My Book of Memories

Memory Book
Name _______________________________________________
Each submission must include this packet and be submitted in a folder.
During this quarter, you will write a book, a book of memories. It will consist of your
memories and thoughts from your life, your experiences and plans for the future. You will
be entering High School next year and this memory book will be a project you can look
back on to see where you came from and where you thought you were going. Your finished
book will be due at the end of the quarter, however your compositions and works will be
revised every time one is added, so start as soon as the tasks are given in order to complete
it on time, without rushing. We will add one page per unit.
Book Format:
The final product will be presented to me in book form. It must be bound, not stapled. You
can choose your binding format, for example, weaving your pages together with string, a
three ring binder, or a spiral binding. You must add photographs and pictures to complete
the book, which should look really good once it is finished.
Your cover may have drawings or pictures pasted on the outside cover, inside cover, and
the spine if you wish.
Your cover will also include your name and class in a clearly visible place.
Your compositions will be corrected, and then added to your book.
All the compositions will be around 150 to 200 words long, plus pictures and extras.
Always include:
The title of the composition
A short introduction
A body
A conclusion
The pictures and photographs must include captions.
Decoration and imagination are important, but be careful with your English too. Any book
that does not contain all the chapters, table of contents, dedication page and epilogue will
receive a lower mark, even if it looks nice.
All deadlines above must be met on time. Each chapter will be given a mark and the
complete work will have another. If a composition is not finished on time, it can be added
later, but it will only receive a mark as a part of the whole.
Your book will be read and seen by your classmates, so don't tell us secrets.
Make sure you understand this task, ask as many questions as necessary.
Your Book of Memories must include 6 chapters, Table of Contents, Dedication Page and
Table of Contents
Due Date
Tuesday, March 6
“Who Am I?”
Tuesday, January 24
“Suddenly, I Became
“School Bells”
Tuesday, January 31
Finished Book
“Let’s Go to the
“Middle School”
Tuesday, February 7
“High School
Tuesday, February
Tuesday, February
Tuesday, February
Tuesday, March 6
“Dedication Page”
Tuesday, March 6
Tuesday, March 6
1. Table of Contents:
Titles of the compositions and what page they are on (this means all your
pages will need to be consecutively numbered!)
2. “Who Am I?”
Who are you? Where do you live? Describe your town and neighborhood.
Describe your family and friends. Talk about your likes and dislikes.
Picture Ideas: your hobbies, your house, your family & friends, etc.
3. “Suddenly, I Became Me…”
Earliest memories, people, places and events, all those cute little things you
did when you were little that your mother, father, grandparents, etc., tell you
Picture Ideas: yourself when you were a baby, trips and holidays
4. “School Bells”
Your earliest years in school – K-3 – learning to read, special school
programs, special teachers and special friends, favorite subject
Picture Ideas: elementary school pictures, pictures from special school days,
pictures of your elementary school
5. “Let’s go to the Movies”
Favorite movies from different times in your life: early childhood, later
childhood, tween years and now.
Picture Ideas: movie posters, copies of any movie tickets you’ve saved
6. “Middle School”
Fears, emotions, how you’ve changed, teachers, friends, activities, successes,
Picture Ideas: friends, you at activities, favorite teacher
7. “High School Expectations”
What do you expect high school to be like? What are your fears? What are
you looking forward to most? Where do you expect to be in ten years?
Picture Ideas: Activities you want to do, teachers you want to have
8. “Epilogue”
If I could change one thing about my character, I would …”
9. “Dedication Page”
Dedicate your book to someone special or collect the signatures of everyone
in your English class.
10. Finished Book
If your Book of Memories is complete and shows creativity and thought, your
overall grade will be no less than 85 points. The more thorough and creative
you are in decorating your book cover, pages and sections, the higher your
grade will be. Possible ideas for decoration may include drawings, pictures,
photographs, newspapers or brochures. Any book that does not contain all 6
chapters, table of contents, dedication page and epilogue will receive a lower
grade, regardless of how fancy it is. Any book that has been obviously
“thrown together”, which demonstrates an extreme lack of effort, will not be
Ask lots of questions! There shouldn’t be any misunderstandings!