Human Body Systems-an overview of Anatomy and Physiology-Notes The Nervous System • General info---• Controls and coordinates functions and ______________________________________________ • The messages carried by the nervous systems are electrical SIGNALS called_______________________. • These impulse carrying cells are called______________________. Responds to internal and external stimuli impulses neurons • 3 types according to direction: • ____________________from sense organs to spinal cord and brain • Motors neurons carry from brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands. • ______connect sensory and motor neurons and carry impulses between them Sensory neurons interneurons Typical nerve cell • Cell body-nucleus and cytoplasm • _______________-extensions that carry impulse from environment or other neurons to cell body • _________-long fiber carrying away from cell body • _____ contain neurotransmitter chemicals to transfer impulse • The myelin sheath is an insulating membrane dendrites axons Axon terminals • Nerves are made of a few to thousands of neurons • An impulse begins when the nerve is stimulated by the environment or other neurons • An _________results from a temporary influx of positive ions(Na+ ions in)-as impulse follows K+ ions flow out to restore to resting potential • ____________-location at which a neuron can transfer an impulse to another cell. Action potential synapse Divisions of Nervous System• Central nervous System relays messages,processes them and analyzes infobrain and spinal cord • CNS has 3 layers of connective tissue called ________________________ meninges • Fluid within meninges is called_________________________________ ________________CSF Cerebral spinal fluid BRAIN • ___________________________-largest and most prominent part of human brain-voluntary,conscious activities,intelligence,judgement,learning • Connecting hemisphere_________________________________________,one side controls opposite side of body,outer layer cerebral cortex-gray matter-packed nerve cell bodies ,CEREBRAL CORTEX-processes info from sense organs and control body movements/and inner layer-white matter (axons w/myelin sheaths)and controls connects cortex and brain stem cerebrum Corpus collasum • _________________-2nd largest region at back –coordinates and balances actions of muscles • ___________-connects brain and spinal cord-pons and medulla oblongata-neural “switch-boards’-controls blood pressure,heart rate,______________________ • The thalamus and hypothalamus---between brain stem and cerebrum-Thalamus receives receives info from sensory receptors and directs to cerebrum for processing/hypothalamus recognizes and analyzes hunger,thirst,fatigue,anger and body temperature and coordinates nervous and endocrine systems cerebellum Brain stem Breathing and swallowing • Spinal Cord-31 pairs of spinal nerves branching out • PNS-Peripheral Nervous System-outside CNS-sensory division takes impulses from sense organs to CNS and ______________________________-takes impulses from CNS to muscles or glands • _______________________Nervous System-activities under conscious control • Autonomic NS regulates automatic or involuntary response…..Sympathetic system increase ,for example ,heart rate while parasympathetic decreases heart rate Motor division sympathetic SKELETAL SYSTEM• General info• Functions in protection,movement and mineral reserves,blood cell formation • ______________adult bones • Axial and _____________________ skeleton 206 appendicular • Bones are solid network of living cells and protein fibers surrounded by calcium salts • ____________________-tough connective tissue surrounding bone • Haversion canals contain blood vessels and nerves • _________________-mature bone cells • ________________-break done bone • _____________________produce bone perioste um osteocytes osteoclasts osteoblasts • 3 types of joints-immovable,slightly movable and freely movable • _________________________--hold bones together in a joint ligaments MUSCULAR SYSTEM_ • Skeletal,smooth and cardiac • Proteins myosin and _________________control contractions • Fueled by ATP • Neurotransmitter _____________________controls muscle innervations • __________________-attach muscle to bones actin acetylcholine tendons THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM- • General info-skin,hair nails,some glands and body coverings • ______________--barrier against infection and injury,helps regulate body temp,remove waste and some protection from UV rays • Skin has 2 layers:_______________ which has an outer dead layer,living cells below with keratin-,melanin producing cells and _______________which contains collagen,blood vessels,nerve endings,glands(sweat and sebaceous glands),sensory receptors,smooth muscles and hair • Follicles-below dermis is subcutaneous fatty tissue and loose connective tissue skin epidermis dermis CIRCULATORY SYSTEM- • Heart and blood vessels • Heart is a muscle called ______________________________ • Surrounded by protective tissue called ____________________________________ • Average contractions 72 beats /min • 4 chambered 2 upper atria and 2 lower ventricles/septum to prevent mixing of O2 rich and O2 poor blood myocardium pericardium • Right side pumps from heart to lungs_______________________ and left side to rest of body_____________ • Circulation through heart-blood enters heart through left and right atria,contracts,then out ventricles to body or lungs • ____________________-flaps preventing backflow Pulmonary circulation Systemic circulation valves • ________________________carry O2 rich blood from heart to tissues(with exception of pulmonary artery) • ________________________________-smallest vessels responsible for gas diffusion and transport of nutrients • ___________________-returns O2 poor blood to heart • Blood pressure- :Systolic-force felt in arteries when ventricles contract =120/80 • Diastolic-force of blood felt in arteries when ventricles relax arteries capillaries veins • BLOOD_ • RBC’s (5 mill/1 milliter)transport O2 w/ hemoglobin,old red blood cells disposed in liver and spleen • WBC’s much lesser in #-guard against infection,lymphocytes produce antibodies • ______________-enable blood clotting platelets • Lymphatic System-network of vessels,nodes and organs that collect fluid lost by blood________________________-and return it to circulatory system-filtering out bacteria ,etc. and absorb nutrients-includes thymus and spleen lymph • RESPIRATORY SYSTEM • Process of gas exchange • Bring exchange of O2 and CO2 between blood,air and tissues • DIGESTIVE SYSTEM• Mouth-mastication-chewing and chemical break down with ________________________ • Esophagus-with muscular action food passes from mouth down to stomach • Stomach-Chemically HCl activates ___________________-digestive enzyme • Mechanically stomach churns and mixes fluids and foods into ____________________ and then empties into small intestine • Small intestine-1st-_______________________ where almost all digestive enzymes enter-mix w/fluids from pancreas(an accessory digestive gland) and liver-bile disperses fat/then jejunum and illium-all main function absorption of nutrients • Next large intestine-minus chyme-functions in removing water from what is left • Next rectum pepsin Salivary amylase chyme duodenum EXCRETORY SYSTEM- • Remove waste from blood,maintain pH in blood,regulate water and blood volume • Kidney-functional units are___________________________each with its own blood supply-impurities are filtered out and enter collecting duct,purified blood exits • _________________capillaries encased by bowman’s capsule-their filtrate enters-water,urea,glucose,salts,amino acids and vitamins-much renters blood • Remaining material is _________________(inc. urea,salts and water)-collects in loop of Henle,where water is conserved and urine goes into bladder and out _______________• nephrons glomerulus urine urethra