Week of: November 11

Week of: August 26-August 30
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon Psych: Distribute Books and assign seats: Distribute Rules & Procedures: Define
8-26-13 Personality
HISTORY: Listen to hourly news clip and discuss - www.npr.org news summary (This
will be a daily routine as soon as the bell rings. Students should be in their assigned seats
and take notes): Distribute Books, Rules & Procedures, and assign seats.
Tues. Psych: Review or Finish the Definition of Personality; Discuss Rules & Procedures: Ch.1
8-27-13 & 2 Student Power Point Notes: Psych Blog assignment - Pink Bat Solutions! DUE
FRIDAY, 8-30
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Discuss key parts to the Rules & Procedures
Wed. Psych: Finish Rules & Procedures if necessary: Revisit the Definition of Personality &
8-28-13 discuss its meaning. Define - Psychology, Psychologist, Psychiatrist & List the Four Goals.
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Finish the Rules & Procedures; Discuss Cornell
Thur. Psych: Finalize the understanding of the Personality definition; Review Psychology,
8-29-13 Psychologist & Psychiatrist definitions & apply the 4 Goals of psychologists/psychiatrists;
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Present rationale of the Cornell Notes system:
Present the format for writing the Standard Essay: ASSIGNMENT - Who Am I? sheet
Fri. Psych: Pink Bat Solutions Blog Due: Review the 4 Goals: Discuss several of the Fields of
8-30-13 Psychology as presented in the text (pgs. 9-11): Assignment: Select a Field of
Psychology - DUE SEPTEMBER 5
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Present Who Am I? sheets:
Week of: September 2 - September 6
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Psych: Review Key Definitions from last week -
Personality/Psychology/Psychologist/Psychiatrist & The Four Goals
D.E.P.C.: Students to work in pairs on the History of Psychology
worksheet -History Hunt Worksheet
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Students to work in groups to list ideas
covered last year. The class will create a comprehensive list & discuss overriding
Psych: Entry Fee! Students to present knowledge from the previous week at the door
to get in! Define key terms, 4 Goals, & Fields of Psychology: Students to complete
the History Hunt Worksheet
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: History Review - Students are shown
images depicting key points of history and students are to identify.
Psych: Discuss the History of Psychology via the History Hunt Worksheet
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Discuss the images in terms of themes in
U.S. History
Psych: Continue discussing the History of Psychology worksheet: Ch.1 Review
Worksheet - Due Sept.11
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Land - Resources - $ - Power: History
through differing lenses - Geographic, Political, Social, Economic & Religious
interpretations: Begin reading Shay's Rebellion packet
Week of: September 9 - September 13
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon Psych: Ch.1 & 2 Student Power Point Notes: Begin Analyzing the Contemporary
9-9-13 Perspectives of Psychology: Approaches in Practice Worksheets
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Continue to analyze History through different
lenses: Read Shay's Rebellion & Apply the Lenses
Tues. Psych: Students to compare answers on Approaches in Practice Worksheet: Go over the
9-10-13 answers and discuss the common denominator for each perspective via the Chapter
power point notes
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Students to read Shay's Rebellion story and apply
the 5 Lenses of History (Geography, Political, Social, Economic, & Religious) to the article
where applicable. Students should also be looking into the themes throughout the
reading: Power point notes on the activity - Lenses of History Notes
Psych: Finish Contemporary Perspectives via power point notes and Approaches in
Practice activity: Ch.1 Review Worksheet - Due: Bring your Classic Experiments in
9-11-13 Psychology Books
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Students in groups to discuss where the lenses are
applied and themes exist in the article. Class discussion on those points
Thur. Psych: Students to answer questions on Ch.1 About Experiments from the Classic
9-12-13 Experiments in Psychology books
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Handout - Summary Reading on the Civil War
Psych: Discuss the worksheet that accompanies Classic Experiments in Psychology Ch.1
About Experiments
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Review and discussion of the Civil War based
upon the summary reading and handout of questions.
Week of: September 9 - September 13
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon Psych: Ch.1 & 2 Student Power Point Notes: Begin Analyzing the Contemporary
9-9-13 Perspectives of Psychology: Approaches in Practice Worksheets
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Continue to analyze History through different
lenses: Read Shay's Rebellion & Apply the Lenses
Tues. Psych: Students to compare answers on Approaches in Practice Worksheet: Go over the
9-10-13 answers and discuss the common denominator for each perspective via the Chapter
power point notes
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Students to read Shay's Rebellion story and apply
the 5 Lenses of History (Geography, Political, Social, Economic, & Religious) to the article
where applicable. Students should also be looking into the themes throughout the
reading: Power point notes on the activity - Lenses of History Notes
Psych: Finish Contemporary Perspectives via power point notes and Approaches in
Practice activity: Ch.1 Review Worksheet - Due: Bring your Classic Experiments in
9-11-13 Psychology Books
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Students in groups to discuss where the lenses are
applied and themes exist in the article. Class discussion on those points
Thur. Psych: Students to answer questions on Ch.1 About Experiments from the Classic
9-12-13 Experiments in Psychology books
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Handout - Summary Reading on the Civil War
Psych: Discuss the worksheet that accompanies Classic Experiments in Psychology Ch.1
About Experiments
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Review and discussion of the Civil War based
upon the summary reading and handout of questions.
Week of: September 16 - September 20
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Psych: Student lead discussion on Methodologies - Ch.2: Ch.2 Review
9-16-12 Worksheet DUE TUESDAY
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Continue review of the Civil War and
discuss answers to the review worksheet: Begin Ch.3 Sec.4 Reconstruction Unit via
power point images
Psych: Student lead discussion on Methodologies - Ch.2: Ch.2 Review Worksheet
9-17-13 DUE
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Finish the discussion on the Civil War
Worksheet and begin addressing issues facing the U.S. after the Civil War
Psych: Chapters 1 & 2 TEST - 38 PTS.: Ch.4 Sec.1 Worksheet
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Group activity & discussion to address
issues facing the nation after the Civil War
Psych: Read Ernst Weber: The Muscle Sense and Weber's Law and complete the back
9-19-13 of the worksheet given after the test yesterday: Also read Gustav Fechner and the
Measurement of Mind - Both readings are in the Classic Experiments in Psychology
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan: Several handouts
( When was Reconstruction, Lincoln's Plan overview, Lincolns' 2nd Inaugural
Address, Proclamation of Amnesty, Freedmen's Bureau, & Death at Ford's Theater)
were distributed - please see Mr. Bertani to obtain them if you were absent
Psych: Introduction to Sensation & Perception via power point and visual images:
9-20-13 Define and discuss the differences between Sensation & Perception: Ch.4 Sensation
& Perception Student Power Point Notes
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Review of key readings from yesterday:
Discuss the Ch.3 Sec.4 worksheet given previously as it aligns with the documents
from yesterday
Week of: September 23 - September 27
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon Psych: Ch.4 Sensation & Perception Student Power Point Notes: Influences on Perception
9-23-13 presented
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Image analysis - Thomas Nast print predicting the
end of the Civil War: Lincoln's 10% Plan
Tues. Psych: Solomon Asch - Social Conformity video 9-24-13
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIh4MkcfJA (4:10); Stanford Prison Study video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0jYx8nwjFQ (6:48); Stanley Milgram obedience to
authority replication study http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=2769000: Connect the Plots Activity &
instructions page
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.3 Reconstruction Power Point Notes: Lincoln's
10% Plan - Focus 13th Amendment
Wed. Psych: McDonald's obedience to authority Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFXeXK3szOk (9:59): A ClassDivided 9-25-13 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/divided/etc/view.html:
Connecting the Plots Lesson-CONNECT THE PLOTS ASSIGNMENT
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: The Death of Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman:
Write a Eulogy about Abraham Lincoln - DUE MONDAY 9-30-13
Thur. Psych: Influences on Perception video discussion: Turn in paper on Connecting the Plots:
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Abraham Lincoln Eulogies DUE MONDAY 9-30-13:
Radical Republican Plan for Reconstruction Lesson #1 Assigned and Due 9-27-13
Psych: Ch.4 Sensation & Perception Student Power Point Notes: Defining Absolute
Threshold & Difference Threshold: A Class Divided -
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Radical Republican Reconstruction Lesson #1 Due
Week of: September 30 - October 4
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Psych: Sensory Adaptation: Worksheets Ch.4 Sec.2 (DUE WEDNESDAY) & Ch.4 Sec.5
9-30-12 Visual Perception (DUE DATE TBA) distributed:
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Radical Reconstruction - 14th & 15th
Amendments: Lincoln Eulogy DUE: Worksheet "The Slavery Amendments"
Psych: Activity - How Light Enters the Eye: Label Parts of the Eye
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Radical Republican Reconstruction primary
sources T/F worksheet
Psych: Afterimages & Complementary Colors: Color Vision - Monochromacy,
10-2-13 Dichromacy, & Trichromacy
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Andrew Johnson's Plan for Reconstruction
Psych: In-class completion of Ch.4 Sec.5 Perceptual Rules examples
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Chester the Crab readings: Black Codes and
KKK reading
Psych: Ch.4 Sensation & Perception Student Power Point Notes: Review Rules of
10-4-13 Perceptual Organization: Video clip - Brain Games, Pay Attention Part 1 - Selective
Attention & Inattentive Blindness defined
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: KKK & methods to harass African Americans
Week of: October 7 - October 11
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon Psych: Ch.4 Sensation & Perception Student Power Point Notes: Perception of Movement:
10-7-13 Perceptual Constancies & Defining Optical Illusions: Ch.4 Sec.3 Hearing worksheet
assigned and DUE WEDNESDAY
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Showdown between Radicals & President
Johnson: PACKET HANDOUT DUE WEDNESDAY - Lincoln, Johnson, Grant & Hayes
Tues. Psych: Review of Optical Illusions: Begin basics of hearing, the auditory sense, by defining
10-8-13 sound, frequency, pitch, hertz, amplitude, volume, decibels: Class competition
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: The impeachment of Andrew Johnson discussed
via power point notes.
Psych: Ch.4 Sec.3 Hearing Worksheet DUE: In Class Readings - (1) Noise Levels in
Our Environment (2) Trouble in Toyland (3) Dangerous Toys 2012 (4) Noisy Toys List
10-9-13 2012 (5) Sight & Hearing Association's 2012 Noisy Toys List (6) Noise & Toys
(7)Dangerously Loud Toys
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: PACKET HANDOUT DUE - Lincoln, Johnson, Grant
& Hayes: Go over the packet and play - THE ELECTION GAME (In Packet)
Thur. Psych: Video clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJlMGsQQeCA: Article discussion 10-10-13 The Sounds Around Us
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: The Elections of 1868, 1872, & 1876 via power
point notes: Handout Summary Reading - Reconstruction: Handout - Reading on Plessy v.
Ferguson & examples of Jim Crow laws: TEST ANNOUNCED FOR WEDNESDAY 10-16-13
Psych: Sound clip Noise & Toys http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5044711: Video clip - Gateways
10-11-13 to the Mind - Segment 17:33 to 21:38http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q01QxUeO00:
Types of Deafness - Conduction, Sensory-neural, Stimulation
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Plessy v. Ferguson & Jim Crow Laws via handout:
Handout - Key vocabulary of Reconstruction:
Week of: October 14 - October 18
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Psych: Rdg. - Understanding the Psychological Effects of Hearing Loss; Synesthesia
10-15-13 reading; Rdg.- Seeing Life in Colors- Cross-wired Senses; Demonstration - Locating
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Class Handout - Analyzing Data - Education
Resources for Blacks & Whites in Mississippi: STUDY FOR RECONSTRUCTION UNIT
Psych: The Nose Knows Experiment: Rdgs. - Fragrances Enhance Emotions,
10-16-13 Chemistry & Smell 101 - How Does the Sense of Smell Work?
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: RECONSTRUCTION UNIT TEST
Psych: Auditory Systems simulation 10-17-13 http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/gray/content/psychsim5/launcher.html: Discuss
article - “Fragrances Enhance Emotion, Chemistry” & "A Secret Sense in the Human
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Corrections made on the Reconstruction
Unit Test for 1/2 credit earned back: SSR - Packet Introduction: The Struggle for
Freedom - to be completed for tomorrow
Psych: Ch.4 Sensation & Perception Student Power Point Notes: In-class Article 10-18-13 Mind Your Body: The Underrated Sense: Video clip - The Science of Sex Appeal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_y8NTaPNQY
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Go over the Reconstruction Test:
DiscussIntroduction: The Struggle for Freedom reading packet: Handout - Industrial
Innovations: Oil & Steel
Week of: October 21 - October 25
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon Psych: Ch.4 Sensation & Perception Student Power Point Notes: Pheromone Party video
10-21-13 clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W48DoLdR8gA (2:34): “Marketing Campaign
Targets Noses at Bus Stops” sound clip http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6577600: Sound clip on Scent
Advertising - MarketPlace – Scent Advertising (sound clip4:32): SCENTED BILLBOARDS http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=6544698n: Group article - Just Browsing at
the Mall? That's what you think.:
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Finish Discussion on Introduction: The Struggle
for Freedom reading packet: Emmitt Till video by Bob Dylan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzw3vS9vHtQ expressing the injustices of
discrimination: Group activity - 2nd Industrial Revolution Warm-up completed in class
Tues. Psych: Group article - Taste & Smell: Taste qualities vs. Flavor qualities via power point
10-22-13 notes
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Define Means of Production: Discuss 2nd
Industrial Revolution Warm-up activity: Check Miles of Railroad Track graphing.
Psych: The skin senses via power point notes: Article - The Girl Who Can't Feel Pain:
Ch.4 Review Qstns.
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Power point notes distributed on what constitutes
a revolution: Data analysis - handout & questions group work
Thur. Psych: CHAPTER 4 TEST
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Review Means of Production: Go over Miles of
Railroad Track Chart
Psych: CHAPTER 6 POWER POINT NOTES: Discuss elements of Classical Conditioning via
power point notes: ABC's of Learning presented: Dr. Peter Benson - The Spark -
10-25-13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqzUHcW58Us
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: News Quiz: Read pages 100-102 in the text and
discuss in relation to Means of Production Activity: Begin discussion on Economic Systems
- pages 816-817 in the text
Week of: October 28 - November 1
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon. Psych: CHAPTER 6 POWER POINT NOTES: Introduction to Ivan Pavlov & Classical Conditioning via
10- power point notes
2812 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Breaking down what factors caused industrial growth in
the late 1800s via text pages 100-102: Homework handout on Inventions due tomorrow: Chapter
4 Sec.1 Guided Reading questions due
Tues. Psych: Classical Conditioning Experiment - A Hop, Skip, & a Jump!
1029- HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Go over Inventions homework handout: Economic
13 Systems discussed via power point notes handout & pages 816-817 in the text. Smith, Bentham,
Owen & Marx
Wed. Psych: Go over Pavlov worksheet: Homework Handout - 10 C.C. Equations DUE TOMORROW!
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Listen to and read silently Ch.4 Sec.1, pages 102-104
Innovation Drives the Nation: Soundclip about one of the innovations Morse Code Enters Cyber Age http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1680529: The
Kitty Hawk Flight 100 Years Ago, Wright Brothers LaunchedFirst True
Airplane by Joe Palcahttp://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1550446: Phonograph
Turns 130 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=16504888: Edison's New
Jersey Lab http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1431059
Thur. Psych: Go over the 10 C.C. Equations
1031- HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Video clip - SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK – Mother
13 Necessity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQKsiPJRcN0 (3:09)
Innovation Drives a Nation discussion continued: Examine IR Data questions:
Fri. Psych: Present Types of Classical Conditioning - Simultaneous, Delayed, Trace & Backward via
11-1- power point notes:
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Finish examination of IR Data questions: Read silently and
listen to pages 104-106, Impact of Industrialization: Image examination via power point notes
Week of: November 4 - November 8
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon Psych: CHAPTER 6 POWER POINT NOTES: Reading - What ever happened to Baby Albert
11-4-13 experiment: Define & apply contingency theory, extinction, spontaneous recovery,
generalization, discrimination, & higher order conditioning
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Henry Ford Reading and questions - Turned in
once completed.
Tues. Psych: PSYCHOLOGY CAREER NIGHT - ST. VINCENT COLLEGE FRED RODGERS CENTER 711-5-13 8:30: Anxiety and Panic Disorder via power point notes
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Discussion on the impact of Henry Ford: Impact of
Psych: Phobias - via power point & www.phobialist.com
11-6-13 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Review Ch.4 Sec.1 questions returned and
discussed: The Rise of Big Business worksheets collected: Corporations Simulation reading
and worksheet distributed
Thur. Psych: Article Analysis: SET 1 focusing on Phobias and panic disorder - #1 Could Fear
11-7-13 Wreak Havoc on Your Life? #2 When Fear Takes Control of the Mind #3 M-m-m-math
Anxiety? It's All in the Teaching SET 2 focusing on Therapies - #4 Systematic
Desensitization #5 Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy #6 Fighting children's fears, fast
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Review Ch.4 Sec.1 questions discussed: The Rise
of Big Business worksheets returned: Corporations Simulation reading and worksheet
Psych: CHAPTER 6 POWER POINT NOTES: Finish discussion on Therapies: Go over Ch.6
Sec.1 & 2 Review worksheet
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Corporations - Stock Market Simulation - Stock
selection and initial purchase
Week of: November 11 - November 15
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Psych: CHAPTER 6 POWER POINT NOTES: Students elicit a student response
11-11-12 experiment as an intro to Operant Conditioning
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Complete Ch.4 Sec.1 Review guide
discussion: Go over The Rise of Big Business worksheet gone over: Distributed Power Point Notes on "Joe's Shoes" to demonstrate incorporation
Psych: Finish Students elicit a student response experiment as an intro to Operant
11-12-13 Conditioning:
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Discuss Joe's Shoes & incorporating: Follow
Rockefeller's creation of Standard Oil: Define Horizontal & Vertical Integration
Psych: Define Operant Conditioning: Watch Edward L. Thorndike's Law of
11-13-13 Effect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDujDOLre-8&feature=related: B.F.
Skinner video on Operant Contitioning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_ctJqjlrHA&feature=related (time 3:57)
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Rockefeller integrates Standard Oil - via
power point notes
Psych: Types of Reinforcers - Primary/Secondary & Positive & Negative: Positive vs.
11-14-13 Negative Reinforcers worksheet: Ex. Positive Negative Reinforcement video Big Bang Theory PositiveReinforcement
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Horizontal vs. Vertical Integration and
Rockefeller via power point notes
No School for students
Week of: November 18 - November 22
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon Psych: CHAPTER 6 POWER POINT NOTES: Positive Reinforcement Experiment- also
11-18-13 demonstrates extinction & spontaneous recovery, reward vs. reinforcer: Complete bottom
of worksheet with the Positive vs. Negative vs. Punishment: Disciplining Children videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tEkgIbKQ_w: Punishment pages 138-139:
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Carnegie Steel and Vertical Integration via
power point notes: Men Who Built American Part Questions: Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku4IYJBrChs questions
Tues. Psych: LEARNED HELPLESSNESS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFmFOmprTt0 :
11-19-13 Schedules of Reinforcement-presented via power point and complete back side of
worksheetwith schedules
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Return & go over Carnegie, JP Morgan
Psych: Schedules of Reinforcement - FI, VI, & FR, VR
11-20-13 HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Men who built America video questions turned
in: Wm. Sumner & Social Darwinism; Interstate Commerce Commission & Sherman AntiTrust Act via the text and power point notes
Thur. Psych: Review of Schedules of Reinforcement: Cognitive Styles of Learning - Wolfgang
11-21-13 Kohler & Edward Tolman student presentations
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Discuss advantages & disadvantages of big
business & noting biases as a transition into Sec.3 the Labor Movement:
Several packets and papers distributed for Ch.4 Section 3: Document - working conditions
of Men, Women discussed
Psych: CHAPTER 6 POWER POINT NOTES: Student presenters on Albert Bandura and
Social Learning Theory: Modeling, Disinhibition, Increased Arousal, & Habituation
11-22-13 discussed as influences of media violence
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Document - Working conditions of children
discussed: global dynamics of production discussed
Week of: December 2 - December 6
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon.&Tues. Psych: Monday - Ch.6 Learning TEST: Tuesday - various articles on impact of
11-25/26- media violence summarized with one sentence
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Finish power point notes on important
labor strikes: Big Business packet advantages/disadvantages to business
discussed: Solving problems created by big business discussed:
Psych: Video Presentation w/questions - Impact of media violence - Stop
Teaching our Kids to Kill - Lt. Col. David Grossman
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Contemporary Articles on Labor
issues: BPA At Work Raised Risk...; Samsung Under Fire For...; Child Labor in
America...; Garment Workers, Police Clash...; Apple Answers
"Sweatship"...; Machinists Union Reaches...;
Psych: Video Presentation w/questions - Impact of media violence - Stop
Teaching our Kids to Kill - Lt. Col. David Grossman
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Labor Movement Packet examined The Nation's First Major Strikes discussed via packet and Power point notes;
Congress Passes Labor Legislation - Acts discussed
Psych: Video Presentation w/questions - Impact of media violence - Stop
Teaching our Kids to Kill - Lt. Col. David Grossman: Ch.7 All Secs. Review
distributed - Secs. 1 & 2 Due Tuesday
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: In-Class work on the packet "Growth
of Industry" (to be completed for Monday): Also, read "New Exotic
Investment..." and answer one question in paragraph form - Is this an example
of Child Labor Law violations today?
Psych: Media Violence Video Debriefing and assignment: STOP MEDIA
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Continue going over the Labor
Movement Packet focusing on Labor strikes and Legislation: Ch.4 TEST
Tuesday: Fill in the Blank Student Notes: Teacher notes Ch.4 Power Point
Week of: December 9 - December 13
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Mon Psych: CH.7 MEMORY - STUDENT POWER POINT NOTES: 10 Principles of Memory
12-9-13 presented: Power point notes presented for 3 Kinds of Memory - Episodic, Semantic,
Procedural: Mnemonic Devices discussed and demonstrated
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Go over the Growth of Industry Packet: Turn in
paragraphs on article - New Exotic Investment: Baseball Latin Futures: Short Answer for
the Test distributed and to be completed for Tuesday's EXAM.
Tues. Psych: Review of 3 Kinds of Memory & Mnemonic Devices: Go over 3 Processes of
12-10-13 Memory: Go over Ch.7 Sec.1 & 2 Review questions
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ch.4 EXAM: Turn in Short Answer
Psych: Three Stages of Memory notes begun: Key terms - Sensory Memory, Saccadic Eye
Movement, Memory Trace, Sensory Register, Iconic Memory & Echoic Memory
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Notes adjustments to test: 10 Myths about
Immigration reading given
Thur. Psych: STM Experiment #1: Serial Position Effect: Capacity for STM
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Corrections on Ch.4 Exam: 10 Myths about
Immigration reading discussed
Psych: STM Experiment #2: Serial Position Effect - Primacy & Recency Effects
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Immigration Atlas worksheets Packet
Week of: December 16 - December 20
Study of Personality & American Cultures
Psych: STM #4 - Chunking: Interference Theory & Reconstructive Memories
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Finish & Go over Immigration Atlas Work
Psych: Schemas experiment
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Packet - Immigration Swells the Work
Force and Immigration & the Growth of the Cities Atlas activity completed and gone
Psych: Article - Memory: The Unreliable Witness: Memory Experiment - At the
12-18-13 Scene of the Crime
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Work on Ellis Island virtual tour computer
Psych: 3 Memory Tasks with experiment - Recognition, Recall, & Relearning
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Complete and go over Ellis Island virtual
tour interactive with questions
Psych: Experiment with Recognition vs. Recall: Go over Ch.7 Secs.3 & 4 worksheet
HISTORY: www.npr.org news summary: Ellis Island Interactive finished: 4
Generation Chart explained and assigned: Stocks for 12/23 due upon return and final
calculations due 1/6/14