Patterns, Equations, and Properties Quiz on Friday

Family Field Trip Idea: Monacan Indian
Village at Natural Bridge in Virginia
Attention: A student has lost a flash drive. It is
pink and has the student’s name on it. Please
check backpacks, etc. to see if it got mixed up with
your student’s. Thank you!
Miss O.’s Monday Memo: October 22, 2012
Cereal Box Book Report Project (due in 3 weeks)
Second to the last week of the quarter to complete
reading logs
Guided reading groups inferring and context clues:
Paddle to the Sea, Pocahontas and the Strangers,
Rocks and Minerals, Pedro’s Journal
Math: Patterns, Equations, and
Writing: Word Study Test and Grammar
Quiz on Friday
Properties Quiz on Friday
Shape and number patterns
Equations variables, order of operations
Review of addition properties
Critical thinking skills and problem solving strategies
Newspaper Article Over the Space Race 1961
Primary Source Analysis
Pronouns, fact or fantasy, analogies, root or base
word, correcting sentences
Editing, revising, alliteration review
Miss O. Conferences
Drafting of Day In the Life of A Native American
Journal Entry
VA Studies
Native Americans of Virginia
Longhouse Model Project
Primary Source Analysis
All students should have their flash drives with their Virginia Special Place Powerpoint in a safe place in their
backpacks to insert pictures and work on practicing at home. Please check in with your student about his or her
progress, and set up family “practice presentation” times at your house so that your student feels prepared and ready
for giving a class presentation the week of October 31.
Thank you to our room parents. Mrs. Montgomery and Mr. Brown, for setting up our Halloween Party: Wednesday,
October 31 from 1:25-2:00 pm. The Halloween parade through the halls will follow the class party at 2:10 pm.
Our room is quite stuffy at this time of year with warmer fall days and no access to AC in our room (because it’s been
permanently turned to heat with it being October). Please allow your student to wear a short sleeve shirt (perhaps
with a long sleeve shirt over top and jacket/coat for going outside), so that he or she is comfortable.
Congratulations to our chaperones: Mr. Ganta, Mrs. Tascher, Mrs. Lipscomb, and Mrs. Bowman for being drawn to
go with us on our field trip to Mt. Vernon on November 1. Permissions slips and $7 admission fee is still needed for a
few students to go with us! Please make sure that I receive this no later than Wednesday, Oct. 24!
November 5-6 Teacher Workdays! November 14: Report Cards are sent home.
Thursday, November 15 is our 4th Grade Musical 7-8pm.
Classroom Needs: Empty Shoe Boxes and bark pieces and twigs (for upcoming long house project), empty cereal
boxes (for book report project), more packing tape and scotch tape, more “boring” pencils.