Revised Quarter 3 Syllabus 2/16 2/17 2/18 M T W Workday Snow Day Snow Day 2/19 Th Lit: 12th Grade 2014-2015 Spring Check Margery Kempe Test Review for Anglo-Saxon Test (due Monday) Medieval Web Quest (due Monday) Lit: Medieval Web Quest Go to Select and complete Medieval Web Quest. GP: Resume (due Monday) Students may also work on board letters if time allows. 2/20 F Lit: Medieval Web Quest ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2/23 M GP: Resume due Lit: Medieval Web Quest due Test Review Due **MAJOR TEST on Anglo-Saxon Period 2/24 T GP: Review Board Letter training (due Friday) **Quiz on Web Quest Lit: (in class) Background Info. on Ballads (from Mrs. Rogers) Read: Barbara Allen Robin Hood and the Three Squires Get Up and Bar the Door Complete: Ballad Study Guide (from Mrs. R) Read: (homework) Background Material for Medieval Period Take notes on the background info. pp. 218-218 pp. 220-223 pp. 224-225 pp. 28-33 2/25 W Lit: Check Ballads SG **Quiz on Ballads Read: Background information on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight pp. 228-229 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight pp. 230-243 (We will begin this in class today and continue tomorrow.) Complete: Study Guide from Mrs. R—Do all of the questions covered by today’s reading. 2/26 Th Lit: Read: Gawain con’t. Complete: SG 2/27 F GP: Review Board letter due (typed) Lit: Check Gawain **Quiz on Gawain Video: BBC version ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3/2 M GP: Presentation Skills & Outline Training (This is the outline of your speech.) Lit: Power point on King Arthur (Slides 1-7) Read: Background information on Le Morte d’Arthur Le Morte d’Arthur pp. 246-247 pp. 248-261 3/3 T Lit: Morte d’Arthur con’t. Complete: SG (Students will work in small groups to complete the study guide.) 3/4 W **Quiz on Morte d’Arthur (on The Giving Tree) (9:44) Class discussion: What is your most prized possession? What would it take to make you give it up? Questions: What is unrequited love? What is unconditional love? Read: Background on Federigo’s Falcon pp. 206-207 Federigo’s Falcon pp. 208-213 Complete: Study Guide 3/5 Th GP: Outline due (typed) Lit: CheckFederigo’s **Quiz on Federigo’s Start: Medieval Test Review 3/6 F Lit: Finish test review GP: Final Reflection training (This will be turned in with the Portfolio.) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3/9 M **MAJOR TEST on MEDIEVAL UNIT PART II/without The Canterbury Tales 3/10 T Video: Troy 3/11 W Video: Troy 3/12 Th Make-up Snow Day Lit: Medieval Unit Part II/ The Canterbury Tales Read: Lines 1-18 from text Start: Pilgrim charts (Examples from teacher for first 2 pilgrims) 3/13 p. 144 F Make-up Snow Day Lit: Continue filling out the pilgrim chart. GP: Prepare for speeches next week. All should be prepared to deliver in class. Names will be drawn to determine who speaks. You will have a quiz on the pilgrims on 3/23. You will be allowed to use your charts. These charts need to have good detail and description. ______________________________________________________________________________________ **Students should see English teacher in the event of any religious holiday conflicts as soon as possible. 3/16 M GP: Speeches (Names will be drawn) 3/17 T Speeches 3/18 W Speeches 3/19 Th Speeches 3/20 F Speeches ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3/23 M Lit: 3/24 T Lit: Check: Miller’s SG **Quiz on Miller’s Tale Read: “The Reeve’s Tale” (not in text/ provided by Mrs. Rogers) Complete: SG for Reeve’s Tale 3/25 W Lit: Check: Reeve’s SG **Quiz on Reeve’s Tale Read: “The Pardoner’s Prologue” & “The Pardoner’s Tale” Complete: Pardoner’s SG 3/26 Th Pilgrim Charts due **Quiz on Pilgrims and Prologue : Read: “The Miller’s Tale” (not in text/ provided by Mrs. Rogers) Complete: SG for Miller’s Tale Mid-terms Lit: Check: Pardoner’s Tale **Quiz on Pardoner’s Tale Read: “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue” & “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” Complete: Wife’s SG 3/27 pp. 170-180 pp. 184-196 F Mid-terms TBA __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3/30 M TBA Lit: Check Wife’s SG Review for major test on CT 3/31 T TBA BBC Version of C Tales Quarter 4 4/1 W **MAJOR TEST on The Canterbury Tales 4/2 Th A Knight’s Tale 4/3 F WORKDAY __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quiz 2/24 2/25 2/27 3/4 3/5 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 Dates T W F W Th M T W Th Web Quest Ballads Gawain Morte d’Arthur Federigo’s Falcon Pilgrims & Prologue The Miller’s Tale The Reeve’s Tale The Pardoner’s Tale Test Dates 2/23 M 3/9 M 3/16-3/20 Anglo-Saxon Period Medieval Unit w/o Canterbury Tales In-class Speeches 3/26 Th Mid-terms 3/27 F Mid-terms ___________________________________________ 4/1 W The Canterbury Tales (This is a 4 th qtr. grade.)