6th Math LF Feb 22

4th 6 week (week 5) Feb. 22-26 (week 24)
Teaching Points & Activities
Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson
6.8D- Determine solutions for problems involving the
area of shapes and prisms where dimensions are
positive rational numbers.
6.8B- Model area formals for parallelograms
trapezoids, and triangles by decomposing and
rearranging part of these shapes.
6.8c-write equations that represent problems related
to the area of rectangles where dimensions are positive
rational numbers.
6.8(A) Extend previous knowledge of triangles and
their properties to include the sum of angles of a
triangle, the relationship between the lengths of sides
and measures of angles in a triangle, and determining
when three lengths form a triangle
Objective/Key Understanding:
6.8D-SWBAT determine solutions for problems involving the area of shapes
and prisms where dimensions are positive rational numbers.
6.8B-SWBAT model area formals for parallelograms trapezoids, and triangles
by decomposing and rearranging part of these shapes.
6.8c-SWBAT write equations that represent problems related to the area of
rectangles where dimensions are positive rational numbers.
6.8(A) –SWBAT extend previous knowledge of triangles and their properties
to include the sum of angles of a triangle, the relationship between the lengths
of sides and measures of angles in a triangle, and determining when three
lengths form a triangle.
GO Math Unit 5 Performance Task pg 476
Unit 5 Mixed Review Texas Test Prep pg 477 and 478.
Unit 9 Geometry test- TW create test using Module 15 and 16
Engage: What is a composite figure? (composite figures are not in the textbook but will most likely be tested)
Composite figure video- http://www.virtualnerd.com/tutorials/?id=PreAlg_11_01_0009 SW solve with video.
Imagine if our classroom was filled all the way full with water. How much water do you think it could hold. How
would we find out? What mathematically would this be an example of? For example the floor could be an example of
Explore: TW create a 4 corners activity by placing 1 composite figure in each corner along with steps. (divide up
shape, locate formulas to use, solve for area of each, then add pieces together) Break class up into 4 groups. Give each
group about 2 minute to solve. Explore Activity 16.3-16.4
Explain: Debrief composite shapes and video. TW introduce building equations for area using word problems.
TW bring in examples of rectangular prisms or ask students to find objects around the room that are rectangular
Whole Brain Teach (WBT) using gestures volume and area.
Elaborate: Composite (compound) Shape http://www.letspracticegeometry.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/compound-area.pdf
Guided practice 16.3 and 16.4 & Independent practice 16.3 and 16.4.
Study Guide Review: pg. 473-476- SW choose 4 members for their group and stand up. TW shout out a problem
number for groups to solve. Students must work together using UPS strategies to solve. Groups will stand when
finished as an indicator for teacher to call next number. STATION: Bring in different size boxes, SW measure and
find volume
Evaluate: 16.3 Lesson Quiz Go Math online- Area word problems include 1 composite shape
16.4 Lesson Quiz Go Math online- Volume. Module 16 Quiz pg. 471 and Module 16 Mixed Review Text prep pg. 472
Thursday give Unit 5 Mixed Review Texas Test Prep pg 477 and 478. Grade and pull small groups.
Unit 9 Geometry Test Friday
Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions
Go Math
Module 16
***Be sure to
fractions and
solving for
area or
Critical Writing Prompt:
When solving for the area of a composite figure what are the steps that you must follow? (divide up shape,
locate formulas to use, solve for area of each, then add pieces together) (May need to solve subtract if
looking for a shaded reason)
How do you use equations to solve
problems about area of rectangles,
parallelograms, trapezoids, and triangles?
What are some helpful strategies to use when working with word problems to solve for area?
What steps can you take to approach and
solve area problems involving rectangles,
trapezoids, parallelograms, and triangles?
How do you know which operation to use?
Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems:
Why does the answer have feet when area is measured in square feet?
Closing Product/ Question/ Informal Assessment:
How do you write equations to solve
problems involving volume of right
rectangular prisms?
How can you find the height? How can you find the base of your figure?
What is the hardest part about solving for area on a composite figure?
What does volume measure?
Composite figures, area, volume, dimension, square feet, cubic feet.
Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection)
A rectangular swimming pool is 25 meters
long and 17 ½ meters wide. The depth is 1 ½
meters. What is the volume of the pool?