Performance of the STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker in Measuring Charged B Meson through charged B J/Ψ + X Decay 1 Background Information: › Goal of RHIC: Find the QGP › Au + Au collisions at RHIC Goals for the Summer › Learn C++ › Study B meson measurement using the HFT Process › “What I did this summer” Results 2 Quarks come in six varieties: up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top Gluons bind quarks into mesons (2 quarks) and baryons (3 quarks) – this is called “confinement”. <> 3 Scientists believe that quarks were free from “confinement” during the first few moments after the Big Bang, and formed quark-gluon plasma During heavy-ion collisions, this freedom is briefly recreated The QGP is expected to form in heavy-ion collisions, but not in p+p collisions <> 4 Scientists expected that the matter produced in high energy Au+Au collisions would behave like a gas Instead, the matter resembles a perfect liquid › Strong Interactions between particles › “Flows” like a liquid 5 Why does RHIC have different types of collisions? › p+p To act as a standard for comparison › d+Au To study the conventional nuclear effect › Au+Au To study the QGP 6 Most Central Less Central Not Central (Peripheral) 7 Currently 2 experiments running STAR records the tracks of particles created in collisions using several layers of detectors Gold ions are accelerated in opposing directions around the accelerator– to 99.95% the speed of light! Maximum Energy for Au+Au collisions: 200 GeV / nucleon (recall : Gold nuclei have 197 nucleons) (Scientific American , 2006) 8 Two layers of pixel detectors › 100 million pixels (30 x 30 μm) › Resolution: ~10 μm This is the detector whose performance I analyzed in measuring B mesons. 9 Studying the QGP with Heavy Quarks • Up 1.5 to 4 MeV Charm 1,150 to 1,350 MeV Down 4 to 8 MeV Bottom 4,100 to 4,400 MeV Strange 80 to 130 MeV Top 178,000 ± 4,300 MeV Heavy Quarks are ~1000 times heavier than light quarks o Experience less acceleration from the collision o Have long life that can be measured by Silicon Detectors • cτ of charm quarks: ~100-300 microns • cτ of bottom quarks: ~500microns. • I will study B meson production through the J/Ψ + X decay channel • The major background in this study is the direct J/Ψ particles 10 J/Ψ = 1 charm quark + 1 anticharm quark B meson = 1 bottom (anti)quark + 1 other quark This is one of the major decay channels used to study the B quark e- J/Ψ e+ Gold ions ******** Gold ions ************* 11 1) 2) 3) Learn C++ Create an analysis code to analyze simulated collision data Determine the performance of the STAR Heavy Flavor Silicon Tracker in measuring the B meson through B J/Ψ + X decay 12 13 Goal: to analyze simulated collision data › p+p collisions (what you saw in June) › signal events with 1 B decay J/Ψ or direct J/Ψ per event › mixed events: gold-gold collisions with 20 B decay J/Ψ or direct J/Ψ per event embedding 14 -p+p collisions (J/Ψ +X) Event Generator -Au+Au collisions (embedded p+p collisions) Analysis! (my task) GEANT – Detectors OFF Detector Response-Detectors ON (Reconstruction) 15 Refit helix Make sure each track has hits on both layers of the HFT Recreate mass of J/Ψ particle Use helix characteristics and magnetic field to refit the path of the particle 16 Refit helix Make sure each track has hits on both layers of the HFT Recreate mass of J/Ψ particle 17 Refit helix Make sure each track has hits on both layers of the HFT Recreate mass of J/Ψ particle p1 P P = p2 + p2 θ p2 MJ / P1 P2 1 cos 18 e- L J/Ψ e+ Gold ions ******** c ' Lxy DCA Gold ions ************* M pT Lxy ˆT L p 19 Unlike-sign pairs Like-sign pairs p+p collision: perfect electron ID Au+Au collision: perfect electron ID 20 cτ’ approximates cτ to within a small correction factor (<15%). B decay J/Ψ particles are the signal Direct J/Ψ particles are the background › cτ is effectively zero: Γ = 6 Kev (for J/Ψ + X e+ + e-) ΔEΔt = ћ/2 Δt = 1.1 x 10-19 s cΔt = 3.3 x 10-11 m way less than the detector resolution In this study, other background (e.g. correlated charm quark pairs) is neglected. 21 Cross Section (σ): the likelihood of interaction between two particles Scale factor for direct J/Ψ : ~72. The ratio of BJ/Ψ over direct J/Ψ is expected to increase in Au+Au collisions (because direct J/Ψ experience more suppression than the B decay J/Ψ). Branching ratios: B J/Ψ + X (1.094%) J/Ψ e+ + e- (5.94%) Cross sections: p+p B meson (3.8μb) p+p J/Ψ e+ + e- (178nb) σ(B J/Ψ + X e+ + e-) = 3.8 μb x 1.094% x 5.94% σ(J/Ψ e+ + e-) 178 nb = 1/72.09 22 B decay J/Ψ Direct J/Ψ cτ’ 23 B J/Ψ e+ + e- B decay J/Ψ Direct J/Ψ Unlike-sign pairs Like-sign pairs Net (Unlike – Like) cτ’ Need to remove these wiggles! direct J/Ψ e+ + e- cτ’ Unlike-sign pairs Like-sign pairs Net (Unlike – Like) 24 cτ’ B decay J/Ψ Direct J/Ψ with 40x more direct J/Ψ this time Direct J/Ψ B decay J/Ψ cτ pT > 1.25 GeV B decay J/Ψ Direct J/Ψ DCA cτ cτ’25 Signal/Background cτ’ comparison B decay J/Ψ Direct J/Ψ cτ’(cut) Efficiency cτ cτ’(cut) 26 Results: › Best signal/background at cτ’(cut) ~0.05 › Efficiency at that cut: ~27% Future plans: › Take the “pile-up” effect into account in the analysis code Large hit density on the HFT 60 hits/cm2 on the inner pixel detector 8 hits/cm2 on the outer pixel detector › HFT is slow: 200μs integration time 27 Wei Xie, for being my advisor this summer Quan Wang, for creating the simulated collisions The National Science Foundation, for the REU program Steve Durbin and John Yeazell, for running the REU program 28 29 Lorentz force: Newton’s 2nd law: Fmagnetic = qv x B F=ma R= mv/qB RAu ≈ 197/79 ≈ 2 Rd ≈ 2/1 = 2 Rp ≈ 1/1 = 1 (B and v are the same for both kinds of particles) Therefore, d+Au collisions are most practical, since they will stay at roughly the same radius in the beam lines, using the same magnetic field. 30 1) B decay J/Ψ Direct J/Ψ 2) cτ 1) Measurement of B hadron lifetimes using J/ psi final states at CDF (PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1 MAY 1998 VOLUME 57, NUMBER 9) 2) Measurement of the J/psi Meson and b-Hadron Production Cross Sections in p¯p Collisions at sqrt(s )= 1960GeV (arXiv:hep-ex/0412071v1 27 Dec 2004) 31 Unlike-sign pairs 32