5 Themes of Geography


What is Geography???

5 Themes of Geography

What is Geography?

Geography = the study of people, places and the environment

Geography comes from 2

Greek words

“Geo” = Earth

“graphy” = Writing

 Geography = writing about the Earth

Two Types of Geography

Physical Geography

 Location, Landforms

Cultural Geography

 Human


Regions, Movement

5 Themes of Geography

1 - Location

 Geography helps you think of things spatially

 Where things are located and how they got there.

2 Types of Location

Absolute Location

 EXACT place on Earth something can be found using latitude and longitude

 Melbourne, Australia = 38N, 145E

Relative Location

 Location of one place in relation to another place.

Canada is north of the United States

Giving directions to your house

We use this one the most!!!

5 Themes of Geography

2 – Place

 Changes over time based on human and physical characteristics (features)

 Volcanoes erupt, glaciers move, forests burn

 People build new cities and expand old cities

2 Types of Place

Physical Characteristics

 Climate (typical weather over long period)

 Landforms

 Bodies of water

 Plant/animal life



 Cities, towns, governments, cultural traditions

 Human created features

5 Themes of Geography

3 – Region

Geographers group places into regions

 Region = a group of places that have physical features or human characteristics in common

Geographers compare regions to understand the differences and similarities among them.

 Geographer interested in language may group countries based on the language they speak.

2 Types of Regions

Natural Regions

 10 natural regions based on a unique combination of plant/animal life and climate

2 Types of Regions

Cultural Regions

 An area in the world where many people share similar beliefs, history, and languages

 There may be multiculturalism in one region

– but one overall cultural trait (USA)

5 Themes of Geography

4 – Movement

The movement of people, goods, ideas as well as plants, animals and other physical features.

Migrate vs. Immigration

Migrate = move from one area to another within a country

Immigration = leave one country and move to another country

 People take with them their customs and ideas

Push – Pull Theory

Push = problems in one place push people out

 Poverty, overcrowding, lack of jobs, schools, prejudice, war

Pull = better opportunities pull people to a new place

 Higher standard of living, employment, rights, freedoms, safety

Irish potato famine (1.5 million in 1840’s-1850’s)

Cubans flee for Florida

Barriers to Movement

Natural barriers can prevent people from migrating

 Difficult

 Mountain ranges, canyons, raging rivers

 Easier

 Oceans, lakes, navigable rivers, flat land

5 Themes of Geography

5 – Human-Environment Interaction

The interaction between the people and their environment

How people affect their environment & how the environment affects people.

 Can be positive and negative

Planting trees, irrigation = positive

Clear-cutting trees = negative

Occurs because humans depend on, adapt to and modify the world around them.

Human Adaptation

Humans have often adapted their way of life to their environment

 What they wear, eat, do to make a living

 Modern technology has made a close adaptation to the environment not as necessary


People and the environment continually interact with each other

 Public transportation

 Less gas consumed

 Less air pollution

 Healthier lives for people
