
Senior Memory Book
Table of contents
Chapter One: Who Am I
Chapter Two: Before I was, There Were
Chapter Three: Suddenly, I became me
Chapter Four: School Bells
Chapter Five: More School Bells
Chapter Six: I Grew Up Here!
Chapter Seven: Growing Pains, Crushes, and Being a Good Sport
Chapter Eight: Middle School
Chapter Nine: Let’s Take a Vacation!
Chapter Ten: Besides my Parents, There was
Chapter Eleven: New Kid on the Block through Junior Year
Chapter Twelve: At Last, I’m a Senior!
Chapter Thirteen: Letter to Mrs. Mack
Chapter Fourteen: Epilogue
Who Am I
My name is Lexi Lambert. I live in Ellsworth, Michigan. My goal in life is to
graduate from college and then get a job as a dental hygienist. I expect to reach this
goal by doing my best in college and to learn as much as I can to get my associates
degree in dental hygiene.
Before I was, There Were
My Grandpa Bill and Grandma Sandy adopted my mom and Uncle Billy. My mom
married my dad, Hugh Lambert. My Uncle Billy married my Aunt Dulcie. I am the oldest
child and my sister, Katy, is the youngest. My uncle Billy and Aunt Dulcie has two kids,
Tucker and Layken. My dad has two sisters, Tammy Essenberg and Angie Clark.
Tammy Esssenberg married Todd Essenberg have two children, Tyler and Tara. My
Aunt Angie married Denny Clark and have two children, Cameron and Brandon.
Suddenly, I Became Me
I was born on October 22, 1994 in Charlevoix, Michigan. I was named Alexis
because my mom was wishing to have boy and name me Alex. Well my mom ended up
having a girl and named me Alexis because it has the name Alex in it. I had colic and
didn’t want to be held by anyone. I would cry and cry and cry. At age one, I got chicken
pox. I had to sit in a bathtub with medicine in it to help with the itchiness. A lot of my
younger years were spent camping with my family. One of my favorite memories of
camping when I was younger was riding bikes with my cousin, Molly Vanderslik, and my
sister. We had training wheels and would ride in the dirt. While riding in the dirt, the bike
would get stuck and our back tires would spin. We thought it was so fun and would it on
School Bells
My first day of kindergarten was scary for me. I did not want to go at all. Luckily,
my best friend Slade was there with me to make it easier. As time went by, school was
better for me and I started to like it more. I loved having snack time. We would a graham
cracker with peanut butter and a carton of chocolate milk. I loved having to go to school
for only half of a day. We would have to line up at the door holding hands with a class
mate and then walk down the hall way with Mrs. Dietritch putting her finger on her lips
saying “We walk quietly, We walk quietly…” and then go on the short bus to go home.
First grade was a lot of fun with all the animals in the room. Mr. Nagel gave us
each money and at the end of the year, we walked to Big Georges and bought some
candy. During recess, we put on a “Slime Time Live” show and at the end, Mr. Nagel
got “slimed”.
In second grade, we had to learn to write in cursive and when we took a spelling
test it had to be in cursive. Around Thanksgiving time, there was a cardboard log cabin
set up for decoration and Greg Worgess pointed at it and said “Abracadabra!” and it fell
More School Bells
Since Kindergarten, I went to Ellsworth Community schools. In third grade, I
really enjoyed learning out outer space. I memorized the order of the planets and
Jupiter was my favorite planet because it has rings around it. Fourth grade was my
favorite year in Elementary. There were a lot of art projects that we did such as paper
Mache animal tails, making wigwams, and drawing self-portraits. I really loved doing the
mad minutes. Mad minute is where there are 60 total problems of either multiplication,
addition, subtraction, and division problems and you have a minute to solve them all. In
fifth grade, we did a “Little Red Riding Hood” play that I really enjoyed being part of.
I Grew Up Here!
I lived in Ellsworth all my life. I live on top of a hill by the water tower. My
Grandpa and Grandma live down the road from where I live and I have a neighbor that
lives across the field. It’s nice growing up with a large yard and not many neighbors
nearby because I was able to ride my go-kart and learn to dirt bike in my back yard
without any neighbors complaining.
With living in the same house my whole life, I had different bedrooms in my
house. In my younger years, my sister and I shared the same bedroom upstairs and
had bunk beds. My bed spread was SpongeBob and my sisters had a princess Barbie
on it. The walls were a light purple color and the floor was covered with toys. Later on, I
felt like I was old enough to be in a room by myself. I moved into a room down stairs.
My room had wall paper of all the planets, the sun, and a bunch of stars. I also had a
solar system blanket to match. I grew out of that and painted my wall blue and got new
bed spread. My room is now decorated with all the trophies I won from racing my dirt
Growing Pains, Crushes, and Being a Good Sport
My first crush was in preschool. His name is Donny Miller and he is a red head.
When we went on field trips to Grandvue, we would hold hands. We both took
swimming lessons and that’s when we would hang out outside of preschool. After
preschool, we never saw each other until my junior year we hung out once.
After preschool, I was on the T-ball team. We were given t-shirts that were too
big and went past our knees. When I was up to bat, I would hit the tee and the ball
would just fall on the ground. I would also throw sand in the air and pull grass out of the
Middle School
On my first day of middle school I was really nervous because I didn’t
know what to expect. I didn’t know what to think about how each subject has a different
teacher. I thought that my class would be split up and never see each other. It didn’t
take long for me to adjust and I ended up really liking it because you didn’t have the
same teacher all day and it made the day go by fast. There was way more homework in
middle school then in elementary and we now had to take exams. My best friend in
middle school was Olivia. We both were on junior high basketball and track teams.
Let’s Take a Vacation!
My most memorable vacation with my family was going camping to Trout Lake in
the U.P. We packed our camper and brought our dirt bikes and four wheelers. It rained
the night we got there and so the trails got muddy. When we all were on the trials, there
was a big mud puddle and we all got off our dirt bikes and four wheelers and had a mud
fight. My family and I were covered with mud from head to toe. Our gear had so much
mud on it. When we got back to the camp ground, we got off our dirt bikes and four
wheelers and jumped in the lake with our gear on to clean up.
Besides My Parents, There Was
The most influential person in my life is my Grandpa. My Grandpa has taught me
about the importance of education and working. Whenever I needed money for
something, instead of him just giving me money, I would have to work for it. The work is
never fun, but the pay is always good. He always tells me about how important it is for
me to go to college and get an education to get a good job.
My Grandpa also tells me the importance of Christianity. Once, while having a
conversation with my Grandpa, he told me, “If you marry a Christian, you will be the
richest person.” My Grandpa loves seeing us grand kids at church and afterwards he
offers to take us all out to lunch.
While my parents were going through a divorce my Grandpa and Grandma let
my sister, my mom, and I live with them for a short time. I think that was a great thing for
them to do because I know having my sister and I live with them wasn’t much fun for
them. It’s always nice knowing you have someone in your life that’s whiling to give you
something when you are in need. That is why my Grandpa is my most influential
New Kid on the Block through Junior Year
The myths I heard about being in high school was the seniors would give the
younger kids swirlies. I was always worried that someone was going to break into my
locker and steal my calculator or my books. Luckily, none of that happened. I managed
to fit in by playing sports. I ran track and cross country. I began friends with my team
mates. Junior year was a tough year mainly because of chemistry. Chemistry was a
hard class to understand and I had to get tutored but I am glad I took that class because
I learned a lot. Junior year was my first prom and I loved getting my nails and hair done,
shopping for a prom dress, and, of course, going to prom.
At Last, I’m a Senior!
Senior year has gone by so fast! It started out with getting my senior pictures
taken and going through the good and the bad pictures. I had a great last season of
cross country. While getting measured for caps and gowns and picking out the color
made me picture in my head of me graduating. We had our last trip together at the
Detroit Tigers game. Everything went as expected. I didn’t really talk to any of the
freshman this year so I treated them well. I’m feeling sad that I won’t be able to play
anymore high school sports and to be with everyone that I went to school with since
kindergarten but I’m looking forward to going to college and start a new chapter in my
Letter to Mrs. Mack
Honestly, I’m really glad Mrs. Mack assigned this assignment because it was
really fun thinking about all the good times I had during school. This is an assignment
that I will definitely be keeping. I think seniors every year should do this project. It gets
them to look back and think about all that has happened while growing up.
I think one thing to improve in this class is to do more grammar assignments. I
feel like that was one thing I didn’t really learn as much.
I feel like I’m somewhat prepared for my future. I’m going to college in the fall and
th one thing im worried about is writing long essays but with all the readers sketch
books and article of the weeks, I feel more prepared.
My plan for my future is to go to Ferris State University to get an Associate’s
degree in dental hygiene. I know I will be doing a lot of reading and writing in college, so
I’m going to be very involved in those.
I Would Not Change Anything about My Life
I would not change anything about my life. I believe that everything happens for a
reason. I don’t live with any regrets. I feel like I have accomplished a lot in life and I also
look forward to many more things to accomplish in the future.