Lecture 1 What is Chemistry 8-11-14

WHY do we study it?
• I CAN define CHEMISTRY and
tell what chemists study and
• CHEMISTRY is the study of matter:
– COMPOSITION – what it’s made of.
– STRUCTURE – how it’s put together.
– CHANGES – what changes can matter undergo.
Branches of Chemistry
• There are FIVE commonly recognized areas of study
(branches) in chemistry:
• INORGANIC CHEMISTRY – studies compounds that
DO NOT contain carbon.
• ORGANIC CHEMISTRY– studies carbon based
• BIOCHEMISTRY – studies chemical processes in living
composition of substances.
• PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY – studies the
mechanisms (step by step how), rate (speed
of) and energy changes that occur during
chemical reactions.
Why do we study Chemistry anyway?
• While there are many reasons to study any
science, they can be divided into two groups:
• PURE SCIENCE – scientific research simply to
gain new knowledge.
• APPLIED SCIENCE – scientific research
intended to solve a problem.
– Applied Science is also known as TECHNOLOGY.
• As learners, we study both pure and applied
science for several reasons:
• To understand how the natural world works.
• To prepare for a career.
• To be an informed citizen.
Test your understanding!
• Read each of the following scenarios
and decide which of the FIVE
BRANCHES of chemistry would be
involved (could be more than one!)
• 1. A company does a clinical trial to study the
effectiveness of a new drug to treat
Alzheimer's disease.
• Biochemistry
• 2. Mineral Labs technicians test a coal sample
from a new mine site.
• Analytical Chemistry
• 3. A research company creates a synthetic
motor oil substitute from coal.
• Organic Chemistry
• 4. A university lab studies ways to increase
the rate of photosynthesis using a catalyst.
• Physical Chemistry (Biochemistry)
• 5. Archeologists want to find out the
composition of pottery found at a dig site.
• Analytical Chemistry
• 6. Researchers look for uses of a newly
discovered mineral.
• Inorganic Chemistry
Test Your Understanding…again!
• For each of the following scenarios, decide if it
• 1. A drug company works to perfect a new
drug to treat pancreatic cancer.
• Applied Science
• 2. Astronomers study the gaseous
composition of a distant nebula.
• Pure Science
• 3. British Petroleum (BP) tests a new gasoline
mixture created to boost mileage.
• Applied Science
• 4. An anthropologist studies the behavior of a
band of gorillas.
• Pure Science
• 5. The transportation director of a school
district studies the bus routes to determine
the most efficient way to get student to and
from school.
• Applied Science
Exit Slip
• 1. Which branch of chemistry would study the
harmful effects of cigarette smoke?
• 2. Pure or Applied science? A cell phone
manufacturer works to improve battery life for
its newest phone models.