Spanish Syllabus 6th Grade

Bienvenidos a 6th grade Spanish
Dear students and parents,
I hope you had a safe and enjoyable summer. Please take some time to read the rules and expectations for 6th grade
Spanish and return the signed half sheet, and Class Dojo sign-up to Sra. Hoerner during the first week of school.
It is extremely important to me that students, parents and I are on the same page. Feel free to come to me with any
questions or concerns. I will gladly set up a time to meet with you.
Warm regards,
Ashley Hoerner
Course Content:
This year, we will study Spanish through thematic units from the textbook Realidades A and from other world language
sources. We will review skills from previous years and learn new vocabulary and language structures. Students will learn
how to use Spanish to describe themselves and others and talk about their school. They will sharpen their interpretive
Spanish skills by reading through a Spanish TPRS novel. The students will have many opportunities to demonstrate what
they can do with the language, in oral, written and interpretive formats.
The following questions will guide our Spanish course:
How well do I understand conversations, presentations, narratives, and written and spoken language in
- How well am I understood?
- How accurate is my language?
- How extensive and appropriate is my vocabulary?
- How do I maintain communication?
- How do I demonstrate cultural understanding?
From ACTFL Language Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners
Guidelines for Success:
Be responsible
Always try
Be productive and present. Pay attention and participate.
Be respectful and helpful- Be kind!!!!
Be honest
Have fun!
Classroom Rules:
The purpose of following classroom rules is to make sure that a student’s behavior does not interfere with his or
her learning and the learning of others.
1. Be on time, have your materials ready. Please sit in your assigned seat.
All students need to bring the following materials/ supplies to Spanish daily:
- Spanish textbook and workbook (Realidades A). Please purchase or make a cover for your textbook. (A brown
paper bag works just fine.)
- A notebook and a folder labeled with the student’s name and the course name (Spanish 1a)
- Writing utensils: Pencils, erasers and pens. Other supplies such as colored pencils/ markers, scissors and glue
will be used depending on the activities planned for the week.
-Spanish- English/ English- Spanish dictionary
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Raise your hand to ask questions, participate and/ or make comments
4. Stay on task. No side conversations or going off topic.
5. Wait to be dismissed.
6. Don’t speak while the teacher or another student who has been called on is speaking.
Grading: Grades will fall into 3 categories:
Assessments (50%) - Assessments in Spanish class will address the three modes of communication: interpretive,
presentational and interpersonal. Interpretive assessments require students to demonstrate comprehension of
written and spoken Spanish language. Presentational assessments include either oral or written presentations to the
class on a specific topic. Interpersonal assessments will engage the students in short conversations to provide and
obtain information, express feelings and/or opinions. Assessments may be quizzes or unit tests. Informal
assessments in the form of class work and activities may also fall into this category.
If a students has missed a test/ assessment, he/she will need to make it up at a scheduled time, usually before or
after school. Please email Sra. Hoerner to schedule a make-up. Students are required make up a test within 2 days of
absence unless other arrangements have been made with Sra. Hoerner.
Participation (25%) - Active participation is an important element in a second language class. Students who are
actively engaged, take notes and take risks instantly set themselves up for success. I strive to make my classroom a
safe environment in which to do so.
Participation is monitored daily using Classroom Management software called Classroom Dojo. Information to set up
an account and monitor your progress is provided with this syllabus. Students will lose points in participation if they
are off task, do not bring the necessary materials to class, or do not follow instructions promptly.
Homework (25%) - The students will have Spanish homework 3-4 times a week to reinforce the vocabulary and
language structures learned in class. Examples of homework include but are not limited to:
Studying for a test/ quiz
Completing a page (or pages) in the workbook
Working on a class project
Bringing a specific object or picture for a presentation
Reading an article and answering questions
Completing a writing activity/ exercise
Finishing incomplete work at home when assigned
The teacher will explain homework in class and post it to the Spanish home page on the school website on Monday of
each week. Homework completed in class at the last minute on the due date will not receive full credit. Assignments will
receive a 10% deduction each day they are turned in after the due date. After the third day, they will no longer be
accepted for credit. At the discretion of the teacher, students will excused absences will receive 1 day to make up a
homework assignment per day that they were absent.
Middle school students will receive a separate Leadership Grade in the class based on North Star’s 4 criterion for student
behavior: Respect, Responsibility, Integrity and Excellence. Please refer to the Middle School Handbook for further
Grading Scale:
69- Below
I am looking forward to a fun and productive year together!