flexibility - misskellysPEpage

• Flexibility is the range of movement
across a joint.
• Most activities require suppleness,
which helps to reduce the chance of
pulling a muscle.
• Flexibility can also be know as
mobility and suppleness.
• Being flexible can also help make skills
more effective.
• E.G
If a hurdler has hip flexibility this will help
them clear the hurdles with minimum
effort and maximum efficiency.
• Controlled stretching can help
improve your flexibility by moving
your joints just beyond the point at
which you feel resistance.
• Flexibility is affected by the type of joint
and muscle attachment.
• Flexibility is limited by ligaments which
hold joints in place.
• The elasticity of tendons which attach
muscles to bones and joints also limits
• There are two types of flexibility.
Static Flexibility
Dynamic Flexibility
Static Flexibility
• Static flexibility is where the joint or
muscle is slowly stretched to its limits.
• Static flexibility is necessary when you are
holding a fixed position.
• The gymnast on the beam
has good static hip and leg
Static Flexibility
• Static Flexibility is important in
gymnastics when the judges are
looking for the correct position when
awarding marks.
• The judge would award
them poor marks if the
gymnast showed poor
hip flexibility in splits.
Dynamic Flexibility
• Dynamic flexibility is required for a
short period of time within your over
all performance.
• The high jumper requires
dynamic flexibility when
arching their back as
part of their high jump.
Dynamic Flexibility
• Dynamic flexibility is also important in
team activities, such as rugby.
• As dynamic flexibility in the
hips is very important for a
goal kicker.
• A big range of movement across their hip
means they have a bigger follow-through
which allows them to kick further.
Flexibility Tests
There are various tests for measuring
The sit and reach test Measures your flexibility at the
hip joint and hamstrings.
The shoulder extension test –
Measures your flexibility at the shoulder joint.
The back raise test –
Measures your flexibility of the lower back.
Flexibility Training
• Exercises to maintain and improve flexibility
are usually either static or active stretches.
• In the warm –up static stretches, like the
hamstring stretch or calf stretch, should be
held in position for 10 seconds.
Flexibility Training
• Active stretches use movement to move
the body part at the joint.
• The side stretch is an active stretch when
gently bouncing to the side.
Training session
• To develop specific muscles flexibility
stretch for at least 30 seconds.
• A stretching programme should
consist of –
F – 3/4 times a week
I - Hold stretches for 30 seconds
T- For a period of 6 weeks.
1. What is flexibility?
2. Choose a skill/technique where hip
flexibility is important.
Activity __________________________
Skill/technique ____________________
It is important in this skill/technique
3. Choose a skill/technique where back
flexibility is important.
Activity __________________________
Skill/technique ____________________
It is important in this skill/technique
4. (a) Name 3 team and 3 individual activities.
Name several skills for each, which require
Team activities
Individual activities
4. (b) For each example in 4 (a), decide whether it is
static or dynamic flexibility which is required.
Team activities
Individual activities