Disability Awards Guidance Notes for 2012/13 Various awards exist at the University of Birmingham to help students with disabilities. The University recognises that students with a disability often incur extra costs, and that these are not always met by statutory funding, and that furthermore a disability may prevent students from taking a part-time job, which would otherwise subsidise funds. Eligibility 1. Any student with a disability (including dyslexia, mental health conditions etc) registered at the University of Birmingham may apply. However, proof of disability must be provided in all case (e.g. a medical letter or diagnosis) and all candidates must provide a letter of support from their personal/welfare tutor. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 2. In assessing applications, the panel will take proportionality into account. For example a full-time undergraduate on a 3 year degree course may receive priority over a part-time student attending university one day a week. 3. The Holmes Award and Marsland Award are open to both UK and international students. The Brittain Bursary is open to international students only. 4. Applications will be means-tested (see application form). If successful applicants are in receipt of meanstested state benefits, e.g. Income Support, we advise them to inform the Benefits Agency of any award made, as this may have an impact on their existing benefits. 5. Priority will be given to students classed as independent, i.e. receiving no parental financial support. 6. The personal statement provided by the student on the application form must include details of why the programme of study was chosen, and the career aspirations of the individual. 7. Successful students may re-apply in subsequent years if their circumstances are exceptional, but reference will be made to previous applications. All award applications must be submitted to the Student Funding Office by the closing date stated on the application form. More information about the awards: Holmes Award Nicholas Holmes is an alumnus of the University, and is keen to assist students with disabilities. With this in mind, The Holmes Awards have been established. These are worth up to £1200 per year (although this is usually as 2 awards of £600 each). Marsland Award Edward Marsland was an ex-Vice Chancellor on the University, and he established the fund that this award is paid from in 1987. The award itself is worth £200, and is intended to assist students with disabilities with their studies. The award is also (exceptionally) open to staff. Brittain Bursary Desmond Brittain was a member of the Guild of Graduates, and this award (of approx £500) is financed jointly through the income from his legacy and through an annual donation from the University’s Guild of Graduates – to whom a letter of thanks should be sent. 1 Disability Awards Application Form 2012/13 (Homes Award/Marsland Award/Brittain Bursary) 1 - Personal Details Title Surname Forename(s) University ID Number Address for all necessary correspondence E-mail address 2 - Programme Details Department/School Programme of Study Length of Programme Qualification sought 3 – Other Awards Please give details of any other awards or sponsorship that you currently hold or have applied for: Name of Award Value of Award Specify any conditions attached 4 – Bank Details Please indicate the account into which you wish the scholarship money to be paid. Name of Bank Address of Bank Sort Code Account code 2 5 – Financial details Are you in receipt of any benefits e.g. income support, Disability Living Allowance, JSA, ESA, Housing Benefit, Tax Credits etc? Yes / No If yes, please give details Are you in receipt of a Student Loan and/or Maintenance Grant? Yes / No If yes, please specify the type of support and amounts received Do you have access to any other financial resources (e.g. savings, employment, etc?) Yes / No If yes, please give details Are you in receipt of Disabled Students Allowance? Yes / No If yes, please give details. If no, why not? 6 – Supporting Statement Please provide any further information you feel may support your application, e.g. why you chose the programme you are on, academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, career aspirations and how this award could benefit you. Please also describe your disability and how this award will assist your studies in light of this. Please use an additional sheet, but limit this section to one side of typed A4 or a maximum of 500 words. Any additional words above these limits are likely to be ignored. 7 – Declaration I confirm that I have read and understood the notes of guidance and the basis on which an award may be made and I agree to my information being shared for administration purposes. I have supplied evidence of my disability and a statement from my personal tutor. I also confirm that the information I have supplied is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date Print name Signature All applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by Friday 7 December 2012 to: The Student Funding Office G13, Aston Webb Building University of Birmingham 3