Introduction Topics (Units, Mapping, Radiation)

Introduction Topics (Units,
Isoplething, Radiation)
Temperature Conversions
 Kelvin scale should be used in all formulas and
 Kelvin = Celsius + 273.15
 Celsius = (5/9)*(Fahrenheit – 32)
 Fahrenheit = [(9/5)*Celsius] + 32
Temperature Conversions (cont)
 Example: Convert 85oF to the Kelvin Scale.
Celsius = (5/9)*(Fahrenheit – 32)
= (5/9)*(85 – 32)
= 29.4oC
Kelvin = Celsius + 273.15
= 29.4 + 273.15
= 302.6 K
 Contouring to visualize
spatial data.
Isoplething Example
Inferences from Islopleths
 Clouds form where air rises
and dissipate where air
 Air is forced to rise when
blown into mountains and
sinks after cresting the
 With a westerly wind,
where do we expect to see
the most rain?
Radiation Basics
 The higher the temperature of an object, the more
energy it emits!
 Quantified by the Stefan-Boltzmann Law:
Energy Emitted = σ * Temperature4
σ = 0.0000000567 W/m2K4
 Everything with a temperature emits radiation.
Stefan Boltzmann Example
 A hot cup of coffee (35oC) is sitting outside. It absorbs 400 W/m2 of energy
from the sun. Is coffee getting warmer, getting colder, or keeping a
constant temperature.
Kelvin = Celsius + 273.15
= 35 + 273.15
= 308 K
Energy Emitted = σ * Temperature4
= (0.0000000567 W/m2K4) * (308 K)4
= 510 W/m2
So, what’s happening to the coffee?
Lab Assignment
1.1 (a, b)
1.7 (a, b, c)
1.10 (a, c, d, e)
2.1 (a, b, c)