Clinical Practicum II Learning Plan Template- M Wendt ANA Standards of Practice: Specialty role ADMINISTRATI ON Standard #4 Planning The nurse administrator develops a plan that prescribes strategies and alternatives to attain expected outcomes. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 28) Outcome Criteria: Activities to (taken from the Achieve Outcome. ANA Standards/NLN Competencies) 1. 1. Participates A. Develop in the design evidence and based development orientation of plan/policy/ multidisciplin process for ary and nurse interdisciplin manager ary processes group using to address the an situation or interdisciplin issue. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 28) Resources needed to be successful Timeline 1A. ary approach at MidMichigan Health (MMH). a) Literature on best practice for nurse manager orientation processes. Sept 10th 2015 b) AONE Nurse executive competencies. Sept 10th 2015 c) ANA Administration Scope and Standards Sept 10th 2015 d) Nursing and non-nursing theory for learning & change. Sept 10th 2015 e) Nursing philosophy (Newly developed Summer 2015) Sept 24th 2015 1B. B. Analyze current policy on nurse manager orientation related to non-nursing departments a) Current orientation policy and tool/checklist 1C. Sept 10th 2015 C. Revise key educational topics/checkli st needed for nurse manager success. a. List of ancillary non-nursing department’s liason. Sept 10-17th 2015 b. Current orientation tool/checklist. Sept 10th 2015 1D. a. Meeting with current nurse managers, directors, education department manager, HR representation, and VP of nursing for topics to be included in new process/ identify weaknesses in current process. D. Perform Root Cause analysis or FEMA for current/rece nt orientation deficiencies. Sept 10th 2015 1E. a. Meeting with current nurse managers to discuss experiences E. Determine common stressors of newly hired nurse managers. b. Literature on stressors of the new nurse manager Sept 17-24th 2015 Sept 10th 2015 2A. 2. Considers the 2. A. Develop cost economic analysis of impact of the proposed plan. plan. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 28) (Included: the cost of nurse manager turnover). a. Meeting with human resource. b. EBP literature for cost of nurse manager Oct 1st 2015 Sept 10th 2015 turnover and time devoted to orientation process. 2B B. Determine time allotment for orientation. a. Meeting with Nursing Directors & VP of nursing Oct 1-8th 2015 2C. C. Determine budget availability for outside programs. a. Meeting with Nursing Directors & VP of nursing Oct 1-8th 2015 2D. D. Calculate cost benefit ratio of orientation/ nurse manager turnover. a. Meeting with finance department to determine cost/benefit ratios. Oct 8th 2015 Standard #5 Implementation The nurse administrator implements the identified plan. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 29) 1. Facilitates utilization of systems and community resources to implement the plan 1. 1A. A. Organize meetings with in house departments (Physician stakeholder included), as well as possible community entities to determine available resources. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 29) a. Contact person for various departments and organizations. 2. Collaboration 2. 2A. with nursing A. Determine a. Meeting with colleagues responsibilities stakeholders and others to for process (Including implement completion at the human the plan. end of 6 months resources) b. Contact person for various stakeholders. c. Calendars for various stakeholders The nurse administrator attains knowledge and competency that reflects current practice. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 36) 1. Seeks experiences and independent learning activities that reflect current practice in order to develop, maintain and improve skills and competencies Nov 12th 2015 after hire. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 29) Standard # 8 Education Sept 10th 2015 1. 1A. A. List learning opportunities for nurse manager education. Sept 24th 2015 Sept 17tha. Collaborate with Oct 1st local universities 2015 and colleges. b. List of yearly state conference offerings for nurse manager conferences B. Determine current offerings for nurse Nov 12th 2015 1B. Sept 1724th 2015 Sept manager orientation at MidMichigan Health in nursing administratio n role. a. Meeting with education department 17-24th 2015 (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 36) 2. Maintains professional records that provide evidence of competency and lifelong learning. 2. A. Construct competency tool utilized for nurse manager orientation to maintain in human resources file. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 36) Standard # 9 Professional Practice Evaluation The nurse administrator evaluates own nursing practice in relation to professional practice standards and guidelines, relevant statutes, rules, and regulations. 1. Interacts with peers and colleagues to enhance own professional nursing practice and role performance. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 37) B. Utilize hospital technology to obtain data regarding nurse manager competencies 1. 2A. a. Tools utilized to document competency from other organizations. 2B. a. IT liaison b. Human resource data 1A. A. Determine what is needed to enhance nurse manager professional practice as leaders. B. Create and communicate project outcomes in a nonthreatening manner a. AONE Nurse executive competencies. b. Meeting with Nurse managers/Direc tors 2B. Transformational Leadership guidelines and literature Oct 1st 2015 Oct 1st 2015 Nov 12th 2015 Sept 10-17th 2015 Sept 10th 2015 (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 37) 2. 2. Takes actions to achieve goals identified during the evaluation process. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2009, p. 37) 2A. A. Develop evaluation process for the completion of the nurse leader orientation process. B. Measure and analyze performance from learning a. Local healthcare organization’s evaluation processes. Oct 15th 2015 b. Evidence based practice evaluation methods. Oct 1st 2015 2B. Benchmarking of nursing data for turnover rates & magnet designation status Oct 1st 2015