager’s Report
A sub-group had met to discuss Dinner arrangements immediately prior to the main
Committee. 14 corporate tables had already been sold. It was believed that all other matters
were in hand.
Denis reported a successful year for recruitment both in the Region (with 100 new C.Eng.
registrations) and Nationally (with total membership now exceeding 106,000).
It was agreed that Get Chartered/Registered Events should be arranged for Teesside in May,
with Bowman’s assistance, and for Tyne & Wear in September, in collaboration with Chris.
6. Divisional Reports
6.1 Automobile Report
Alok’s report is appended, Annex D. As noted above, Mike Lambert’s involvement in the very
successful Greenpower activity was particularly welcome.
6.2 Railway Report
Stephen Thompson had sent his apologies and, as noted earlier, there were no RD meetings
nearer than York.
6.3. Aeronautical Division
Philip Vaughan introduced Paul Arnell who would be taking over as Aero representative on the
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6.4. SRG
Jeremy Lewis had offered his apologies and forwarded the new edition of UK Spec, which
contains important changes for training in Health & Safety.
6.5. Renewable Power Committee
As it had not proved possible for a member to join the Regional Committee, this item will be
deleted from regular business. It was, however, hoped that Renewable Power members would
contribute to a future Regional event.
7.Panel Reports.
7.1.Teesside Area
Bowman reported no substantive activity, except for his Education work. The Area’s activities
had been restricted by work pressures on Scott Taylor.
7.2 Tyne & Wear
Chris Briggs tabled his report, Annex E. Events continued to be successful and a future
programme was in place. Although there was some overspend against budget, the Chair
believed that costs could be contained within the overall Regional expenditure.
7.3. Tyne & Wear YM
James Blanchard was on secondment out of the Region and had sent his apologies. As indicated
in his report, Annex F, the Ball had been a huge success. The Committee were anxious to see a
more detailed financial breakdown of the Ball costs and the Chair will pursue this matter. (NB
Jonathan is believed to have this in hand.)
8. Date of next meeting.
It is expected that the next Committee will be on the same date as the Regional AGM. The
Chair and Secretary will consult the Regional Rules which are believed to tie possible dates to
the Institution’s London AGM. The venue for both Regional events is expected to be the
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Annex A
Hi Folks
Update for our next meeting
This is my current list of issues.
NE Engineering Success. Apprentice & Eng Tech joint event. The Army is the
single biggest employer of this group of people so I have begun to make
enquiries. Q - What do Eng Tech & Incorporated Members want??
Primary Engineer - any news?
Newsletter. Near You. I would like a volunteer to help with the Near You site as
things are going to get more complicated.
Manufacturing Excellence - presentation at Annual Dinner?
After Event Photo gallery now online
Educational Banner - Bowman has this in hand?
Retired members - need someone to be the champion going forward
President visit 25 April 2014 - Caterpillar
IHC Eng Business President Visit 11 Feb very successful
Volunteer Conf 4-6 April
Need to consider Eng Tech Welcome Letter and New Member evening
Polo Shirts for informal events - especially school visits - Bowman?
New Strategic Objectives - I will try to get these for the meeting
Grant info circulated - new Regional Award initiative - Design Challenge for
We need to capture membership grade from meetings
Regional Reporting format to change
See you Monday 24th
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Annex B
The mission of the Regional Strategy Board (RSB) is to act as a bidirectional conduit
between the members located in the 16 Regions of the UK & Ireland and the Trustee
Board (TB).
In particular, it is required to work through volunteer committee members in the
Regions and Areas to achieve the following objectives:
a. Engagement Engage the members (of all grades) in their Regions and Areas with
appropriate activities and events organised by the volunteers for their benefit.
b. Development Work with the IMechE’s Business Development Managers (BDMs)
to mentor and encourage aspiring members with the aim of promoting membership of
the IMechE, and to provide a local element of Continuous Professional Development
(CPD) for existing members.
c. Outreach Act as ambassadors for the IMechE locally by encouraging outreach
activities in the Regions whereby volunteers will work directly, or through other
bodies, to project a positive image of the Institution and the profession.
d. Education Where appropriate, and with careful co-ordination through specialists,
provide advice and encouragement to school children with the aim of increasing the
numbers taking STEM subjects in local schools.
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Annex C
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
North East Region Committee
Education Officer’s Report February 2014
I was appointed Regional Education Officer on January 16th 2014. I am already a
STEM Ambassador and hold a current CRB Check.
I have identified the following issues which I would like to pursue as an initial
Compile a register of IMechE members in the NE who are currently STEM
Ambassadors (In hand)
Contact Tyneside STEM Contractor (Already involved with STEM on
Teesside/Wearside) (done)
Understand current local involvement with Primary Engineer
o Tyneside
o Teesside
Make contact with and understand Bloodhound (partially done)
Understand local involvement with Tomorrows Engineers
Contact and liaise with HQ Education Advisory Group (in hand)
Develop a strategy vs Local Universities and Colleges
Ensure an IMechE presence at the STEMNET Shildon Railway Museum Event (March
20th) (done)
Generate an IMechE presence at a minimum of four ‘STEM’ type events per year
Agree an annual budget
I am in active discussion with STEMNET and Bloodhound regarding an IMechE presence at
the March 20th Shildon Event.
I am involved with the STEMNET event on 12th March, at Sunderland University, which aims
to encourage sixth form girls into STEM careers. There will be some IMechE presence.
I have arranged the loan of two educational banners to use at the above events and am
investigating the option of purchasing two. ('Tomorrow's Engineers' and 'Engineering our
I will attend the Sembcorp Skills Development Programme on Wednesday 26th Feb to
represent IMechE
I hope to attend a ‘Regional Education Officer’s Conference’ later in the year.
I am personally involved with the Engineering Education Scheme and GO4SET in the North
Bowman Bradley
12th February 2014
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Annex D
Automobile Division Centre Report
No. of
Sep 11th
AD Chairman’s Address
No. of
Nov 20th
Engine Exhaust Gas
Popular talk delivered by the
Current AD Chair. Was very well
received with plenty of positive
Had really good response with
plenty of discussions and
interesting questions.
AD Board
"Clean and Dry? Controlling Water and
Dirt on Cars"
Talk by Gaylard, Adrian from JLR at Durham
Univ venue.
Durham Univ
No changes since last report
Working to improve representation of local universities in the AD panel
Will be planning joint event with Teesside region after success of last year.
Greenpower sub-committee being re-developed. Have leadership identified. (Mike Lambert from our committee has
agreed to lead the sub-committee)
Signed: Alok Krishnan
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Annex E
IMechE Tyne & Wear Area Committee
Report – February 2014
Activity since last Regional meeting (02.12.13).
1. YM’s Christmas Ball, 30th November – attended by Senior Panel members.
Event was a great success: ~120 attendees; ~£1000 raised for EWB; see YM
Report for detail.
2. T&W Joint Panel Christmas night out, 5th December. 10 attendees.
3. Meeting with EI Chair, Barbara Sturm, 24th January – to discuss future events
and support.
4. 3D Printing lecture, 30th January. 34 attended (another 20 turned up at
different lecture room!)
5. EHA application submitted for Lit&Phil. T&W AGM to be held there in March.
6. Thermacore lecture, 18th February – 31 attendees.
Forthcoming Activities.
1. 3rd March – T&W Committee meeting.
2. 11th March – St.Helena Power Station Refurbishment lecture.
3. 26th March – T&W AGM @ Lit&Phil – Annual Review, Committee Elections, and
Social Event.
4. April tba – Rolls Royce visit – Pallion site; limited to 10 people.
5. Other events for 2014 in development, including:
Talk from Renewable Power committee
Visit and talk @ Nexus
Talk from Hyperdrive Innovation
Industrial visit to GL Noble Denton flow centre
Budget vs Actual Spend.
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Significant overspend to date of ~£860 due to 2 events Oct/Nov coming in
over budget, and one extra event in January.
Further overspend expected, as planning 7 more events in remainder of year
(to 31/08/14), compared to budget of 4 events.
Year end forecast ~£5000 (compared to budget £3200).
Chris Briggs, 23/02/14
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Annex F
IMechE YMP Annual Christmas Charity Ball Article
On 30/11/13, The Assembly Rooms in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne played host to
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Tyne and Wear Young
Members Panel Annual Christmas Charity Ball. The nominated charity was
Engineers Without Borders (EWB), which aims to develop and bring low cost
and sustainable engineering solutions in developing countries to benefit local
The event was attended by over 100 guests from leading engineering
companies around the north east such as Deep Ocean, IHC Engineering
Business, Assystem, SMD, PBPower and Siemens.
The evening consisted of a four course meal with entertainment comprising of
charity fundraising games, the comedy improvisation act ‘The Suggestibles’
and rounded off with a disco until the early hours.
A fun night was had by all. James Blanchard, current Chairman of the
IMechE Tyne & Wear YMP said “It is a great charity and it nicely compliments
the work of the IMechE by using engineering that really benefits and improves
the lives of people in the developing world”. Almost £1250 was raised from
fundraising, sponsorship and donations from a multitude of north east
EWB-UK north-east representative Lisa Bunclark spoke on the night about the
work of the charity while their Fundraising Co-ordinator Abi Taylor had this to
say about the IMechE and the evening "A huge thank you to all the IMechE
members who supported EWB-UK at the Tyne and Wear charity dinner in
November. We rely on generous donations from our supporters to continue
working to remove barriers to human development around the world. The
event was a great success, and we look forward to working with IMechE
members again in the future”
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