St. Jerome Catholic School Back-to-School Night 2014 Third Grade Ms. Laura O’Donnell Welcome to a new year at St. Jerome Catholic School. I am delighted to be your child’s teacher and looking forward to a successful year with your child. Teacher Background I choose to teach because I believe it is a great privilege and responsibility to prepare our children for the future. I choose to teach in Catholic school because Catholic education is closely aligned with my philosophy of education. I grew up attending Bay Area Catholic schools through graduate level. I earned my Bachelor’s degree in English from University of San Francisco, my Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from Cal State East Bay, and my Master’s degree in Teaching Leadership from St. Mary’s College. I taught Fifth Grade for four years here at St. Jerome and this is my first year teaching Third Grade. My children attend Catholic schools in Alameda and my interest in education grew out of my involvement in their education at home and in their classrooms. Teaching Philosophy I believe that each child is a gift from God and blessed with talents, abilities and challenges. I believe that each child can learn and be successful. My job as their teacher is to help my students reach their potential academically, socially, and spiritually so they can become cooperative and responsible members of society. I relish the opportunity to be a positive influence on America’s future. My foremost goal for my students is for them to be inspired to learn. Inspiration is the springboard for all intellectual, creative and spiritual pursuits. While our main mission this year is to develop knowledge and skills in all areas of the Third Grade curriculum, my overall academic objective is to teach students to solve problems critically and creatively, to reflect on their learning and to use technology resources to enhance learning. Concurrent with our academic goals of attaining the Third Grade learning expectations are our religious and spiritual goals of practicing our faith on a daily basis and living as Jesus teaches us. On a school-wide 2 basis, students will also be setting goals and learning self-regulation skills to help them meet the school’s Student Learning Expectations. Classroom Management My classroom management is closely aligned with my teaching philosophy. During the first few weeks of school we will spend considerable time learning and practicing classroom procedures and organization strategies that will increase our efficiency and instructional time. The Classroom Management Book by Harry Wong and Rosemary Wong forms the basis and structure of my management plan. Our classroom community will be based on mutual respect and support of each other’s learning endeavors. My classroom management style is based on Positive Discipline in the Classroom by Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott and H. Stephen Glenn and Discipline with Love and Logic by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline. My main responsibility is to model respectful behavior and provide students with opportunities for individual growth in an environment that is safe and structured. We have classroom rules and procedures that support learning and build the classroom community. Student behaviors are recorded on the Classroom Behavior Chart with students recording their daily progress for parent review and signature. Inappropriate or off-task behaviors are respectfully re-directed before warnings and consequences take effect. Consequences include moving down on behavior chart, change of seat, and if needed written reflection of specific inappropriate behavior (for teacher and parental signature). General Schedule and Enrichment Schedule Each school day morning, the Third Grade will spend studying Religion, Math, Reading and Language Arts. Each afternoon we will study Social Studies and Science. Twice per week students have P.E. and Spanish classes. Approximately once per week, we will have a hands-on Science Lab. 3 Below is a sample schedule of our day: Third Grade Monday Assembly Religion/ Communication Works Math Sample Tuesday Assembly Religion Daily Wednesday Assembly Religion Schedule Thursday Assembly Religion 2014-2015 Friday Assembly Religion Math Math Math Recess Recess Recess Recess Math 9:05-9:20 P.E. 9:20-10:00 Recess Reading/ Language Arts Reading/ Language Arts Reading/ Language Arts Reading/ Language Arts 11:30-12:00 Spanish Spanish 10:20-10:40 Reading/ Language Arts 10:40-11:10 P.E. Reading/ Language Arts Reading/ Language Arts Math 12:00-12:40 12:40-12:55 Lunch Silent Reading /Math Club Lunch Silent Reading/ Math Club Lunch Silent Reading/ Math Club Lunch Silent Reading/ Math Club Lunch Silent Reading/ Math Club 12:55-1:45 Social Studies Science Computers/ Project Time Social Studies Science Computers/ Project Time Social Studies Science Computers/ Project Time Social Studies Science Computers/ Project Time Classroom Clean-Up Homework Review Prayer Circle 3:10-3:15 Homework Review Prayer Circle Social Studies Science 2:10-2:15 Homework Planner Prayer Circle 2:15-4:00 Faculty Meeting Classroom Clean-Up Homework Review Prayer Circle Classroom Clean-Up Homework Review Prayer Circle Time 8:15-8:25 8:25-9:05 9:05-10:00 10:0010:20 10:20-11:30 1:45-2:35 2:35-3:05 3:05-3:15 4 Homework and Assignments All assignments are to be completed in pencil and on 8 ½ by 11 “ binder paper, or word processed (if an essay or for a project) on printer paper. I will not accept assignments on paper torn out of a notebook. All assignments must have the following heading in the upper right margin of the binder paper: student first and last name, student number, date, subject and assignment. There will be a model of the heading on the board for the students to follow. Student work without name and proper heading will not be graded and may be collected in a labeled “no-name” basket for student correction. Homework assignments will be posted on the class webpage on Monday of each week and go inside the students’ take home folder each day. The Diocesan guidelines recommend approximately 30-40 minutes of homework nightly for Third graders. Homework is assigned daily, Monday through Thursday and will be checked in and corrected daily. Homework will be completed neatly and in pencil in 8 ½ by 11-inch binder paper or graph paper (for math). In addition to assigned homework, reading for 15-20 minutes daily is recommended. Students with incomplete or missing homework assignments will result in a lower grade in the student conduct/work habits section of the report card. Academic Envelopes To assist parents in keeping up-to-date with their child’s academic progress, we will be using Academic Envelopes to send student work home each Wednesday (same as the weekly family newsletter). Please review your child’s work, sign any tests at the top and sign and return envelope and schoolwork on Thursday. I will keep students’ work in portfolios that will go home at the end of each trimester. Communication Communication is an important factor in keeping you informed of your child’s progress. I encourage open communication with my students and their families. My email address is if you would like to send me a brief email or to schedule an appointment. I check email every weekday. Homework and newsletters will be posted on the classroom website ( each week. Please feel free to call the office at 510-525-9484 5 if your concern is urgent, and I will return your call at the end of the school day. I am available after school if you would like to make an appointment to discuss your child’s progress. Third Grade Learning Expectations Religion Our Third Grade Religious education focuses on the Church as community: how Jesus gave us the Church, how the Church leads us in worship, and we are called to discipleship. In an effort to connect our Religion curriculum with the Church’s liturgical calendar, we will, at times, use our textbook out sequence. We will concentrate on being witnesses to God’s love through prayer, liturgy and service. The Third Grade will be responsible for preparing two liturgies. As a class, we will develop and implement a community service project to show we care about our community and live the gospel. We will also study Family Life as part of our Religion curriculum. As a Catholic teacher, I strive to live as Jesus teaches everyday and provide a Catholic role model for all students at St. Jerome Catholic School. Our textbooks are We Believe (Sadlier) and Family Life (Benzinger). As part of our Religion curriculum, we will have weekly lessons led by Communication Works. Communication Works is a program that teaches communication skills, self-regulation, and social skills. The overall goal of Communication Works is to empower students to control and improve their interactions with each other thereby creating a closer, more effective learning community. English Language Arts Our Third Grade English Language Arts program integrates oral language (listening comprehension and speaking), word study (vocabulary, phonics, and spelling) l reading (comprehension, and fluency), and language arts (writing and grammar). Our curriculum is a blend of literature and informational texts aligned with the Common Core Standards. Our textbook is California Treasures (MacMillan-McGraw-Hill). School-wide, St. Jerome uses the Step Up to Writing (SoprisWest) program. Our writing skills connect with every subject and will focus on note-taking, vocabulary building, sentence structure, developing outlines and graphic organizers for our (multiple) paragraph narrative and expository compositions, proofreading, revising and editing; writing responses to literature, persuasive letters and research reports about main concepts we are learning across the curriculum. 6 Mathematics Our Third Grade Mathematics program focuses on increasing students’ place value number sense up to 10,000, skills with addition and subtraction with larger numbers, multiplication and division concepts and facts, customary system units, and geometry. As the Common Core standards require deeper levels of students’ understanding and ability to apply concepts, we will approach Mathematics through hands-on learning, skill building and practice and problem solving. Our textbook is California Mathematics (Macmillan/McGraw Hill). Social Studies Our Third Grade Social Studies program explores how our nation is built of numerous communities and how those communities interact. We will participate in activities around the yearlong theme of communities. Students will learn about communities and geography, Native American communities, how communities change, communities at work and many communities, one nation. Social Studies offer a great opportunity for us to learn about the different cultures that help make our nation great. We will use literature, projects, in-class activities and field trips to supplement, extend and enrich our learning. Our textbook is California Communities (Macmillan/McGraw Hill). Science Our Third Grade Science program is multi-faceted. Third Grade students will learn about physical science (matter, energy and light), life science (adaptations in land and water environments and how people change the environment), Earth science (solar system). Students will also learn about investigation and experimentation (the scientific method) developing their own scientific questions and planning and conducting investigations based on evidence and thoughtful reasoning. Our textbook is California Science (MacMillan-McGraw Hill). We will have hands-on science activities that will allow students to use the scientific method in a practical way. Technology Technology is an important tool in preparing our students to be responsible and productive citizens. We will be using laptop computers frequently across the curriculum and the Smartboard every day. We will learn and develop basic skills including typing, cyber-safety and 7 enrichment activities. We will also use Internet resources to support and enrich the curriculums and provide research opportunities across the curriculum. Report Cards and Assessment of Common Core Standards This year, the Oakland Diocese will be implementing a Common Core Standards based report card designed to measure your child’s progress towards mastery of the Third Grade Common Core Standards. Student work falls into two general categories: Summative Assessment and Formative Assessment. Summative Assessment -Demonstrates mastery of a Common Core Standard (e.g. Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division) -Examples of summative assessments are tests, projects, reports, oral reports, presentations, research projects, etc. Formative Assessment - Demonstrates progress toward a Common Core Standard. -Examples of formative assessments are comprehension questions, note-taking, graphic organizers, vocabulary, chapter reviews, brainstorming activities, quizzes, journal entries --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please read the following statements and check off each statement that applies to your family: _____ My family has a computer at home that our student can use to complete homework assignments. _____ My family has a computer at home that has reliable Internet access. _____ My family has regular access to a printer that can be used to print homework assignments. Student name: _________________________________ Parent(s)/Guardian(s) name: __________________________________________________________ 8 Birthdays If your child’s birthday falls on a school day, you are welcome to bring in one small treat that is ready to serve. It can be a baked good or a special pencil or eraser. Please remember no nuts of any kind. As expressed in the Family Handbook, we cannot use our class time to host a birthday party or a pizza party. Thanks for understanding. Parents Thank you for choosing to send your child to St. Jerome Catholic School. You are an important part of your child’s education. I appreciate your support and involvement in your child’s education at home and in the classroom. There will be many volunteer opportunities for you to participate in the classroom and I am grateful for your cooperation. Please check the class webpage frequently for opportunities for you to be involved in our learning community. Please email me your response to the requests posted. I am confident that this classroom community will thrive and achieve academic success this school year. Let’s work together to make it happen! Ms. Laura T. O’Donnell Third Grade Teacher